Quitting sugar for 28 days, a lifestyle change

in sugarchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

Happy Friday steemians!

If you read my latest posts, I often mentioned about my sugar-free challenge, I have a month since I chose to join @guyfawkes4-20 challenge, so I think it’s time to make an update.
It was not my first time, cutting all the sweets in my life, even if I am very fond of sweets. Last year, I had two months without any sugar added and I felt great. It wasn’t too hard for me to be on this challenge because I really believe that sugar consumed in excess can harm us on a long term.


What I ate?

In my first two weeks, I consumed only fruits as a dessert and I was perfectly okay with that, but then I remember I can consume stevia because has 0 calories and 0 effects on your glycemic index. I made an online order and bought a Greentela and some candies with stevia added. Greentela it’s similar to Nutella but contains 0 SUGAR, has only stevia. The taste is really good. The candies had the same structure as m&ms, I was really pleased with their products and if you live in Romania, I recommend you to try their products.


I also tried this coconut-lemon bar, which is very good made from dates, coconut flakes, oats, organic lemon oil. I should try to make this kinda bar at home, it would be more affordable.


These healthy sweets lasted a week and since then I returned on consuming only fruits as bananas, mangos as a dessert.

Even my chewing gum has no sugar added, even if I bought it before joining this challenge. Bubblegum is my favourite flavour.


I also found on our local store this gem made from back cherry, without any sugar added. I ate it with some biscuits or greek yoghurt.



For some breakfasts, I ate oats with coconut milk, cinnamon, bananas and carob, so healthy and delicious.


Unfortunately, I couldn’t find pumpkin, baked one is my favourite.

In my opinion, everyone should be aware of the amount of sugar in almost every product, some science person claim it’s more addictive than cocaine and I think at least 1 month you should try to cut your sugar in the diet, and why not for a longer period?! Where there is a will, there is also a way. I challenge you to join me in this challenge, I am sure you can do it!

For me, the real struggle was refusing to eat some cake on my dad’s birthday, but I was successful.

What I know now after this whole month:

  1. You should read the labels of what are you intending to buy and consume, you would be amazed about the range of products that contain sugar. So even if you don’t want to quit sugar for a month/life, you should totally be aware of the amount of sugar you eat on a daily basis and maybe reduce this amount.

  2. My skin condition improved, is more fresh and shiny.

  3. After several days of this challenge I slept better, I had more energy so you should have a little patience, everything will be okay!

  4. If you chose any sweeteners like stevia, maltitol, xylitol or erythritol don’t forget that an excessive consumption may produce laxative effects, it's written on the label so be careful.

  5. I Discovered raw vegan sweets. Last year I had more spare time and I tried several raw vegan recipes and I loved it. Probably I should prepare again some healthy sweets.


  6. I won’t cut my sugar intake forever, but I will definitely try to consume less sugar, the goal of this post is to create some awareness regarding the consumption of sugar.

  7. During this month I lost around 1.5 kg even if this was clearly not the purpose of this challenge, so if you wanna lose some weight you should accept my sugar-free challenge.

Best regards,

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I love that!!! You are a very ambitious girl!well done and thank you very much for all the information... I definitely should try too.

Great challenge! It's really difficult to get rid of all the sugar from our shelves and fridge . If I recall well, sugar was industrially added to pretty much EVERYTHING we eat because fat was accused of all the wrong things... But without fat, food loses all savour, so, they come up with adding sugar, more and more, and that's how the obesity epidemic is taking over...

If you have time, I recommend this article which explains it:

Actually, I recommend that article even to people with little time

Wow, it was super interesting! thanks for sharing @herverisson!

Got to say it’s an amazing challenge! @alexandraioana26
I think I’ll start for one week now and try to make it keep longer next time as reach to one month in the long round! Can’t believe I’m already planning it!😄

wow that's amazing! congratulations @floatinglin! Baby steps, baby steps, nice and steady, can't wait to read ur post about this one!

Good decision! I try to do the same, mainly cuz I realized that much sugar hurts my bladder.
Cheers :)

Congrats on this awesome decision!! you can do it!

Congratulations on your decision to give up sugar, I'm convinced you have a healthier life now. I have not been able to give up sugar, although I have tried to replace it with honey but it did not work well. Congratulations!

Thanks! I am sure you can succeed eventually. Don't give up!

Great work I am onto day 8 of my 28 day sugar detox at the moment - I think I am just passing the bad phase of cravings and feeling tired etc. I am staying away from artificial sweeteners like Stevia I want to cure my sweet tooth and I feel like those are just a replacement - I guess atleast they arent as bad for you as sugar though?

Im also cutting out all fruit (well trying) Im down to half a banana a day in my shake. Im getting used to everything being so sweet - I think my tastebuds have 'woken up'.

Great post thanks for sharing

Good luck!!!! You can do it!!

Thanks. I think I have past the worst of it now - past the cravings etc :)

I have been sugar free for awhile now and the results are amazing. It's so much more than weight loss. I need less sleep, I have greater mental clarity, my skin looks better....

That's amazing, maybe you can share your experience!

I confirm, getting rid of sugar helps with weight-loss. However seriously "getting rid" of sugar is something much more extreme than what @alexandraioana26 describes here.
No stevia for instance. Stevia does have calories, not as much as sugar but it does have some. And no fruits. Fruits contain fructose which is without contest the worst sugar - the fastest to be assimilated. Dates for instance, when dried, are worse than pure sugar bombs.
"No sugar" for me means at most yoghourt "nature" or cheese - even that contains lactose, which is a sugar. And oatbran - it does have some residual glucose but not that much.

It depends on your goals. I have a low glycemic index even when I eat sweets so I can't give up fruits... plus I don't need to lose weight, maybe gain some kg! Are u on a sugar-free diet @sorin.cristescu?

Nice challenge! Congratulations. I following your challenge. I wonder what will happen:)

Congrats. Can't wait to read your updates!

I don't know if I would ever be able to completely avoid sugar but I definitely need to be more aware of my intake!

Pls, take care of yourself!!

When I saw the post I came to ask if it's for/from Guy's challenge hahaha!
Usually when I cut sugar I do it completely (like no substitutes) and the only difference I see is losing weight :)

hahah funny

I have the glycemic index low even if I eat sugar so I can't give up fruits.

Yeah, I didn't mean fruits - that's natural sugar. I meant added sugar or sweets for example ;) Fruits are essential for our nutrition! :D

Good advices here! I find it next to impossible to skip the sugar from my diet...and I'm eating A LOT. I'm happy for you that you could pass the test :)

Thanks. I am sure you will achieve this if it's what you really want! cheers