5 Powerful Tools For Success I Learned From "Think & Grow Rich"

in success •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Have you ever read the book "Think & Grow Rich" from Napoleon Hill? If not, and you want to find success in life, you should.

Written all the way back in 1937, it is often considered the first true 'self-help' book of the modern age. Yes, even though it was written all those years ago, the information inside it is as relevant as ever. Heck, even Tony Robbins used a lot of the information in the book in his early career.

Yes, a lot of the personal examples of success are old but just because they happened so long ago doesn't decrease the achievements. Plus, history comes around in circles. You can learn a lot by studying the past.

I want to share with you the top five things I learned from reading Think and Grow Rich. If you want a free PDF version of the book, go to this link.

5 Powerful Tools That Can Help You Build the Success You Dream Of

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Although success is a relative term since each one of us defines it differently, nonetheless, it is something all of us yearn for. All of us want to be successful at one thing or the other and one type of success that most of us desire for is ‘financial success and independence.’

Don’t you want to be financially strong and independent to the extent that you don’t have to check your account each time you wish to make a purchase, go on a vacation or do anything you want?

Don’t you wish you did not have to live from one paycheck to another and had enough wealth to support and fund your wants?

Of course, you want that. Not only does wealth and abundance make it easier for you to fulfill all your wishes and wants, but it also makes it easier for you to make a positive contribution to the society, spend more time with loved ones and help others in need.

Fortunately, you can achieve that and a lot more by simply employing 5 important tools. Yes, you read that right- there are 5 truly remarkable tools which if you make the right use of can help you unleash your true potential, make you the best version of yourself and allow you to draw towards you unimaginable success, prosperity, and abundance. Without further ado, let us move on to find out and discuss those 5 tools.

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Tool 1 - Burning Desire- You Must Have a Burning Desire for What You Want

To achieve success, you need to become success conscious. You need to be convinced that you are capable of achieving the success you wish to have and you need to nurture an extremely strong, compelling and burning desire for what you want the most. Your burning desire is the precise tool that helps magnetize your mind with an incredibly intense desire for riches. When you want something with an intense passion that does not let you sleep or rest until the time you have acquired it, you keep moving forward.

If you don’t believe in the power of having a burning desire yet, you will so after going through the following story.

Edwin C. Barnes was an ordinary man, in fact, a tramp who had no value or the financial independence he needed to live an extraordinary life. However, he did have with him the first tool to carve the success he wanted to actualize. He had a burning desire bubbling inside him and that desire wasn’t letting him rest at all. He had a desire to work with Thomas Edison and it was a desire that was laughed upon by many but did Mr. Barnes doubt it: not for even a second. He was passionate about working for Edison and when he realized he could not make do without this, he set on a journey to meet his idol. When he knocked Edison’s door, Edison wasn’t too surprised to see him but was surprised when he heard Barnes tell him he wished to be his business partner one day and was ready to do everything Edison would command him to. Edison did take him but only because he saw in Barnes’ eyes a spark which showed his determination and which showed Edison that Barnes would not back out until he had what he desired.

For 5 excruciating years, Barnes worked as an intern for Edison and then came his opportunity towards success which at that time was disguised as an obstacle. Edison had created his ‘Edison Dictating Machine’ which he wanted to sell but all his business associates and salesmen selling his existing products had told him doing so wasn’t possible. Barnes decided he would sell that product and eventually did make a sale. There was no looking back for Barnes since then and he made Edison’s dictating machine quite a huge hit. Edison made Barnes his business partner and together Barnes and Edison made quite a successful partnership.

It was Barnes’ burning desire that he nurtured that made him actualize the success he dreamt of the day in and day out. Had he not nurture that desire, it is quite likely he would have forever stayed a tramp.

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Tool 2 - Belief- You Must Believe in that Desire

Once you nurture a strong desire for what you wish to achieve, you need to strongly believe in its power to manifest it for real. A major reason most of us fail to accumulate riches is because we fail to believe that we are indeed the masters of our soul and the ultimate creators of our destiny. When we don’t believe that we have the power to create our present and future the way we want, we succumb to whatever is given to us.

Believing in your burning desire for something is crucial to bring that thing towards you. You need to see what you want in your mind’s eye before actually objectifying it. Unless you believe that you are capable of achieving something and believe that you have acquired it, you will keep doubting yourself and will keep surrendering to the obstacles you encounter along the way.

