What If Your Success Was 'Locked-In' At The Moment Of Decision, WHAT Would You Do? WHO Would You Be?steemCreated with Sketch.

in success •  5 years ago 

What If Your Success Was 'Locked-In' At The Moment Of Decision, WHAT Would You Do?

WHO Would You Be?

Yup! It's an intriguing question, isn't it? But what is my point?


I have an interest, I read about it daily, I write about it often, it fascinates me immensely, some would say it borders on obsession. What is it? Oh I am glad you asked Dear Reader, it gives me a chance to discuss it again today. The mystical subject to which I am referring is success.

Why do some seem to achieve success in a seemingly effortlessly manner, moving from one triumph to another with hardly a hair out of place with obstacles side-stepping their path so as not to cause any impediment? While many of us study the principles, learn the tricks and hacks that we are told will make accomplishment inevitable but to no avail.

Some of us buy the books, watch the tutorials, attend the seminars, pay for the secrets and follow the gurus but just don't seem able to make any tangible progress, what is the deal here?

I guess there's a myriad of reasons that the things we pursue most of all sometimes elude us. There could be many factors that come in to play here. Maybe the answer is simple, Perhaps it is merely something along the lines of;

  • We have chosen a bad plan or even worse no plan at all.
  • We only have some of the puzzle pieces required to complete the picture, maybe it's gonna take one more book, strategy or seminar.
  • Maybe we are lacking in the discipline required to make the bold strides necessary.
  • Perhaps we have purchased snake-oil from a skilled salesman or infomercial.
  • Perhaps the Guru we follow is giving us plain old bad advice and has no practical experience of walking the walk.
  • Could we be racked with self-doubt ever- fearful of the specter of failure?
  • Maybe the converse is true, fear of success is our chosen disease.
  • We start with no skills or resources, after all how could we ever hope to achieve from such humble beginnings?
  • I'm too short, tall, fat, thin, dumb, inexperienced, my parents didn't hug me enough... and on and on it goes.

If we had the mind to ,we could all come up with an endless, infinite, exponentially expanding list ((or even a compendium)) of reasons for not being able to succeed at any endeavor we turn our hand to, wouldn't you agree?

I sincerely believe that once we understand this we are beginning to scratch the surface on why we fail despite all our best intentions even when we appear to have an unlimited store of resolve and boundless belief and enthusiasm when we begin.

Let me propose what may appear to be a bizarre query upon asking but may begin to yield answers that maybe sting a little and speak of our intrinsic nature.

Could it be that from the outset we KNOW we are destined for failure?


Hear me out! I am not saying that we have a mindset along the lines of:

"Hey I could achieve that buff body I've always believed would be mine one day - Hell, I know I'm gonna fail but what the heck, let's go make a disastrous attempt at success anyway..."

No, no, no Dear Reader, what I am taking about is far more insidious and surreptitious than that. It works more along the lines of:

  • Decide on a goal or something you desire.
  • Detail exactly what you are gonna do in pursuit of it.
  • Build up an intense fire of belief and enthusiasm in the pit of your resolve.
  • Think about the practical ramifications about going after your goal, consider the downsides...
  • Feel those nagging doubts start to creep in to the periphery of your vision, chipping away some of the gloss from your grand vision.
  • Listen to your Cousin Mikey's advice about how he knew a dude who failed at exactly what you are gonna do.
  • Notice a news article on why it's a terrible time to do what you are planning to do right now.
  • Remember that you don't have any special skills, you didn't even do all that great at school and your homework was always late.
  • Hear your Dad's voice from way back when telling you you'll never amount to anything worthwhile.

There are several ways the story can go from here on in, but I am sure you can work them out yourself.

You could do a quick inventory of pros and cons to get yourself back on track and on your way to a well considered plan that has had both sides completely thought through. Perhaps you will pay particular attention to those red flags that gave you pause for thought. Maybe you will seek out advice from somebody who has trodden the path you are about to embark on. You realise of course that there are no cast-iron guarantees when it comes to success or the pursuit of something you do not currently have but you are gonna give it your very best shot.

You decide to give it a shot anyway although you realise you are probably going to fail after all the previous step almost guaranteed it, didn't it? You don't want to lose face in the eyes of others and you are gonna at-least have a go at what you said you would. You begin to start thinking up potential reasons for this abject failure ((should it arrive)) and line up your story about the myriad of reasons for it and why YOU are in no way to blame. Maybe you could blame your unsupportive family, the economy, the current government, maybe it was the prevailing capitalist/socialist culture and ideals that thwarted your well designed adventure.

OR is it the third scenario, the one I have witnessed all too often and the one most of us would have envisioned when I asked the question...?

You exclaim inwardly at-least that you "Knew it!" The idea was doomed from the outset! How could you possibly have believed you could break away from the 'Status Quo'? How could you have been naive or even arrogant enough to believe that someone from your background could possibly hope to ever break away from abject mediocrity. The odds were massively stacked against you from the start, everybody knows that the dice are loaded, the tables are rigged and the house always wins! Dear oh dear how could you ever have been so foolish?

Let me give you my understanding of the thought process leading to any of the above three scenarios.

The second the decision was made on how to proceed the seeds for success of failure were already sown!

I am sure you are very familiar with the famous quote from Henry Ford...

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.


