Healthier alternatives to bread

in sugarchallenge •  7 years ago 

If you think about quitting sugar, I am of the opinion that also cutting back on refined carbohydrates can be of great help especially when talking about weight loss and balancing insulin levels.


The thing about bread and other foods made mostly of refined carbs is that they contain few micronutrients like vitamins and minerals; and are basically calorie rich "filler" which is used to make us full.

All those easily digestible calories only contribute to making us fat and feeling lethargic without providing anything essential to our diet because our body can easily produce carbohydrates like glucose from proteins and fat in a process called gluconeogenesis (term that basically means creating new glucose).

Some of you might say that you can't eat certain things without bread, but that just shows the power of habit unfortunately. We rarely think if our daily actions are actually beneficial in the long term, like in the case of smoking for example. Now before you flip out I'm not comparing smoking with eating bread :)...although both don't serve a very useful purpose :P

The next argument I imagine hearing is that there is whole bread and other varieties of bread that contain more minerals and fibers, which is great and all but there is also a small problem called ... gluten.


And even if you share South Park's opinion on gluten and think it is just a fad to avoid it, the truth is that we are exposed to huge amounts of gluten in our diets. But I'll be covering this controversial topic in another post.

So the very few of you that have gotten this far and didn't through their laptop or phone out the window after reading such a nutritional heresy


might ask: "is there an alternative to eating bread?"

Well, I think there are definitely quite a few:

1 My personal favorite are rice cakes, because they are gluten free and there are varieties which have seeds added to them like quinoa, that add more proteins and minerals to the mix.


2 Buckwheat bread - which contains mostly rice and potato flour; and small amounts of buckwheat, which despite its name is not related to wheat and is gluten free.


3 Corn bread is another gluten free, fiber and protein rich alternative to traditional bread


All these suggestions are richer in nutrients and fiber than traditional bread and have the added benefit of not having gluten - thus you can eat them without the fear of flying genitalia to bother your digestion :))))

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My name is Adrian a.k.a "The nearsighted traveler". I'm a running enthusiast who loves to spend time enjoying nature. I write mostly about running, the places I explore and the interesting stuff I learn here on steemit.
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Im doing the 28 day sugar detox currently and have cut out bread - there are plenty of healthy foods out there! I think the biggest appeal with bread is its convenience. Why cook something when you can quickly just toast some bread and add some toppings?

The problem is that many people get so used to it that they have to eat it at most meals.

Yup including me

Ce asemanatori suntem :))
nici eu nu mai mananc paine de vreo 4 ani, decat ffff rar, iar pastele pe care le mananc sunt din porumb.

I feel depressed now. for you. :(

foarte tare :) ma distreaza ce anti mancat sanatos e razvanelul nostru mioritic dar se plange la el pe blog ca nu il incap hainele :))))

spoiler alert: you're gonna hate my next post ( nextish, prolly monday :D ).
I for one can not accept anything less than GOOD bread. That means, sourdough bread. But..I only buy one bread per week and trust me it doesn't last a week *( though GOOD bread does last a lot) just stop buying shit bread that has more than 2 ingredients: water, salt (and sourdough/yeast)

This is more about health rather than taste. There is plenty of crap that tastes good and makes you fat and addicted.
Even your good bread has a lot of useless carbohydrates and also gluten. With this post I was trying to address those problems.


Usefull article about bread, i will also try rice cake , health is the most important