
in such •  7 years ago 

"Life may advance worse, you should not claim comparative."

  • King Kyle

That might sound punny although very earnest in semantics; So, let me just use this to beild and build you now;

"When life gives you lemon, make lemonade", so they say.

That is, should be fine staring at the face of your fear; in the phase of misfortune, you can actually turn waste to wealth. Hmmmm?

In times of adversity, you can actually switch from negativity to positivity. Hmmmm?

You should never compare yourself with the poor chances! Become a tough cookie, you've got a flight to catch! Hmmmm?

Just don't pair with how worse life might want to put you in; you can always make the best from negative conditions as to have a sweeter story to tell and a bigger glory to behold.

...Never feed your fears with what you can feed your faith with. That's just how to catch the crown.

Be blessed.

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yes too many people today complain about the negatives and forget what all they have to be positive about in their lives.