An Overview to Sublime Text Plugins for JavaScript Developers

in sublimetextplugins •  7 years ago 

Every JavaScript developer uses different tools that have a special setup. Nowadays, developers prefer using Sublime Text due to its unmatchable speed, rich plugin environment, and simplicity plus cross-platform quality. In this article, we have discussed best sublime text plugins that are adored by JavaScript developers. Once you are familiar with these plugins, there are many websites to practice coding for better understanding and practice.

  1. Package Control: It is the first and most important sublime text plugins. Installation of package control enables developers to easily update or remove packages/plugins from the sublime text. You must install it on high priority because, without it, installation or removal of packages or plugins becomes hectic and difficult.

  2. Emmet: It works for HTML and CSS creations and authorizes developers to use snippets. It enables the users to write long valid tags, nested elements, and whole page templets in just one easy step. Although it comes with fewer features, yet it is simple to use.

  3. Sublime Linter: It is one of the most used linters that provide intense flexibility and usability for users. It allows the user to write a bug-free code and validates the style and syntax based on configuration file. The developer needs to install different plugins for each language to be coded as sublime linter itself acts as a base framework for linting.

  4. Babble: Babble is one of the top trending plugins and best JavaScript compiler. It is recommended to set it as default syntax because it allows developers to add proper syntax definitions to ES6 JavaScript and React JSX code.

  5. Git Gutter: This sublime text plugin enables you to perform a variety of commands such as copying the content, reverting the changes in Git, jumping to next or previous change etc. It has special features like Gutter Icons, Diff Popups, Status Bar Text and more.

  6. Bracket Highlighter: As the name suggests, the main function of this plugin is to highlight brackets in the code. Not only this, it enables the developers to maintain sanity by authorizing them to add in cutter icons and color coding to the matching bracket, brace, parenthesis, or any tag.

  7. Sidebar Enhancements: This plugin validates a developer to choose options like delete or "move to thrash", "an open with”, copy the content of a file and also provides a host of search operations. It brings a sensible approach to navigate and manipulate project files in JavaScript.

The sublime text plugins are not only limited to these. There are tons of more plugins that can be installed and used by JavaScript developers and programmers. You can learn more about these plugins and their use on online coding practice sites.

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