
in substance •  4 months ago 

160M+ registered voter. 100M+ could vote Trump. 30M+ Anti-Trump votes. They're trying to flip millions of votes from red to blue through a variety of means including the Dominion voting machines, burning ballot boxes, double counting, illegals voting, dead people.

How many registered voters are there in America right now for the 2024 General Election between Trump and Harris? I tried to do a simple Google search and cannot seem to get a clear answer to what should be a simple question. So, what's the deal?

Rain. Tomatoes. Stress. Fight. Videos: RV video, DMs open, add me on Discord at joeyarnoldvn. Watched: Cobra Cast - Vote Trump To Save America, Patrick Bet-David on Piers Morgan: The "DARK Strategy" for Taking Trump Down, Substance (2023 horror film), RSBN - LIVE: President Trump Holds a Rally in Gastonia, NC - 11/2/24, Nerdrotics - Woke Hollywood Collapse, Agatha Farts in the Wind - Friday Night Tights 326 w/ Baggage Claim, Savvy, War Room on Bitchute - ELECTION SHENANIGANS: Voting Issues In WI, PA, While GA Continues Record Turn-Out, Fox News - Team Trump Women’s Tour featuring Lara Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Sarah Sanders and others


Screenshot at 2024-11-02 20-14-57.png
Women talk Trump

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-11-02 - Saturday | Published in November of 2024


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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

12:35 AM
Why they give Trump bad microphones? Hire me. First Tim Pool can't get good tech staff and now Trump is left hanging blowing out his arms and throat trying to hold the mic, RFK Jr, Trump is 100%

02:07 AM
How many registered voters are there in America right now for the 2024 General Election between Trump and Harris? I tried to do a simple Google search and cannot seem to get a clear answer to what should be a simple question. So, what's the deal?

02:17 AM
Best part was when Jeremy of Cobra Cast showed a powerful Snake Pit edit of Infowars Alex Jones saluting the global great awakening against the great reset as probably over 100 million Americans vote Trump. 2022 had like a total of 161.42M voters.

06:23 PM
160M+ registered voter
100M+ could vote Trump
30M+ Anti-Trump votes

They're trying to flip millions of votes from red to blue through a variety of means including the Dominion voting machines, burning ballot boxes, double counting, illegals voting, dead people

07:52 PM
We want to make sure every single legal vote in the 2024 General Election is counted but only counted one time whether it's for Harris or Trump, we want to minimize on how many ballots are flipped from red to blue.

08:00 PM
Vote Trump. Democrats are trying to steal thousands if not millions of votes per state, could be hundreds of votes per county on average or more. But the good news is people are watching as ballot boxes are caught on fire in Portland, Oregon.

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2024-11-02 - Saturday - 03:00 AM - The Substance, Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley, Dennis Quaid

Celebrity wanted immortality especially after a car accident. She is a fitness star. The producers want a younger girl. Doctor nurse hands Demi Moore a product called The Substance. So, she takes it which causes her to give birth to a younger version of her. She basically had a baby but more like a clone. But somehow the clone can only last for a week at a time. So there is a cycle where the two have to trade places. It seems the clone has memories of the original older self. They have to take care of each other. It seems what one does effects the other side. Not totally sure how that works. The older self ate a lot but wanted the younger self to win. But then the younger self killed the older version it seems after the older self was about to terminate her. The older self gave her a reboot substance after the termination substance. That is when she killed her. And then it seemed the younger self was free as the older self was dead. But then it turned out that she was dying. So she then took a substance to like have a baby or clone too. So the clone of the clone was a monster with two heads. The second head was on the back and it looked as if it was the older self resurrected. So this second clone put on a mask pretending to be Sue. She got on stage to perform the New Years thing. But then people saw she was a monster. They attacked. She spat blood. The second head crawled to the original woman's Hollywood star where she eventually turned into a puddle. The end. But there was a question in my mind, I wondered if Demi was a clone too making the second clone actually the third or fourth clone. Like the Matrix, there were previous versions of the simulation and of Neo. I wondered if it happened many times. It seems there were many clones as referenced were made regarding people with boobs and body parts in the wrong places. I wasn't exactly trying to watch it but I was attracted to Margaret and I stuck around for the plot which is a window into how the elite try very hard to be immortal.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this nora page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed 06:20 AM. I got up at 11:30 AM. Added beach towel under deer. I mentioned a red drop yesterday night. This morning like another small drop. RV video, DMs open, add me on Discord at joeyarnoldvn. Helped mom open up the caner as she is canning glass jars. She often has me open the caner. She cans a few days a week sometimes. Not every week. Maybe a few weeks some months. Sort of random since 2018 that I have been here. Random times. Usually in spurts of a few at a time. So maybe a over a dozen times or separate days each year of like canning like stuff is what mom would do on average maybe is my guess. Breakfast: 12:00 PM. Lunch: 01:10 PM. Tomatoes. Rain. Sean in the big garage getting some things. Yum. Dishes. RV video about a group called Oatmeal World. Mom was moody but it was a tough day as Larry was running around. She was worried. She was frustrated. She said he doesn't always explain what he is doing making it tough to make time to help him as she is already busy with other projects. Mom was stressed. So we fought a little. I said to her crazy. Okay. Compost. Usual chores. Back here at 05:40 PM after about two hours or longer of chores. Dinner: 06:05 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, apple, Breakfast: 12:00 PM. Lunch: sunny side up egg, 01:10 PM. Dinner: meat beans stew soup was hot and delicious, 06:05 PM. Tea. ChinhPham0394: Son Class 0220: 2024-11-02 - Saturday - 10:31 PM. 1. Pages 42-43: Mary Had a Little Lamb. Physics book, pages 10-11, Energy. Chemistry 10, Solutions. Biology book: medical 10-11. Acquire, buy, get. Accuse, blame. Fetch, get. Violent, hitting or yelling. Discussed, talked about. Medical book, page 10, typo, on number 1, letter A, it said joins but probably should say joints. Diagnosis. Physiotherapists. Axolotl.

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