in success •  7 years ago 

Be unique, be different and always be happy, always in harmony with your soul. Do the work every other person in your chosen career do, but in a different and nice way, in a unique and modern way, in a way that it won't disturb the way of the other man's life. Always try to make things better for yourself and conducive for others. Hate no man, fear no man, but love everyone.
Always be in peace with your soul and trouble not anyone. Always try to make your superiors love you: Make them offers they can't refuse, by simply offering them the best of your services. Disregard no one and understand that everyone is a classroom.
Moral principles are my code to success. All I give to my parents are good conduct and obeisance, even when they couldn’t understand me. My mum gives me encouragement and good examples. Just like Thomas Alva Edison and S.B Fuller’s mothers gave them when they needed it most. My wife gives me a caring heart, just like Edison and Author Nathaniel Hawthornes’ wives gave them when it was most needed. All I give my wife is honesty, courage, and understanding. All I give to my boss are efficiency and faithfulness. All I give to my subordinates are motivation, inspiration and encouragement. All I give to humanity is charity. All I give to my opponents are hard work and tolerance. All I give to my opponents are hard work and tolerance. All I give to my enemies is forgiveness. To crown it all, I give my Creator devotion and prayers.
History thought me that no man is perfect, so I always try to guide myself with continuous learning in order not to easily fall prey again to one monster called IGNORANCE. I am the most comfortable man because I am the happiest man. ‘Happiness is the real secret to success.
Remember, wisdom, happiness, peace of mind and success never run out in this wonderful world. They can only be yours only if you seek them.

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