A Story Of The 97.5%

in success •  6 years ago 

I had an interesting call today...

One of my best friends in the world got in touch with me and then hit me with this bombshell...

"I wanna start an online business...!"

I've heard this from friends and relatives for almost two decades now, mostly because they know I've been building businesses online for the same amount of time. But I also hear it day in and day out, in the trenches...

And it's understandable.

There are so many opportunities out there and now combined with everything going on in the blockchain space...The world is literally changing in front of us!

But when my friend stated he wanted to build an online business...I cringed.

Not that my friend wouldn't be a fantastic online entrepreneur, he's one of the hardest working dudes I know...But because I could do 1 of two things...

I could say....For sure man, you can do it! Go all in!

Or say - You can do this man, but let me be honest with you....97.5% of people that start an online business...Usually give up or fail within the first year.

So I did a combination of both....

The conversation went like this...

"I have to tell you man, I hear this all the time from people that are super excited about building an online business. They will hear the stats about the huge percentage that fail, but convince themselves they are different. They have confidence in their ability to build something and stick to it...Long after their competitors have given up!" - Me

"Yeah man, I know it's going to take years. But if I start at this now, and be a sponge for the first year...I'll be able to start making some money in year 2..." - Friend

"You could...But there is no guarantee. Check out this guy Roberto Blake on social media. He talks about content creation and how it takes about 100 piece of content to even get replies and comments...And then another 1000 before you start seeing any traction on the money side of things....." - Me

"Oh no doubt...I'm thinking long term here!" - Friend

"I don't doubt it, but I'm warning you man...Everyone says they are in it for the long haul..And then 3-4 months go by and they aren't seeing any results. Instead of pushing forward, they give up..." - Me

This is a conversation I have...Almost weekly in my online business!

Everyone SAYS they are in it for the long haul...But are you?

Sometimes I feel like I just need to go with that first option above....

Just tell people..They can do it, go all in, don't listen to the naysayers.....

However that would be misleading. Because here's the truth in my opinion when it comes to building businesses online.

1. It's going to be a lot of work!

2. It's going to cost time, money and sacrifice.

3. Your competition will be forever trying to 'beat you' by improving.

4. You need to embrace new technology to maintain and grow your market position.

5. You MUST be consistent!

6. You CAN achieve greatness. Just be honest with yourself about how long it'll take.

7. And no one knows how long it will take...

Can anyone build a business online?

Absolutely. If they humble themselves and learn the right techniques and grow everyday...For sure!

However if they expect instant riches. A timeline that they determine. And a smooth path towards success....

Well.....I'd say welcome to the 97.5%


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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://plus1daily.com/a-story-of-the-97-5/

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There are not magics every business need a lot of efforts and sad to see that many people don't understand it

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed. t's not the easiest thing to hear because effort isn't something people wanna put into businesses online lol

Make sure to warn him about getting to comfortable about his business at any time as it can be gone and you have to start all over again, and as you well know that can happen at the drop of a hat. I grew mine and then snap it was gone, had to start all over but you just keep at it and you will be back on top again.

ha ha ha so true. the great paypal adventure lol

Posted using Partiko iOS

I had a similar discussion with my brother but it was the other way around. He is living in Thailand but is not allowed to work in the real economy. I tried to show him way to earn online.

When you live in a low salary country it is easier to make a living on the internet simply because you need less to live. I tried to show him the potential of steem and cryptos. I failed and it taught me a lesson. Running an online business is by far not for everybody.

Posted using Partiko Android

that’s a great point. entrepreneurs are a weird breed. we bust our tails for the chance to create something. yet there is no guarantee we will. not everyone has that risk in them.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is a piss-poor comparison, the worst example anyone could think of to use here but here I go as usual sharing it in public!

There are naysayers all the time I hear saying that earning from crypto faucets aren't even worth the time it takes to type an address in the omnibar. This saddens me because it's usually in response to some newbie who's asking Are faucets a viable way to earn an income? and people just straight up tell them it's useless and to not even give it a second thought. It already irks me when people who are being looked at to provide information try to misdirect someone's ideas/thoughts in a way which could make them not even try to pursue it, solely based on the negative experience the responded had.. Little do they know their bad experience was due to their impatience and lack of motivation.

