Want to fly? Give up whats holding you down!

in success •  7 years ago 

We all have dreams. We all have goals. We all want to reach the top. Its not enough to just want these things though. We need to have an overwhelming desire to achieve them. When you want something, thats all it ever is. Wanting something. When you desire something, you're ready to sacrifice whatever it takes to make it happen.

One of the major reasons average people aren't able to soar with the superstars is average people focus too much energy on things that aren't lifting them up. If you arent where you want to be and it feels like you're further from your destination than you should be, its time to start examining the little thing you do day to day.

If youre gonna make fly to the top, its time to cur the excess baggage immeadiatly. How may hours per day do you watch tv or netflix? Replace that time with studying subjects thay will aid your passion. Are you in bed early and up early? I start everyday by 6am and accomplish more before noon than most people do all day. That means from noon on, I'm distancing myself from the pack of average people. Last but not least, is your diet putting you in a position to fly? Its hard to stay energized and focused when you're feeling drained. Cut the junk food and fast food from your diet and replace it with fruits and home cooked meals. In a matter of days you'll feel lile a whole new beast.

Cutting lose of the dead weight may sound hard. Thats because it probably is hard. However, the great thing about dead weight is thay its not going anywhere. If you decide flying isnt for you, netflix, late nights, and junk food will still be there. For now though, lets focus on flying. See ya at the top.

-Andrew Sayles

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