Quitting Sugar for 30 days (Day 1) - @guyfawkes4-20 , @macchiata - challenge accepted!

in sugarchallenge •  7 years ago  (edited)

After @guyfawkes4-20 posted about his addiction to sugar, @macchiata joined in and I couldn't just sit back and watch.

I've had a serious sugar addiction for most of my life. When I was a kid I would down those bags of Chips Ahoy like they were nothing. I'm not talking about the mini-packs with 4 cookies, I'm talking about the big bags with 2 or 4 rows of cookies, each row with maybe 20 cookies inside. I might go through a pack in 2 days. I distinctly remember eating a full bag in one day before. I would drink a cup of milk with each 4 cookies and somehow my poor first world education and warped mind led me to believe I was being healthy ("Sweets are bad for you....behold, the school vending machine").

woah, image link

As I got older I cut back a bit, but my addiction diversified. I spent some time into Sour Patch Kids in middle school and Dark Chocolate in high school. In university there was all-you-can-eat ice cream at the dining hall, and cake.....CAKE! I miraculously never became fat. After university it became ultra sweet coffee and milk tea.

Over the past 3 years I've quit coffee and soda, and I've stopped buying my daily chocolate bar, but I still get my fix at least 6 days a week most of the time, even if I do eat more fruit, nuts, and yogurt than before. But I'd like to completely rid this terrible stuffs hold on me once and for all.

I will always love chocolate, but I don't want to NEED it. Not even a little.

So I'm happy to be joining these friends in a 30 day no sweets challenge. I'm going to break it one day because I'm traveling somewhere that has an amazing cake store, but other than that one day, NO SWEETS. This won't apply to fruits obviously, but all other high sugar foods will be out of my diet.

When I quit soda, I started feeling more awake and energetic. I'm looking forward to seeing to how my body feels after it's detoxed from all the sweets. I will try not to compensate with too much beer or fried food either!

Let's see how it goes.

Day 1 felt easy at first but after I finished dinner, I found myself thinking about chocolate. I suppose it will really start to get better after 4 or 5 days.

Wish us luck!


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Good luck! I quit soda a few years ago.. still can't let my coffee go yet! I give you major props!

I saw an interesting finding from the American Heart Association. They recommend about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 teaspoons per day for men on average. (4.2 grams is considered a teaspoon of sugar). I heard that and started looking at the grams of sugar in things.. it shocked me! my kids juice had like 23g PER SERVING! needless to say I changed our shopping habits!

-They also highlighted how sugar is not regulated by daily nutritional amounts like say salt, fat or iron is. You'd never see a percentage next to it on a nutrition label... very scary!

Our food is regulated by maniacs. If cigarettes have to put health warnings on the package, so should soda, the amount of sugar in most packaged drinks is totally insane and not even delicious.

I have zero food related cravings, but due to my prolonged awake cycles I do need to eat more. Not 'want' but have to. The problem is that I forget to have my meals at the night hours so I usually have a huge energy deficit.
Also, it is really obnoxious to have two dinners during the night, so I used to 'fill' it up with some quick food from the fridge.
My weight goes down vertically and I don't want to describe what happens with my health...
I was never a supporter of the 'ideal' weight, because after a couple too many years into fitness and bodybuilding the whole body is heavier due to more muscles and heavier bones. There is no way my scale will show anywhere below 60 kg, plus now I am 70+ and I can't be happier and healthier.

Good luck with your sugar free diet.

If I were you I would exclude artificial oils as well, they are literary a pure poison.

Why are you always awake for so long, it sounds like you could solve these problems with a little more sleep. Yeah, I’d like to stay away from artificial anything, but I’m not exactly the most proactive when it comes to making healthy alternatives.

Because I have naturally prolonged cycle, it is not something I have any control over and I don't think it is a PROBLEM.
It is the same as if I ask you that you should go to sleep after breakfast because then you will solve problem of not having a lunch.
What you experience like 4 days, I experience like only one day.
You day is 24 hours, mine is 96.
It is genetic trait, and proven by medical test to be NATURAL FOR ME.
If you have any other questions relating how this is even possible address this post:
Some weird shit - 'alien' brain?