I believe there is an immense amount of truth squeezed into those few words, I really do. You see most of us vastly underestimate the unlimited power we hold within. That's not to say it is easy to believe and easy to achieve anything without question but it is possible to cultivate the sort of personality that is unshakable and resolute and more than a match for anything it decides to do, I mean really decides to do.

A thought exercise springs to mind, I have read about it many, many times in a wide range of books on the topic of success, achievement and inner strength and confidence. Business leaders use it in rallying cries to their people as it shows a way to take a shortcut through all of the psychological guff and get busy with what you could really be doing.

It goes something along the lines of, If I asked you to enter a burning building would you? Unsurprisingly the answers invariably range from "No way!" all the way too "Are you nuts?"
What if your child was trapped in there, the question obviously resonates with any parent and I guess, anybody with the slightest modicum of empathy. In the latter part of that fictitious example the questioner would be knocked out of the way by the sprinting parent, right?


What if I offered you $100 to cross a plank placed between two skyscrapers? No you cry? What if I upped the reward to $1000, I'm still not envisaging many takers. What if I placed the same two planks on the ground before you right now offering you the same reward?

Did the fire get slightly less intense in the second example? Were the flames a little lower? Maybe you remembered that you are flame retardant, maybe that's it? Did the planks suddenly become a little wider in the other example? Maybe inflation made a massive move and the dollars were suddenly worth more, is that it?

No the task in question did not change, but the odds became less relevant in the first example and what was at stake became more important. In the second example the odds appeared to swing back in your favour and the fear was all but eradicated. You understand of-course that the task itself did not change one jot.


Most of all, you obviously understand that the psychology behind taking the required actions felt drastically different!

When people set goals, think about starting a business, maybe contemplate investing in the stock market, they initially have a wave of euphoria as they consider what they could have, do or be. Then they over-think and start imaging in glorious 8K 3D UHD technicolor everything that could potentially go wrong.

People often focus on what is at risk if I do this? I want to ask you what's at risk if you don't? Maybe give that some serious thought before you make any hard and fast decisions.

I suggest you put in some work on building a titanium plated, unshakable character that considers, plans, adapts and pursues anything and everything you could ever wish for. I put it to you that if you do this you can actually guarantee almost certain success in every undertaking you engage in.

Take some time to really think about the question I opened with...

What If Your Success Was 'Locked-In' At The Moment Of Decision, WHAT Would You Do? WHO Would You Be?

What WOULD you do??? Can you imagine how empowered you would feel knowing that you were capable of achieving almost anything your mind could conceive? How would it feel to wake every morning with that kind of resolve, that sort of character, knowing you are that person?

You can! It may take a little time to hone the aspects of what makes who you are. You may need to read a few books or watch some informational videos about the facets of yourself you would like to sharpen and hone but I believe wholeheartedly that not too long from now you could be taking the steps to cultivating your perfect life. Take a little time to recognise and hear the internal thoughts that pipe up when you are least expecting them, are they empowering or limiting?

If they are limiting, stop them, re-word them and start to think about YOU in the terms of who you REALLY are when all the psychological crap is stripped away. If they are empowering, view them as the building blocks you CAN work with and build upon them to become even more resolute and confident in your ability.

Did you notice the second part of my opening question?

WHO Would You Be?


That is incredibly important. It is one thing to have the skills, the wherewithal and the positive attitude and the confidence to tackle any challenge head on. But who do you need to be to do the things you dream of? Do you need to be a person who knows when to say yes or to say no? Do you need to be more disciplined, focused and organised? Do you need to be more open with others or more authentic? Do you need to develop the skills of leadership?

THIS is the other side of the coin, the piece of the puzzle that people most often miss. They train to become a business person for instance, learn all the technical and practical skills needed to thrive in such an arena but they forget they are completely unequipped to organize people or they are shy and dislike the element of confrontation necessary for effective negotiation.

Don't skimp in this regard, make a list of all the traits you will need to move forward, what sort of person do you need or want to be? Then get to work on YOU - This is the aspect that will put you over the top and give you the tools to work through the hard times and obstacles that will surely come.

Imagine the person who spends three months learning to display the perfect form for completing their perfect exercise routine, works overtime t afford the elaborate range of equipment that they believe they need to move forward, they study the top ten bodybuilders in the world for a further 6 months and finally the day comes for them to embark on their journey to better health and fitness BUT They never cultivated the mental resilience they would need and they never learned about their own destructive nature and impulses and saddest of all they never learned to say no to donuts, burgers and alcohol!

A stool with two incredibly strong legs and one weak one will fall and eventually break!


YOU CAN learn the skills necessary to be the kind of person who organises their plans and goals in such a way that success is locked in before you ever strike out towards them on day one.

If you have managed to stick it out till the end of my post then you have proven you have a certain amount of fortitude already. It is my sincerest wish that this post strikes a chord in the person who was looking for that one final piece of motivation before they dared to embark on their dream. The person who has been nagged with self-doubt even though they know deep down, they are capable of greatness.

I will be writing much, much more, albeit with a little more brevity in the future as I said it really is a passion of mine. If that sounds like something that would be inspiring to you then check back often as I would to see friends both new and old swing by for a virtual coffee. You are always so much more than welcome.

Live each day with integrity, authenticity, and lashings of love, joy and laughter whilst always striving to be a better version of yourself, when you bring those ideals and values to this community we all become a little better collectively and always remember that...