Faith is the starting point of achieving all your goals and it is this tool that you need to combine with your burning desire to create the third tool.

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Tool 3 - Auto-Suggestion- You Need to Apply the Principle of Auto-Suggestion

Auto-suggestion is the subconscious or hypnotic adoption of a belief or idea that you have originated on your own. Your subconscious mind possesses an unimaginable power which if you tap into and employ, you can achieve all your goals. Auto-suggestion is that tool which allows you to exercise that amazing power. Through auto-suggestion, you can channelize that power and make your subconscious mind believe that you can achieve your burning desire. To do that, you need to follow this 6 step process.

Think of the exact amount of money you want to accumulate. It should not be an abstract quantity such as ‘plenty’ or ‘large sum’ but must be specific so you know exactly the amount of money you want. For instance, if you want to earn $200,000 in a year, fix that amount in your mind.

Secondly, think of the services you are willing to give in return for that amount of money. You need to give something to get something in return so figure out what you can offer in return for that success you want. For that, think of your talents, strengths and past accomplishments to come up with the qualities, skills or talents you can use to become successful.

Thirdly, think of a time when you would want to have that success. For instance, if you wish to have $50,000 in a year, set that as your deadline.

Build a plan to fulfill your desire and act on it immediately even if you are unsure of this plan.

Write a clear, concise statement that describes your goal followed by its deadline, the service you can offer in exchange for it and the plan you want to execute to achieve this goal.

Read this statement out loudly once in the morning and once before going to bed to awaken the power of your subconscious mind.

Do this daily and believe in each and every word of the statement and trust me, in some time, you will start moving towards your goal. In addition, employ the next two tools to fulfill your mission.

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Tool 4 - Specialized Knowledge and Creative Imagination- You Must Possess and Nurture both

The fourth tool you need is to have specialized knowledge in the field you wish to use to achieve your goal. Whatever it is that you wish to offer in return for the riches you desire, you need to be specialized in it. You need to be extremely knowledgeable in the field and you need to have in-depth knowledge of that field so you can employ that knowledge to the best of your abilities to service the people who can help you achieve your goal.

Being knowledgeable does not mean you must have school or college education to prove your intelligence. To become knowledgeable, you need to have education and to be educated, you need not bound yourself to get a college degree. Henry Ford only studied in school until the 6th grade. Edison studied in school for a mere 3 months only. If education was the criterion for being successful, these two would not have been successful ever. You need to be educated to be successful and education can be acquired through self-study, spending time in public libraries, reading books and listening to lectures by successful people and by employing the 5th tool.

In addition, you need to use your imagination to come up with something truly unique and novel to achieve your goal. Your imagination gives your desire the shape and form it needs to help you achieve what you aspire for. There are two types of imagination: synthetic and creative. Synthetic imagination refers to re-arranging old concepts and existing ideas into some new combination. As opposed to this, creative imagination refers to drawing the power of the infinite intelligence (power of the universe) to come up with something truly unique.

You see, people are always willing to pay more and go the extra mile for something fresh, exciting and different. If you were shown two devices and were told that the second one could help you see the future but costed about $100 more than the first device, you would quite likely be willing to pay $100 more for the second device mainly because it has a special feature the first one does not.

If you analyze the example of Barnes, you will see that he too became specialized in the field of selling things and then offered the world a special product in the shape of Edison’s dictating machine and sold it creatively to fulfill his wishes.

So whatever it is that you wish to achieve, educate yourself in it and then tap into your creative imagination to come up with an idea and plan that can help you unlock that success and manifest your burning desire.

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Tool 5 - Master Mind Alliance- Create a Master Mind Alliance to Achieve Your Goal

Lastly, you need the support of a mastermind alliance to achieve whatever it is you desperately want. A mastermind alliance is a group of people who are either aspiring to achieve success in the same field as you or even in a different field and are willing to lend each other support. It is best if your mastermind alliance comprises of people who are more successful than you so you can benefit from their experiences.

To make your mastermind alliance, look for people in your field who are either more successful or at the same level as you and then have regular meetings with them to benefit from their experience. (I have my Steemit mastermind group -
you know who you are!) This will help you come across new ideas, different experiences and different strategies to battle obstacles to achieve your goal.

If you employ these 5 tools and believe in their power as you use them, you will start drawing success towards you. It may take you time to achieve what you want depending on the nature of your goal but you will accomplish it- you just need to believe in yourself and utilize these 5 tools.