By the way, how is your diet so far???

I lived like that for a little while, not that extreme though. No sugary stuff for 48 hours!

I don't feel it as extreme, but I would like to locate a planet I am from... lol.
Congratulations for 48 hours going sugar-free!

Good luck with your challenge. I gave up sugar for a month last year and lost a lot of weight because of it. I've recently fallen off the wagon again! Thanks for reminding me I need to fix up!

Ah, so you’ve done this yourself? What kind of sugar do you usually eat? You can join us too!

I stopped adding sugar to my tea and coffee a while back (I used to have 3 spoonfuls per cup!) but I find it hard to resist cakes and cookies....particularly as we do sometimes have these treats “for the kids”! Yes I think I will join you.

I’ve gotten quite good at resisting BUYING cake and cookies....but when they are in front of me that’s another story. That’s why I’m trying the 30 days. You should try again! Or do hey help you get through the grey winter?

They do and also I love baking. But Lent is coming up soon so that might be a good time for me to give up sugar for the 40 days.

Good luck!

I find it takes about 2 weeks for me to lose my after dinner sugar cravings. They get stronger as the day goes on. I have no desire for sugar at all in the morning. Wish I could feel like all day.

After dinner is when they hit me too! I have no desire for any food in the morning.

Good luck on that one!

I tried it a while back. I actually managed eating less than 50g of carbs a day and no sugars for a few weeks. My body fat dropped like crazy!

I softened a little and allowed myself a bit of 70%+ dark chocolate. A bar whould last me 3 days. Then two. Then one hour.

I guess some of the healthy habits stuck with me, but I can't let go of my chocs.

Haha what is it about chocolate! It’s the hardest for me to quit too. I guess it’s the caffeine?

Good luck dude!! I cut out sugar 5-6 days per week and it honestly feels amazing, I enjoy sugar when I have it and I don't feel like I am constantly struggling to not overindulge... it used to be such a mentally tiring thing to crave sweets all day.

I got there once, I didn’t even realize it, I was just so busy and had good healthy food around cause I was living with vegetarian friends who cook well and constantly. Looking forward to doing it again.

Sounds like Keto diet :o
It is difficult to me to cut it 100%, I like chocolate and sweet so much :(

I don’t know the Keto diet. I just don’t want to be controlled by addiction! I still love chocolate!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Best of luck guys! Once the cravings are gone and your body has adjusted you will notice that you will have a massive amount of energy.

Top tip.. ditching the sugar is great but don't try to give it up and not replace it with something else. You'll find it much easier to cut back if you use something else in place of the sugary treats.

Always remember your body can't metabolise any more than 25g of sugar a day! Easiest guideline to follow.

So what did my body do with all that sugar! I didn’t get fat, where did it go!

You are right though, I will feel great!

It sounds like somebody was blessed by the fat fairies!
I'm looking forward to hearing about how you get on pal, best of luck.

Good luck with the challenge! Just as a I told @guyfawkes4-20 be prepared for some very difficult days! But with the proper mindset you can do this bro

Are you addicted to sugar too?

This is really an experiment. I want to see if I still crave it after a month and if I feel differently. I’ll be happy to eat it again later, I just don’t want to be controlled by it.

I'll just write my journal as you write yours. So, this is my
Day 1 :

Okay... I just realized I had yogurt and chocolate coffee. I'll try my best to order non sugared coffee next time I visit this coffee shop.

Hahahah ahhhhhhhhhh! You really need to get serious. I’m allowing myself granola kind of snacks which have a liiiiitle sugar and some yogurt that is low sugar. No sugar in drinks of any kind except natural juice. I snack on fruits all day now :-)

I’ll probably update once a week, no more than that .

I rarely eat candys and my soda consumption is close to zero. But chocolate is my only "weakness". Though that is still in moderation because I don't have a habit of buying it no more than once per week max. at weekends. Hope your experiment goes well!

I’m learning From this post that I’m not the only one with such a rabid chocolate addiction, it’s also the hardest for me to quit.