The data management system of the room in government departments and private institutions

in suesas-sciencechallenge •  7 years ago 

Today I will give a little material on how to manage the room, either work room, rest room, or dining room at each institution.

And this is a post I dedicate to part of the #suesas-sciencechallenge. Because I have read from my post suesa and I am impressed. Therefore I am trying to struggle in this challenge. I especially thank you especially @suesa and generally to all the people who visited my post.


In today's era of technology and information it is recognized that almost all aspects of activity in all fields are determined by the quality of the technology and information received and produced. The use of computers as one of the results of today's technology is very widespread and popularized not only limited in the work environment but in everyday life. In this case the computer is a tool that is absolutely used in information processing, as well as supporting in decision-making system.

Progress in the field of computers is very rapid and the need for information is increasingly perceived, it is not surprising that many agencies both government and private use the computer in improving its performance. Various activities within government agencies can be more efficient and effective, and data processing can be done to obtain information fast, precise and accurate.

Due to the dissemination of information technology that is not optimal and uneven, felt the weaknesses in the Office of Education Youth and Sports District of North Aceh, especially on data processing employees. Where the number of reports stored is still a bookkeeping archive so it takes a long time to find employee data and the length of time in the selection of employees who will be promoted, and allow the occurrence of delays and errors in the provision of information needed, and in making a decision Very meaningful to the leadership and employees concerned.

With the existence of this information system then the performance of employees more efficient because the required information about employee data information has been available well so it does not take a long time to find employee data that work at the office and the field.

Formulation of The Problem

  • How is the information system of data processing room at institute which is in aceh especially north aceh?
  • How is the benefit of information systems data processing room located in aceh especially north aceh?

The purpose of this post entry is :

  • For offerings to @suesa part of #suesas-sciencechallenge
  • To know the purpose of information systems data processing room at institutions located in aceh especially North Aceh.
  • To know the benefits of information systems data processing room at institutions located in aceh especially North Aceh.

A Brief History

In 2005 the youth education and sports division of North Aceh Regency changed its name to the Office of Education and Culture, with the scope of implementation of tasks covering the field of Education and Culture. In 2008 according to qanun of North Aceh Regency number 2 of 2008, Education and Culture Office, where the scope of implementation of its duties includes special education and teaching in the environment of North Aceh Regency.

2010 according to qanun regency of North aceh number 2 of 2010 education and teaching service changed its name back to youth education office and sports district north aceh until now. Youth education and sports office of north aceh district using operator and computerized user. Only one or two users are granted data rights. It aims to keep the data safe and secure from the threat of missing manual data has responsibility for the role it has.

Organizational Structure

Simply, the organization can be interpreted as a tool or a forum of cooperation to achieve the common goal with a certain pattern that the embodiment has a wealth of both physical and non physical. So that it can be possible for a conflict within an organization due to objective misalignment, differences in interpretation of facts, misunderstandings caused by expectations (person's point of view) behavior etc.

Organization is a social unity of a group of people who interact with each other according to a certain pattern so that every member of the organization has its functions and duties respectively, as a unity that has a specific purpose and has clear boundaries, so that can be separated.

Organization as the process of determining and grouping the work to be done, establishing and delegating authority and responsibility with a view to enable people to cooperate effectively in achieving the goals.

A good structure must have the delegation of authority in accordance with the skills and abilities and responsibilities and functions, so as to achieve the goals of the organization. With the existence of such organizational structure, shows clearly the flow of interactions that occur within the organization.

Organizational structure within the institution

  • Head of the institution
  • Secretariat of the institution
  • Treasurer of the institution
  • Areas of program and exports
  • Field of basic guidance from outside and indoors
  • Areas of facilities and infrastructure
  • The field of society
  • Sports field
  • Field of technical implementation
  • Social groups

Job And Function

To carry out various duties and functions as intended, the institutions contained in aceh especially North Aceh have the following functions :

  • The formulation of technical policy in the field of education and teaching, youth and sports.
  • Issuance of licensing recommendations and the implementation of public services in the field of education and study, youth and sports.
  • Implementation of coaching and development policies in education and teaching, youth and sports.
  • Coordinating the implementation of education and teaching programs, youth and sports.
  • Management in the field of organizational institutions.

Institute activities at institutions located in aceh especially north aceh.

The activities of the youth education and sports office of the north aceh district are the same as those of other agencies or companies in aceh and around the world.
The institute's activities in the youth education and sports office of North Aceh district are carrying out basic tasks in each section.

FOLLOW ME @ekaputri

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A good contest @ekaputri

Thanks for supporting @zulfi

Very nice @ekaputri