I won't say faucets will pay the bills or that one could trade daily faucet grinding for a full time job, but I will say that faucets can be a very substantial way of earning crypto (totally free crypto by the way, every satoshi being a profit). Starting out with 0.00000000 and watching it increase by 28 sat a day can be de-motivating though, and the first 14 days become the crucial make or break point, but after those first weeks you get to slowly see the accumulation build up and then that starts to fuel you with motivation! Before you know it, you're selling $70 worth of BTC on paxful and placing real-money bets in an online casino using crypto!

Then you start to supplement that free faucet coins with various other methods of free earning (blogging, games, bounties, tips etc) and before you know it your foot is in the door and you're starting to build your tent up in the corners of the cryptosphere!

Never investing any fiat in your crypto collection I think gives some a slightly different outlook on it's value too.. and my goal was always to earn crypto to pad my entertainment fund - now I am able to have a lot of fun that I could never have before due to being completely broke on the fiat front!

But I went way off topic here.. but my point was many people jump into things too quickly and don't have the rational to see that they aren't the type of person that can pull it off. Everyone thinks they are motivated, nobody thinks they are really looking to get rich quick and think they have the patience to pursue their dreams.. but you're right, 97.5% of people need to wake the truck up and realise they are their biggest hurdle in life.

I realy loved your comment. About 3 years ago I started claiming from faucets. Everybody around me made fun of me because I was wasting my time. 3 years later I have seversl thousand dollars worth in crypt without ever having invested any fiat.

I started claiming from faucets. Then run my own ones. I went into affiliate marketing and blogging. What I like about faucets is that the only thing you need is time. You don't need to invest anything to start earning.

Best regards

Posted using Partiko Android

I love your comment too!! This is the exact story of me, except I am still within my first year, but still doing faucets daily! I may not play games everyday or may go on hiatus from my blog for awhile, but there is not a day that I'm not claiming from a faucet!

I used to think I was alone and wondered if I was being foolish advocating for people to use faucets more; I don't feel so bad now!

Even after 3 years I'm still claiming from some faucets every day. I'm even running a list of the best paying sites. Maybe there is a site that you don't know yet:

Best regards,

You hit the nail on the head....

You keep doing this stuff, even if it seems small...Before you know it, you have stacked enough crypto to play around with it.

That's the big reason I want so bad for my community to come on board and start blogging and start creating every day....The more they do, the better the results will be down the road.

On or offline building any sort of venture is fraught with challenges... most of which stem from the entrepreneur. Having the discipline to be consistent, being willing to learn every single day, and applying yourself to not just the run tasks of the business endeavour but also the visionary build projects... that’s what it requires.

I like how at the end of your post you say:

And no one knows how long it will take...

That’s the interesting part of Entrepreneurship. The uncertainty is what makes this all an adventure!

Thank you for contributing to the growth of enterprise here on the Steem Blockchain. This was a thought provoking read.

Followed & Upvoted.

Posted using Partiko iOS

thanks man. appreciate the comments and the follow :) yeah. that’s part of being an entrepreneur we bust our butts for the opportunity. never the guarantee.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great post Jon the shame of it all is that is 97.5% of people who started a business online failed because they were not willing to put the work in to get where they wanted to be. They wanted instant riches thanks mainly to all the get rich quick ad's all over the internet. And when that didn't happen they quit. and that is to bad well that's my 2 cents. Also I've resteemed this post

thanks man. appreciate that. yeah instant riches are never a good game plan.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was working whole my life for myself and tried a lot of things... Some of them were great, others less great, but I was pushing forward...

I want to be honest here and I can't lie that it's all roses and chocolates... As a matter of fact, today I'm in a really bad position with my online businesses, but I refuse to be one of those 97.5%!!!