Together we are just better!


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Hi @stevenwood,
you put a lot of effort into this article indeed! At first, I thought it is too long for me, but then I realized I really enjoyed reading it.
In my opinion, people are here to make mistakes. To repeat them. To not improve their bad habits. But the lucky ones get through this all and learn. Learn how to improve your habits, how to be better person and more skilled one. Yes, not everyone would reach that point and there is evidently always something to improve for the one! But I really think, there could be A MOMENT for everyone, where he can watch behind self shloulder and re-organize things or improve in some way. There could be some book, video, podcast or something what can change peoples opinion or habit...and the n the one must keep working hard on inproving.

Have you heard of 10x rule? I am planning to write an article about it in some future. In short - it is a book from Grant Cardone, you can find it also on Amazon or you can listen it via YouTube as an audio book. The thing is to set up 10x higher goals than you think at this moment you can achieve and then take actions to reach those goals. So many people set so small goals and not profiting from those, because their path is probably too easy (in some speaking).

I think the goal for everyone is to try self-educate as much as possible that something in your mind/brain will change a little bit and then you are heading those goals you set up. And avoiding mistakes in the same way. Mistakes, you did in the past, mistakes, you could make in the future and the best thing, avoiding the mistakes done by the other people.

Yes it happens often, I sit at my keyboard and end up taking far more time than I intended BUT the trick is that I only write posts that give me a lot of joy and that I consider important enough to justify the time commitment and effort, enjoying writing them is just a happy bonus. :)

ThankYOU so much for taking the time to come visit and leave such an amazing comment, it makes it utterly worthwhile and I just love to engage and get to know people better.

Goal-setting is a great passion of mine 10X is an awesome way to go after your dreams, right? You are so, so right about self-education, reading, studying... It has the ability to make us far more than we are today if we practice it for a lifetime and as I am 100% certain YOU already know, it is fun too! I wish more people realised that, rather than just seeing the potential for work being involved.

Mistakes/failures are often our very best teachers in disguise, the trick is to try and recognise the good in any situation ((especially when things seem particularly dark!!!)) this way we open our mind, heart and spirit up to fabulous new ways of improving everything.

Thanks again for taking the time, take great care and see you around I am certain of that :)

One more thing, some people might find this article too long. When writing (and then reviewing your own article), I heard some rule (and I must say I am not applying it every time, but sometimes I do) which tells that "what is not necessary for understanding the topic, take it out". It might be a word, several words, a sencetnce, several sentences....depends.
Cheers, I am looking forward for you next work.

Dear @ritxi

Appreciate your amazing comment. Big thx for sharing your opinion with us

Have you heard of 10x rule? I am planning to write an article about it in some future

I've never heard about this rule. Please share link to your post whenever you publish it.

Yours, Piotr

Yes, it is planned 😎 so I will let you know, it is interesting.

Hello @stevenwood and welcome to this great community called Project.Hope. I'm glad that despite being a community focused on financial and technological issues we see some of this around here. Since the theme of success, correct and correct decisions, together with emotions, are a fundamental pillar for investments and finances.

I am trained in a career (trader) where this topic is perhaps the most important, even more important than knowing how to read the market. The psychology of the operator. This world has also taught me that success is also a state of mind. It is a way to make yourself feel. But that as you say, not everyone has managed to generate this state in their minds.

For me, success is not a question of fortune, but it is directly focused on the fact of a way of doing things. Someone successful knows what they are doing and why they are doing it. It is like a good photographer, in his painting nothing is out of place, everything that the image shows is there because he has decided. And when we begin to know why we are deciding, why we do what we do and when we do it, it is when our mechanism of success is working for us in an effective way.

I think that something that is fundamental in this, is our intuition, many leave out this great tool for success, if we look for success, unconsciously our inner voice will look for the same for you. Feeding this voice in a proper way can help us make decisions that we might not be able to see because of our own fear. Because the fear of success is born from not trusting ourselves, from not believing in what we really know and what we can do.

Despite these being strong points, I don't think that for success it is all to think positively and that's it. In order to build a successful path, there must also be discipline, commitment, the will and the enthusiasm of not failing. Success puts us tests and it is up to us to know how to take these and pass them effectively.

I really liked your article, again I welcome you to the community and I hope we can continue to read more of you soon.

Awesome you understand the fundamentals of success, psychology, fear and mindset beautifully!

Often what looks like success or failure may be something entirely different to what the outside world perceives. I used to teach my Daughters that if they came last out of a class of 30 children at something at school how to be become better.

I would hear some parents giving the advice to "aim for first place", BUT I explained a completely different strategy to my girls. If today you were in 30th place, next time aim to be 29th, the following time 28th, always try and chip away at the things you want. The race does not need to be won today, tomorrow or even this week. It is a journey and I believe we should always look at our personal best and try and beat it, even by a little next time.

People often perceive competition where there is none, in the end the race is only ever really against yourself.

Thank YOU so very much for taking the time to engage in such an amazing way, it is truly appreciated :)

Thanks to you also for taking the time to read my comment and give me the feedback.

I think that advice you have given your daughters is one of the best you have given them. Patience is a virtue and for everything in life there is a process. And precisely, that competition that you speak, that rush to win the race is what makes us fall on the road.

