This is a great post, I can somewhat relate to this.
I voluntarily dropped my job and became an entrepreneur about 6 years ago. It's been a series of highs and lows, just like I'm riding a wave :) . At one point I had been earning more than what I was when I was an employee. And at this point in life, I'm in one of the lows.
But to tell you the truth, I feel that the past 6 years have taught me more about life than the previous 30 years combined. All the struggle that I had to go through and the ones that I'm going through, when I look back at them, have made me stronger and wiser in many ways.
I haven't met that one mentor yet, but I've come across a lot of people in my field who have given me great advice. But I think maybe sometimes we are our own mentors when we're willing to learn from ourselves.