13 of the rules of absolute success.

in success •  8 years ago 

The success of the already written a lot including on our website. All sorts of rules, tips, successful personalities. But there is an absolute success? We found 13 undocumented rules of absolute success, they hope to nudge you in the right thoughts

In the worst there is always good. There is a blessing in disguise, in other words. Evil is not unique and does not exist separately from the good. All that we can call the grief and suffering always has a positive effect. Therefore, you should never be discouraged. There is not and has not been in the history of mankind such a case that after the black strip would not be followed by white.

No success without enemies. Keep this in mind and when you will be the first enemy, you know - you are on the first step for success. I'm not talking about the fans, I'm talking about the people to whom you should feel respect - for your enemies.

Beware of poor people. These are people who are constantly complaining, spreading their problems on others. With them difficult to find and they are very bad for your every endeavor. As a rule, it is very envious people.

Learn to say the word "no." This is the most useful word in your life.

Work constantly. Be passionate in their field. People who are in constant motion, achieve unequivocal success in life. But do not treat laziness as an enemy. Laziness - it is an opportunity to understand your business objectively. Even when you are watching a movie and seemingly completely passionate about it, you still think of your business.

Envy - your real enemy. Inability to take possession of it and really sincerely communicate with successful people will destroy you. It is very important. Only when you wake up in the ability to think objectively - then you become really successful.
There is no greater error than "take care of friends - they will be useful." Comprehend and understand - it is not. Those whom we call friends - the same people. When you move forward, they will remain in the past.

Your bulwark, your everything - it's family. A really strong, large family - the key to success in life. It is your support and your support. There is no greater incentive to move forward than admiration for the women and the need to educate children. When you succeed, only the family will stay with you.

You can not achieve absolute success of the team. As a rule, it is argued people who are in the very beginning of the path is definitely successful. About what happens next, people are usually silent. And the truth is one - on top of only one person.

In the life of every man's enormous role played by women. Many are closed on this, as lazy, afraid or simply do not know how to find an approach to them. Communicate with the most beautiful women. Contrary to popular belief about their "fatal", they are the strongest motivator to achieve the most inaccessible, seemingly purposes.

The ability to separate the wheat from the chaff in relation to people and their councils - a very important quality. Sometimes a person speaks only to say. In relations with people never take for granted all that they say. Do not look at the exterior, do not look at the enthusiasm. Pay attention only to their business.

Do not burden themselves with lies. It's not just hinders comfortable and life. Be honest in all things. Be sincere, even if you know that you can get hurt. The pain - it's not always a bad thing. By falsehood does not apply and never will include a white lie.
Convince people that they will succeed. Take care that you did not come from the hopelessness. Friendliness and love to a positive dialogue, goodwill to men - this is a bonus, which is not many. Meanwhile, it is very easy to buy. It is enough to learn to thank.

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