Thanks again for sharing such an amazing article. I hope to read more from you.

Thankyou my friend. If we do fall in the road, being surrounded by a thoughtful, empowered and caring community getting back up again can be made all the more easy :)

From my experience and my knowledge, the major part of success is the dedication of those who strive for it. They persist, they continue to work, they keep struggling even when it seems their venture is doomed. Eventually, their efforts will most likely bear fruit.

But maybe the venture fails. Those who give up then are (like me:-) doomed to failure. Those who find another venture to which they can give their full attention stand a good chance of success in this latest venture. Maybe it's the law of averages playing out, or maybe it's karma.

Fight on!

By the way, the above has some fine writing, and was an interesting and excellent read.

Thank YOU so very much for stopping by and gracing me with such amazing engagement, it is more than appreciated my friend. :)

I think you are certainly right about the struggle, without it our goals would come too easy and maybe we would not feel such a sense of accomplishment. Sometimes I believe that even when it looks to others as though we failed maybe we actually learned a truly wonderful lesson, one that serves us well for our next attempt at achieving the things we most desire.

You, Me and everybody else have within us exactly what we need to achieve ((almost)) anything! We must merely tap into that part of us that is willing to do what we must for as long as we must.

Take great care, thanks so much for stopping by :)

My pleasure to engage in this conversation.
Your point about failure being a great lesson is so true. In that sense, failure is just another aspect of growth. In fact, scientists doing experiments realize that a so-called "failed" experiment is not a failure, but a lesson learned and knowledge acquired.

Successes and failures are simply stepping stones on the way to greater knowledge, heightened awareness, and growth.

Some of us buy the books, watch the tutorials, attend the seminars, pay for the secrets and follow the gurus but just don't seem able to make any tangible progress, what is the deal here?

Let start with this, i have seen a lot of people sell success books, videos and audio just to attain a particular level of success not because they are successful themselves. It is like selling what you do not have so as to get what you want, thereby making the readers, viewers and listeners get the wrong steps procedures and strategy will results to no result. This is often the situation around, a person with no skills in hunting, writing a book on how to hunt so as to achieve monetary success. Buying such book will give me the wrong information but the person who wrote the book already achieved a level of success at the misery of another.

Could it be that from the outset we KNOW we are destined for failure?

Everybody has an atom of failure and success in them, in fact we fail more than we get things right but when we do get them right, the success overshadows the failure. So i could say that everyone is a successful failure or better still everyone is a failure that succeeded.

"Hey I could achieve that buff body I've always believed would be mine one day - Hell, I know I'm gonna fail but what the heck, let's go make a disastrous attempt at success anyway..."

You better die trying than not try at all. Not trying at all is a worse failure than trying and failing. As for the failure oriented words people will say, they do not have to be blamed. A lot of people have faced so many failures that their success were not noticeable to them and while trying to keep other people safe, they tend to pure out more of negative vibes to positive.

You realise of course that there are no cast-iron guarantees when it comes to success or the pursuit of something you do not currently have but you are gonna give it your very best shot.

I do not agree with you on this. There is an iron cast guarantee when pursuing success and that guarantee is failure. We need to understand that we are likely going to fail and in doing this, we will be prepared for the worst while facing the best of result expected.

WHO Would You Be?

An optimist, keyed to my goal, dream, world and plan, not worried about what might happen in the way or what people might say. I will face my fear, overcome my fear and achieve what ever level of success i can and furthermore build on my current success another success story so my failure story will be less significant to my success story.

You better die trying than not try at all. Not trying at all is a worse failure than trying and failing.

Oh you are so, so right my friend. I have often said to those who know me, I would rather die in poverty and still be trying to achieve my dreams and still believing than to die wealthy whilst feeling bored and unfulfilled with nothing to reach for.

Some of the greatest successes in history looked to the outside world like failure, but this is subjective to each of us and often what looks like failure is actually a lesson, realisation or indeed actually success in a mask we did not expect it to be wearing!

An optimist, keyed to my goal, dream, world and plan, not worried about what might happen in the way or what people might say. I will face my fear, overcome my fear and achieve what ever level of success i can and furthermore build on my current success another success story so my failure story will be less significant to my success story.

These words could be an inscription at the entrance of some majestic place of learning for all to see, a mantra for life, a description of the way to live a good life in regard to those things we desire to achieve most of all BUT You write them in the spirit that I already acknowledged from your response. They are not to be read accompanied with gold-leaf and a fanfare of a thousand trumpets ,they are simply the words of your personal philosophy as you already stated you don't pay attention to what others may think or say, that is how to live a liberated life in my estimation.

Thank YOU so very much for taking the time to engage in such a wonderful way, it is incredibly satisfying and I am so very grateful! Take great care, keep enjoying the journey my friend :)

Hi @stevenwood

I really liked your article as success is something I am too passionate about. A long read though!

I have recently written a series of posts on Project.Hope on similar subjects. In particular, I wrote about Steven Covey's #sevenhabits and the first three in particular really resonate with your article,

We need to have a clear vision of what we really want to go. The vision has to be compelling so that we can believe in our own vision. That becomes the goal post of our success. I believe we also have to worry less about what other people believe and should not live our lives in a superficial way. We need to learn to judge our success by the steps we have taken to meet our goal not by what others may perceive of us.

