Are you a Success Junkie

in success •  7 years ago 


You may have noticed by now that a lot of my posts focus on a healthy mind/body/spirit. In this case it must sound odd to have SUCCESS AND JUNKIE in the same sentence. Below is an outline of how complete and utter focus on success can ruin your life in every single area without you realizing it is even happening as it sneaks up on you. Below is my personal experience.

My ex-husband had the best of intentions when he started his own business way back when. We had three children of a variation of ages. When the business started up the shift from family and friends to OBSSESIVE WORK was gradual but very soon the traveling became more, the emergency situations that would come up while we sat down for dinner and he was gone and I could see the disappointment on my children's faces, the lack of interest in anything me or the kids where saying or doing as his mind was elsewhere. He did not notice that when he was home the little one would walk around him to come to me to tie her shoes. Long story short he did become very very successful and the company became very big and there was lots of Success which goes hand and hand with Money. But by then our family was broken he no longer fit. We had all detached from him the only thing he provided was money. Sad but true. The point is success is wonderful definitely for sure but it must be done with moderation. For life to be healthy and complete you must,love,work, laugh, dance, travel, learn the list goes on and on but all with moderation. Hope you enjoyed this post and if helps give you some awareness before there is a cause and effort.

For some, success is reaching the top rung of the ladder in an organization. For others, it is the accumulation of property or being able to achieve your dreams. However, at some point in life, all of us would like to settle down and relax. Unfortunately, not all of us are fortunate enough to relax and chill out – not even if you are successful. You might have noticed that success has the capability of ruining one’s life. There is much more to life and to live happily, each aspect needs to be enjoyed and lived.

How Success Can Ruin Your Life

Have you not found yourself compromising some of your happy moments for your work in order to be successful? Success, at times, forces you to give priority to work while personal or family life takes a back seat. In a way, success ruins life. Take a look at these points that show how success ruins life

Less family time: When workload increases in office, your family becomes secondary. Office matters become more important while family matters are put on hold. This can create barriers in family relationships. Stranger in family: With success, come more work. The more work you do, further you go from your family. You will soon find yourself as a stranger within the family. What is your child’s favourite cartoon character, what toy he/she likes the best, what is happening in your child's school – these are things that you won't even know as you would be busy building your success.

Less leisure time: You are successful and earning well, but do you get time to sit back and relax. When you do not get to rest and relax, you realise how success ruins life. Things may look glittery and glossy from a distance but living that life becomes a little too tiring, mentally and physically. Never ending work: The mobile phone is one big factor to show how success ruins life. There was a time when you left office and reached home free from work. Time at home was your time with family. With the advent of mobile phones and laptops, you are always carrying work with you and this work never ends. Missing out small occasions: It could be a small family get-together, a child’s birthday, a small celebration or just an informal gathering. If you are too busy, you will never be able to attend a function. Office matters take up all your time.

Distanced from friends: When was the last time you spent time with friends –went out for a movie, dined together or just got together for a light moment? You hardly remember it. What could one say more about how success ruins life?

False relationship: There may be professional acquaintances who are very important from your work. Personally, you may not like them much but you need to maintain a good relationship with them. These are false and forced relationships that have to be maintained. Everything comes at a cost, even success. It depends upon us how we define success. If it means compromising with your own life, then you should give it a thought. But if you are happy with the way things are going, then you are lucky.

Enjoy your life!

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