Thanks for this great post Jon!

yeah man. i completely hear you. last two years of my life have been a mess. but it’s starting to turn around. showing up everyday and pushing forward helps.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you Jon for an honest look at building an online business. I have now had my traffic exchange, Tornado Traffic for 2 years now and am starting to make a little bit of money with it. It would have been real easy to say "This doesn't work this is a waste of my time." But, I have continued to grow this site to almost 1000 members.

keep going man. ctp promos could help out a ton as well :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is a lesson if more people would understand at the beginning of their journeys, it would spare them (and others) of a lot of disappointments.

lol absolutely. no one tells you this when you begin. they are usually just trying to get your money from you and will tell you anything.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great points @jongolson, but this is also where Steem and CTPtalk can really shine, and especially with the CTPtalk tribe you start earning from day 7, and then you just stick with it and continue to make money, that is very powerful, even if it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to grow it.

agreed. i think that’s why i’m so excited for this. it’s the perfect gateway for both steemians and ctp members.

Posted using Partiko iOS


I have been self-employed for 48 years now and working online since 1998 in addition to my traditional business activities. I can't tell you how many times I have the statistics played out over the years.

One time I got a call from a former employee. She had stepped out on her own and called to tell me she had no idea how hard it was going to be. But she wanted to thank me because I was an inspiration to her and she felt she had learned lessons working for me and try to apply those in her business.

Who knew? Many times you never know what kind of impact you have in other people's lives.

I always tell people own your own business and you will sleep like a baby. Stay up all night and cry.

Is it worth it? Just like that baby that grows and begins to take those first baby steps, so will you if you stick with it.

You don't just do it. That's a big lie. Just going through the motions is not enough. Do it right!

that’s the truth. ill hear from people how much something i wrote or something in ctp has helped them over the years. you just never know who is watching and learning from ya.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Time, money, & sacrifice indeed! Also means losing a bit of sleep... but consistency is key! Thanks for always sharing motivating insights! ^_^

Posted using Partiko Android

for sure. and yeah. sleep is a luxury reserved for the 9 to 5 crowd lolol

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent article Jon. The only thing I would add is if this is what you really really want, dont let people discourage you. I have been online forever convinced I will succeed. Its taken me a long time to find my niche, but I finally have and Im going full steem ahead (spelling intended..lol) Be consistent, dont give up.

Be stubborn about it :) That's my motto LOL

Thanks Jon, it is always good to get a little motivation a long with a reality check. This is the exact message I needed to hear as I have been busy offline. Your email message from #ClickTrackProfit brought me here to CTPTalk, and I enjoyed reading your personal note I recently received in the mail. Receiving actual hand written notes does not happen often, but it sure was effective in inspiring me to get back on track online. I appreciate you, my man!

Nice man, glad you got it....It's always a toss up when I send something from Canada Post...I pray it gets there within a calendar year LOLOL

So true, learned that the hard way. But after almost 2 years accumulating hundreds of pennies, I believe in I'm in it for the long haul. I want to be part of that 2.5%

Absolutely. You and me both :) And I think there is a different attitude on Steem regarding that...I believe people here see the future and will work towards it. Not just give up if we dont moon shot next week.

I've been there, more times than I care to count. The beauty of Steem is, this is a business. A micro business perhaps, but a real business none the less.
You own it, you can profit from it!
I just gotta keep showing up and putting out content that resonates with people. The big "and" here is and if I help others, I will be successful.

absolutely. that’s how i look at steem too. so i’m not expecting to make ‘profits’ for years. being consistent is what counts here.

Posted using Partiko iOS


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thanks helpie!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am actually planning to start an online business soon but not so soon now. Still needs to discover and learn some things about it for now

if only there was a free to join site that teaches people how to build online businesses ;)


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Nowadays seems online business is the one dominating the market and internet

entrepreneurship is a fantastic way of life :)

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Good idea @jongolson

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Tell them most people fail and let them decide no point in sugarcoating it. If they can’t convince themselves you shouldn’t have to

This was a good reading, and thanks for sharing the conversation you had. Its interesting to see how people really reach and what they think... Warmly recommand people to take a look into this one. Are you folks really all in?

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@jongolson, Smoothness is very tiny part of the Life. If we believe then we have to accept the complete package and not just the path of roses. Stay blessed brother.

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