We also need to not talk ourselves out of reaching our goal. Too many people approach life with a "cup half full" mentality. We talk ourselves out of things from a young age, "I am not good at maths", "I have always been bad at sport". When in fact in most endeavours we can drive through continuous improvements if we just gave ourselves a chance.

We need to prioritise what we do and stay focused on the important things in life that will work towards our goal. Too many people have a goal but then procrastinate and waste their time on frivolous activities. We distract ourselves with things that appear to be urgent and we forget the things that are really important.

Finally, I believe we need to maintain positivity as positivity is infectious in the same way that negativity is infectious. Surround yourself with positive people who will help you move forwards rather than negative people who will always pull you back. It is like going into a perfume shop and even if you don't buy any perfume, you leave the shop with a smell of fragrance on your clothing. Being with positive people is the same, their infectious attitude will rub off on you.

So @stevenwood - I found your post resonated very well with my own thoughts and I enjoyed the read. Great post and upvoted. I will look out for your posts and hope you drop by Project Hope again.

I believe we also have to worry less about what other people believe and should not live our lives in a superficial way. We need to learn to judge our success by the steps we have taken to meet our goal not by what others may perceive of us.

Absolutely my friend, this is IT!

Our success or failure, whichever it may be is our own to learn from, to study and only we may judge the things we have undertaken. It is far better to have put yourself on the line and reached for something you truly want than to hide in your home for fear of how harshly the world may judge. As you suggest I would rather Fail in the sunshine than stay safe in the shadows.

We talk ourselves out of things from a young age, "I am not good at maths", "I have always been bad at sport". When in fact in most endeavours we can drive through continuous improvements if we just gave ourselves a chance.

Amen to those words, spoken like a true educator. Just this evening my Daughter said something after she asked me to help with a simple task ((She was actually trying to think up 5 questions for a quiz)) I told her that although I would be happy to help I was not going to as this was something she could do incredibly easily to which she responded...

"You know I don't have an imagination!"

I told her that just because she used those words and tried to make that statement real I would not help her to make an excuse she can use for her whole life. I told her she had all the imagination she needed to complete the task easily and even though she chose to lie to herself I would NOT let her off the hook so easily ;)

Keep on reading those quality books my friend from authors with a message of positivity to share, keep on sharing the lessons you have learned, this is the path to greatness my friend and I already feel incredibly lucky and happy to have met you Take great care and thanks YOU so much for taking the time to share your amazing thoughts :)

I told her she had all the imagination she needed to complete the task easily and even though she chose to lie to herself I would NOT let her off the hook so easily ;)

It sounds like you taught her a great lesson and I hope that she reflects on it and learns. I am sure she will do you proud if you are teaching her these positive can-do tips.

Thank you too my friend for your great posts. Keep writing :-)

Hello dear @stevenwood

It is a very interesting and motivating post, I think it will help a lot of people.I have several things to add, among them is the fact that it is very good thinking that you have in life.If we face a problem and think that we are not going to be able to overcome it it is more than evident that we are going to be prone to failure and this is not optimism, but simply creating an environment that fosters well-being, and obtaining the goals that you set for yourself.There's also something else: seeing those obstacles or difficulties not like that, but simply as opportunities to find different solutions. We must also bear in mind that we cannot try to obtain different results if we ourselves do not things differently, then in that sense we must to change, we risk doing things differently and in that sense what you comment in this post of have positive thoughts I think a great way to do it, and guess what? It's free!. Many people stagnate and find no solutions in their lives but in these times of pandemic where the phrase at the end of your post is wonderful "Together we can achieve more", i think those words really sum up the whole spirit of the council what do you offer us in your publication.

Welcome to @project.hope community, I hope you enjoy as much as I do, of all the content they produce here.

You have my support, great post!

Thank YOU so much for taking the time to stopby and share your thoughts, it is most appreciated my friend! :)

You are so right about 'so called' failures and obstacles only being though of as negative things, they are so often opportunities in disguise, here to teach us a valuable lesson or even to make certain that we really want the goals that we have set out for ourselves.

I believe that in many ways it is our duty to find alternate strategies and ways to achieve our dreams, surely this is in part what being human is about. Life is an adventure and we should live with that firmly in our mind.

If being a part of this awesome community means I get to meet wonderful people like yourself then count me in double! Yes TOGETHER is a word with much magic attached isn't it?

Great to meet you, to read your thoughts too. Take great care and have a magnificent journey :)

Hi @stevenwood,

Amazing post and well written. Maybe a little bit long ;-). I would like to welcome you in the @project.hope community!

I've read a lot of books about success and I've come up with many theories why people succeed or not. I would like to write here what are the reasons why people succeed ;-)

Reason 1: Perseverance

What is the difference between a Karate white belt and a Karate black belt? The black belt is the one that never gave up!

Reason 2: Without action no success

We can read tons of books and watch tutorials. Success only comes to the people who have taken the first step. Without action, it will never be possible to succeed

Reason 3: Mastery comes with training

This is linked with reasons 1 and 2. You can't become a master without perseverance and you can't become a master without trying. To get success we should always try to figure out what works and then repeat it and improve it. The successful people are not the ones who make an invention. It's the one who improve it constantly.

