Sugar challenge update and my meals during a normal day

in sugarchallenge •  7 years ago 

I will start by saying I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I have been sugar free since starting the challenge. And by that I mean I haven't eaten anything that obviously contains added sugar like muffins for example (I used to enjoy muffins a lot). The more hidden sugar it's extremely hard to dodge because small quantities of it are found in most things (even freakin' pickles); and unfortunately I can't eat only whole foods all the time.


But all in all I've avoided eating obviously sugar-packed stuff, even though there were some pretty hard-core temptations. However, I do have a lot of experience doing this so I didn't feel it was super tough.

The "bad" news is that I didn't manage to stay faithful to my personal twist to this challenge: not eating any sweets even if they don't contain sugar. One day I fell victim to these bad boys:


They contain stevia which is a natural sweetener and is not metabolized by the human digestive system. But that was the only exception, and as days go by I've noticed that I have a better control of my cravings. Hopefully in the next update I will be 100% on track with both parts of the challenge.

Today's meals

  • Because I worked in the afternoon again, I was tempted to eat something for breakfast even though it kind of disrupts my usual intermittent fasting routine. So my first meal consisted of a lot of pistachios and some milk. Both contain a lot of proteins and pistachios also have healthy fats; and of course they taste great and I try to eat them as often as possible.


  • Before I left for work I ate a salad consisting of chicken breast and some random vegetables :P


  • After work I was feeling way too lazy to cook something, so it was salad time again. This time with tuna and some more random vegetables


  • After that followed more pistachios, milk and calamari rings - though I admit those rings are not the healthiest thing I could eat but they are easy to make in the oven ( I don't deep fry them - that would gross me out)


What do you think of my normal "diet"? Would you try it out ? :)

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My name is Adrian a.k.a "The nearsighted traveler". I'm a running enthusiast who loves to spend time enjoying nature. I write mostly about running, the places I explore and the interesting stuff I learn here on steemit.
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what is with you guys and the sugar challenge?!?!?!?1?

I have at least 5 articles regarding sugar on my blog and more to come when I have the time :) you can check them out, here is the last one:

Cred ca stevia este okay, avand in vedere ca are 0 calorii si 0 indice glicemic. Si eu 2 saptamani am stat fara stevia, dar joi mi-am luat dulciuri indulcite cu stevie...

Chiar ma bucur sa aud ca folosesti chestii cu stevie. Multi sunt sceptici cand aud de ea, in schimb nu ii deranjeaza ca fac burta si sunt din ce in ce mai letargici de la atata zahar.


Multumesc de compliment :)))))


Imi place ca mananci sanatos, mi-ai facut o pofta de capsuni... :D

Incerc sa mananc sanatos, dar mai e mult loc de imbunatatiri :)

momentul ala cand vezi romana in comentarii

momentul ala cand un steemian batran iti scrie multe comentarii :))

pe vremea mea, eram singurul roman :P

Când am văzut poza cu căpșuni, mi am adus aminte de vara, in luna mai când apar pentru prima dată obișnuiesc să mănânc foarte multe, sunt fructele mele preferate. Ai o dietă foarte bună fără prea multe calorii, îmi place cum ai preparat salata de ton, bună rețeta.

Nu am preparat niciuna din salate :). Cea cu ton e de la Panemar, sunt un lant de magazine foarte raspandite in Cluj.

Ai gusturi bune, eu am preparat azi un chec delicios, daca vrei să mi vizitezi profilul și să mi spui dacă îți place

Daca e cu zahar nu ma atrage :)

Are foarte puțin zahăr

sugar hater!!!!