Oh, and make time to read this book!

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I think i will have to read it. I like where this is coming from and can see how it would apply to a lot of the people on steemit.
For me i never wanted to be rich but instead to be able to live comfortably without worrying about money and maintain a good quality of life. Im planning that by building myself to a certain level on steemit and good investing in crypto to be able to achieve this.

Good plan - Steemit has changed my life and if anyone applies the principles of this book towards Steemit, I am sure they will achieve success.

Dude! I wrote my own cliff notes version of this book when I was in my early twenties. Such good info I learned from Think and Grow Rich.

I Agree!!!

Fantastic Book by Napoleon Hill, one of my all-time favourites. The principles contained in the book are excellent for focusing on achieving goals. Timeless words of wisdom that will continue to inspire and motivate. A must read for all :)

Good educational information should be shared so your post has been Upvoted and Resteemed. Hope more people get to read your blog.

Thanks @creativo

It's a pleasure. Thank you for posting such great content with so much information :)

I love this post. I read this book a long time ago, and it is nice to be reminded of it from time to time. I even wrote a poem called Autosuggestion applying that principle to my whole life (not just in terms of success). Have you ever listened to Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret" ? It is totally in line with everything Napoleon Hill is about.

Thanks for this post today! Seriously.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading that book, will have to check it out.

You're welcome! :D

wauhh...i have actually finished reading a book of Stephen covey '' seven habit of highly successful people'' for my second time. i do always try to reach my goals but sometimes fail. three years back, i started an agricultural project where i was planting cabbages, tomatoes and eggplant in a 4 acre land. it was not easy for me as i could sometimes forget or get involved in other things.
sometimes it takes long as in agricultural products where you have to wait for 4 to 6 month to harvest. it always require hard work such as purchasing the right seed variety, preparing the nursery bed, digging either manually or using the tracter, slashing, ......
i do admit that i failed to resist due to climate changes which brought drought but i do believe that there is always place for renew and change. i'm actually thinking on ways to start digging and planting even during dry season but does require to much effort and finances.

i am just starting to read the book and do appreciate your effort in providing the PDF.

Reaching and failing is far better than not attempting it at all.


I live in the desert here in Arizona, so I know all about difficult agriculture. I LOVE to have a backyard garden, but it is very costly here and the vegetables are cheap from Mexico - so I don't.

One day I will live where the soil is better and the land is greener because there is rain. Then I will garden. So what I mean is sometimes it is better to do something else that improves your life, instead of fighting bad conditions.

True I believe the opportunity lies in our eyes. Everywhere has opportunity but someone needs to position himself in the right place to find that opportunity. Even Arizan can become a place from which you testify.

Indeed sometimes it is better to improve your life than fighting bad conditions

Makes sense to me, thanks for sharing!

yeah... true. thanks for sharing

I want to read the book "Think & Grow Rich". I know "Napoleon Hill" is a great motivational writer. I think it will be the life changing book. Thanks for sharing such a exclusive post @getonthetrain

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Awesome thank you for sharing! Did you know that this book was based on The Science of Getting Rich (1910)? This video explains it a little about it, pretty amazing!

Cool vid man, I've added the book to my reading list - thanks!

Thank you for your kind words. Hey are you on FB, can I add you? I think we have mutual interests.

The first 3 points prove the importance of having a proper mentality when reaching for our goals. The most important thing in order to have success is to have our mind totally focused on our goals, if our thoughts are aligned then our actions will be aligned too. And we will be closer and closer to our goals.

This was a formative book for me and I have a worn copy on my bookshelf. Excellent summary.

I'm sure you have read, The Richest Man in Babylon? That's another classic that was equally as impactful for me.

I haven't "read" it but I often listen to the audiobook in the background while I write Steemit posts :-P

It is an excellent book as well.

Thank you @getonthetrain I needed this little pick me UP that you posted. I will have a Very Positive Saturday....................

Amazing Book. The Section on Sexual Transmutation is LIFE CHANGING! For Those who want o know what excatly that means, look into Tantric Yoga Practices and Buddhists Celibacy. Its all to do with Conserving and using your energy in a more effecient manner. Amazing Resource of Information!

I've read that book a long time ago. Very easy to read! I need to read it again.

Thank you.. will find an audiobook and listen to it.

I just read that book a month ago and it's priceless! :D

thanks,very nice

thanks very good :)

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Nice post! I follow you =)

Tool 5 is very very important, great book