Best regards,

Those are some fabulous observations my friend. Thank YOU for sharing them! :)

For many, many years I suffered immensely due to the second reason you outline. I gained a huge amount of knowledge and kept on trying to refine it, always reading one more book, looking for one more answer until eventually I realised, I never let go of the side of the metaphorical swimming pool and tried to actually swim!

You see, I always had a reason as to why I wasn't quite ready, the reasons changed often but my lack of activity did not. I used to believe that everything needed to be perfectly researched, all outcomes must be studied and considered before I acted, there was always one more piece of equipment, some tool or online course I required before I was ready to take a leap of faith.

Eventually I discovered I was afraid. If I did not start a task I could never fail! What a sad way to live.

Most people think the journey to success is something like;

Ready --- Aim --- Fire.

That is what the education system teaches us, mistakes are bad and should be avoided.

The true path to success is more akin to;

Ready --- Fire --- Aim.

After we make a mistake we can view this not as a failure but a learning event and readjust our aim and try again until we get it right. It may take 20 attempts before we hit the bullseye. it may take 100 the number is not important, but the desire to learn, adapt and re-aim is priceless.

When we take reason number 1 and 3 together we realise that we do not need to be perfect in the beginning, we just need to begin remembering both principles and we have everything we could ever need to succeed in reasonable time.

I greatly appreciate YOU taking the time to give some excellent feedback and am incredibly happy to see you stopby. Take great care and have a magnificent journey my friend. :)

Wow friend @stevenwood, this is an unusually long post. But I have no doubt that whoever reads it will be left with a lot of questions in his mind, analyzing his life and questioning some things, I'm sure of that.

Talking about success is so relative, because everyone has their own conception of what this means. For some it is wealth, a great house, others can see success every day just by being alive, that's why I say relative.

However, it is something that depends a lot on each one of us, and if, in reality, there seem to be those who make themselves believe, they are convinced that failure is theirs, and they live victimizing themselves.

You have many questions in your publication that would serve anyone to write many more publications...example:

But who do you need to be to do the things you dream about?

If you ask yourself this question, it will lead you to what dreams you are pursuing.

Closing the post by saying together we're better off talking about you being a team person, that you enjoy sharing, and that's logical if we're talking about being social.
Wonderful post, my friend.

Thank YOU so much for taking the time to stopby and leave such fabulous feedback my friend, it is wonderful to read such amazing comments.

Absolutely it is all relative - For one it means eating one less donut, for others it means building a corporation, for yet another taking a 15 minute walk 3 times a week. No mans dream is greater than another of course, we must all pursue that which is important to us and us alone. Some people set enormous, impressive goals that make them appear majestic in the eyes of another, this is foolhardy, we only get one life to live and should build a life that is meaningful to us alone and not try and impress others.

You are so, so right about those who deem themselves to be failures and as you correctly say, victims. The man who says Oh I am so unlucky I shouldn't even try, makes this true, he is literally damning his plans before he begins... Words + feelings + beliefs is a super-powerful combination! In a negative and positive way.

Yes my friend I believe that all of us together can achieve a magnificent world in a far speedier way than each of us working alone. Is there a more important aim for any of us?

Take wonderful care of you and yours, I look forward to crossing paths with you many, many times :)

Take wonderful care of you and yours, I look forward to crossing paths with you many, many times

I imagine you must be a great conversationalist. No doubt about it. Someone who values friendship, time, good conversation over coffee...

Thank you for your answer. It took me a while to return it. But I try not to leave anyone unanswered.

TRhank you friend @stevenwood

Hi @josevas217

But I have no doubt that whoever reads it will be left with a lot of questions in his mind, analyzing his life and questioning some things, I'm sure of that.


Another comment absolutely worth reading. Appreciate. And thank you for sharing your view on that particular topic

Yours, Piotr

Solid read.
Resteemed already. Upvote on the way :)

I am incredibly grateful. Thank YOU so, so much!

It has been a long, long time since I had even close to this much engagement on one of my posts and even then the quality of the engagement did not compare in even a small way to this! I do believe I have found a community of people I genuinely want to spend time getting to know and spending time with. The future looks bright, the future looks filled with HOPE!


Hello @stevenwood Welcome to the Project Hope community. It is very important for us to have users like you, who promote healthy debate with quality publications like the one you have written on this occasion.

Live each day with integrity, authenticity, and lashings of love, joy and laughter whilst always striving to be a better version of yourself, when you bring those ideals and values to this community we all become a little better collectively and always remember that...

I like the approach you gave to success in this article, there is much to learn from the tips you explain very well, however I will keep the end of the article as I personally think it encourages you to work together full of optimism to achieve in such a longed for success. Greetings and thanks for sharing such important content

Thank you so very much for visiting and leaving such lovely comments, it makes the time creating such a post so very worthwhile. I have already met an amazing range of wonderful people in the @project.hope community I am now happy to add yourself to that number my friend :)

Yes, you are right, the best part of any strategy for a better life, reaching higher than ourselves for new goals or indeed just searching for more, is the chance to work together, meet new friends along the way and support eachother toward the places we all want to be.

Success is a journey best shared with good friends we meet along the way :)

Take great care of you and yours, I look forward to the many meetings we will undoubtedly have along the way :)

Hi, @stevenwood.

I got to your blog thanks to my friend @crypto.piotr. Initially I thought that a post like this should be reaching $100. I see that it has not yet been appreciated as it should be :/

It's hard to get out of the comfort zone. Thinking about doing an activity that will give you success is easy, but when you decide to do it, the doubts will always appear and you will get the reasons not to do it.

Could it be that from the outset we KNOW we are destined for failure?

It seems so, because here every time you go out, a wave comes and sinks you again.

It's a continuous brace towards better lands in a totally agitated sea, but just when you see the shore up close, a new wave comes and sinks you and takes you away from your goal. I guess you have to keep on bracing because if you don't, you'll sink and die.

But I wonder why we always think the worst? Pessimism is a way of being that surrounds us everywhere.

It's hard to be positive when every day you take a hit in some way.

I love the comments this publication has generated.

Upvoted and resteemed ^_^

Have a nice day

Yes indeed my friend, your excellent observations make a huge amount of sense to me.

No matter what we do, no matter where we go, no matter what dreams we have there will always be another wave! I guess the only answer to accept this universal truth and still thrive is to become a strong and proficient swimmer when it comes to the problems that sometimes in life seem ceaseless and sometimes the answer is even more simple: grab something to cling to and hold on for dear life!!!

I wonder if just like an expert surfer maybe the most empowering way of dealing with this is to learn to negotiate the waves and actively enjoy overcoming them, wouldn't that be a glorious way for us to live our life?

Pessimism is like a creeping rot that has the capacity to invade and erode every aspect of our life and I have found the only way to ever truly defeat it ((albeit temporarily)) is to remain ever vigilant and develop strategies to turn a negative back in to a positive by asking ourselves quality questions when we find our belief is under attack.

Any time we do this we must celebrate that small victory in overcoming our mind and our darker nature.

Thank YOU so much for sharing your thoughts here, the wonderful engagement has blown me away completely. Take great care and keep on keeping on with the journey my friend :)

I wonder if just like an expert surfer maybe the most empowering way of dealing with this is to learn to negotiate the waves and actively enjoy overcoming them, wouldn't that be a glorious way for us to live our life?

Very good strategy, thanks for the advice.

Take great care and keep on keeping on with the journey my friend :)

You too ^_^

Dear @jadams2k18

And yet, another amazing comment. Thx for acceptimg my invitation

I love the comments this publication has generated.

Absolutely agree. So many solid comments. I'm proud of our group.

Yours, Piotr

Great read and unfortunately I can relate so much that it is scary :).

What people forget is that it takes hardwork in the long run to succeed, our society is about immediate rewards and we are not used to having to work months before getting some stuff done.

Look at the Steem Blogging platform, people expect that the community is waiting for them and that they will have followers and rewards right away.

When it does not happen, they stop and complain how unfair it is.

But when you ask them: "What did you do to make it happen?"

Well none of them probably spent an hour reading other people's blog and commenting, then posting quality content and interacting with communities.

Great read and have a great saturday night.



What an absolutely fabulous piece of astute feedback, thank YOU I am incredibly grateful, such engagement is the absolute lifeblood of this and indeed any 'social' platform or community.

You are so utterly right and precisely attuned to my thoughts, that too is scary. We live in a world of instant downloads, streaming an entire TV series in one night, fast-food, abs in 30 days or your money back and it has, ((hopefully not irreparably)), damaged peoples view of reality and expectation from any given effort.

Imagine if a fisherman, new to the skill cast out his rod for the very first time and 30 seconds later exclaimed "this stuff doesn't work." What if the farmer sowed his seeds and upon waking the following morning saw he had no crop and sold his farm? We would starve and become extinct rather raidly!

Sadly success literature doesn't choose to focus too much on discipline, integrity and consistency but rather chooses slick, sexy ((unrealistic)) headlines and sound-bytes that appeal to our 'get it now'* psychological triggers and desires.

I would like to address your first point lastly as it resonated massively with me. After almost half a century wandering aimlessly around this blue/green orb we call home I have stumbled in to so many of the pitfalls I have outlined here repeatedly and with hindsight I realise that falling in to them is actually OK, but staying in them is foolish and unacceptable!

Life is a journey, an adventure and whatever we choose for it to be, but moreover I believe it is a learning event, think f a video-game where we make measurable progress and learn from that which went before in order to progress a level and I believe that is it.

We should all aim to level up our life to what we want it to be, based on what is important to us and not because it looks impressive in the eyes of others.

Thank YOU so much for stopping by and doubly for the stunning engagement, take great care of you and yours. I look forward to crossing paths many times along the journey :)

This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project. #communitycuration06

Thankyou so much for taking the time to peruse my work and seeing fit to reward the effort put in, it is so much more than appreciated. This is exactly what makes life on the platform so much fun, the knowledge that someone has taken the time to read our work and let us know is priceless.

Take great care and enjoy the journey :)

Hello dear @stevenwood, Woo that blows the plugs to anyone, to be honest today I go out into the street empowered, great publication friend.

Certainly we limit ourselves and end up psyched to failure, it is necessary to break down those mental barriers that make us believe that we cannot achieve success.

Thanks for this gem brother!

Together we are just better!

We are definitely better together, welcome to Project HOPE, welcome home.

Thank YOU so much for the welcome my friend and for taking the time to stop-by and share your thoughts it really is appreciated. :)

I think that community and togetherness can be incredibly important to breaking down those mental barriers, any journey is far better when shared with awesome friends we meet along the way and even when times are bad and problems seem endless friends make life a little more bearable.

Take great care of you and yours friend, keep smiling and enjoy the journey always :)

Firstly I must say you've actually made your post more explicit and comprehensive enough for better understanding about self development tips which can make people successful.

We have chosen a bad plan or even worse no plan at all.

Sincerely, I've always wondered why I'm not really experiencing that result after reading books and watching the required movies to help me out but I feel this point has actually been my problem. I actually don't have the required plan at all to accomplish greater things I wish to achieve and I'm really gonna change my mindset starting from this moment because you've really motivated me with your post.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💖💕❤️💖

Thank YOU so much for the wonderful message I am so incredibly grateful :)

I have wandered around for nearly 50 years without a solid, workable plan that makes sense but recently I have outlined exactly what I want in great detail, I think of going after success without a plan in the same way as setting off on a long journey to somewhere new without a map. Almost impossible and how would we ever know if we were heading in the wrong direction?

Oh I am sincerely excited when somebody says they are going to get to work on a plan because it means that you will have a blueprint to guide you to where you are going, I am happy for you and wish you all the love, joy and success in the world :)

Thank you so much for taking time to visit and share your thoughts, it is massively appreciated, take great care, I am certain we will cross paths again soon. :)

I am a long form blogger ((usually)) and my posts quite often exceed 2 or 3 thousand words as once I begin to explore an idea the obsession persists till I have found a conclusion lol.

it is called guts. I have seeing that bloggers nowadays writing short post. But long post is very beneficial to generate outside and lots of traffic. Because longer post is equal to more keywords. but readers not spending much time. So anyway welcome to the project hope community. And yes keep struggling like as ant climb up on tree. So it can give the perfect result.

Thankyou very much for taking the time to comment and let me know your thoughts my friend, I am incredibly grateful :)

I simply cannot stop writing until I believe the idea is through to it's end lol, when people stop by to engage that makes it ALL worth the effort. Thank-you so much for the welcome to the community I look forward to engaging many times in the future.

Take great care of you and yours and have an amazing journey my friend :)

@stevenwood Failure is the key to success in simple words , we learn from our own mistakes, its a human nature as we see some failure we give up all the hope and start getting depressed. but we need to be very strong at that movemnet as their is no thing in this world that cannot be solved.

Very, very true my friend. Sometimes we learn so much more from what seems like a failure than we do from something that works out first time and goes exactly how we had planned.

I think that 'so-called' failure is often the greatest teacher in the world and one that we didn't even realise we needed. Thank-you so much for the great thoughts and for stopping by to visit, it is always a wonderful experience to encounter new friends we haven't met yet.

Take great care and keep on enjoying the journey my friend, I am certain we shall cross paths often :)

Hi @stevenwood

I brought your post to attention of several users from our community. Hope you will also spare some time to read their comments and reply/thank them - just to ensure that those people will be aware, that you actually do read comments.

Yours, Piotr

Oh reading and responding s never in doubt. I thrive on genuine engagement and I believe that this is exactly how this platform is supposed to work. It is literally the only thing that will stop the community going in to recession and fading a way and dying. I wish people would focus more on the social part of social media rather than just using it as a way to throw content at the world and expecting it to respond lol.

That being said, I work looong days on my work-cycle ((12 hour shifts plus travel time either end)) this doesn't leave a whole lot of time for engagement, but when my days off work come around I am like a demon, frantically creating sparks from my keyboard.

The sheer amount and amazingly high quality of the engagement on this post has given me whole lot of optimism and dare I say 'HOPE' that there are enough people here doing things the right way to make this platform thrive.

We have met in passing in the past and never really had a huge amount of engagement to show for it, but consider yourself 'well met' Piotr, I am certain we will share thoughts and cross paths a whole lot more going forward, take great care and have a stunning journey my friend :)

Seriously, I love how responsive you are @stevenwood :)

That being said, I work looong days on my work-cycle ((12 hour shifts plus travel time either end)

What do you do for living? Would you mind sharing?

Great to have you around buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Hey Piotr, great to hear from you. it takes me quite some time to answer my comments but I get back eventually. You may possibly have noticed I am not very economic with my words either so it takes all the longer but I like to really connect rather than a drive-by Hi and Bye lol.

In answer to your question I work in a food factory making vegetarian food, burgers, sausages, nuggets that kind of thing, it is one of the biggest names in the world for that kind of product. BUT I realised that my destiny is not to do that!

I should be a mentor, coach or something that lets me engage with people fully and maybe have the chance to help them achieve their goals, dreams and ambitions.

Yup I think that would rise me from my bed at 5.40 in a very different mood than my current job!

Great to have you around buddy

Oh trust me Piotr it is bloody magnificent to be around. I have never met the like of the warm, friendly people I have encountered over the last week or so in such huge numbers. The HOPE community is an absolute credit to you my friend, some truly amazing values have been laid out and the community have grabbed them and adopted those values as their own.

I know, I know, I know, that to many people they must be still trying to work me out, thinking 'is this stevenwood dude insincere or a hyperactive fool or what... Haha'

In time they will see that I look for the very best of the human spirit and when I find it, I celebrate it, embrace it and tell the world about it - because that is precisely what the world NEEDS!!!

((Too may words? hahah... Yup it's kinda my thing LOL))

Take good care my friend :)