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Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I think that if Laura set her bot to continue voting then we should respect her wishes... she is a lovely young lady and resting in peace. Thanks for this good post Stellabelle , I wish you a blessed week.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Thank you for what you wrote at the very end of the post in the "personal update" combined with choosing this topic we benefit a ton from looking at! I am honored Laura included me in her upvote list which I just discovered on your post here that I found by the retweet from the @steemit Twitter account at I appreciate you thinking of me for the post here and having the courage to share about this especially in how the death impacted you! I just added you to my @steemvoter after reading this post!

That's the thing about suicide; it only has to be a good idea for a few minutes.
I remember years ago, I took a breakup pretty hard. It all went pear shaped while I was at work, armed.
I never contemplated using it, but I recall being struck by how terrifyingly quickly I could do so.
It would only need to be a 'good' idea for a few seconds.
Glad to hear your dad is still around.
@Holoz0r is running an art contest in Laura's memory.
The theme of the first round is 'Darkness' and there's some quality entries already lodged.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

The reason I'm running the competition is to encourage more steemians to produce consistent, quality content, and to make sure that Laura's 'ghost' haunts this place for as long as possible. She was an incredible role model and example for steemians all over the world, and we are a lesser place without her.

My friend Johnny committed suicide in 2015, and I find that although he doesn't still have a bot or anything like that, I still feel that he is with me. I regularly text his number when I want to talk to him (sorry to whoever is actually getting those texts). His facebook still exists, and people regularly post on his wall in his memory. Blockchain creates a really interesting problem in the world when a person dies. If you don't have any of your online information backed up, where does that money go? Where does that account go? There's no way to delete it, it always goes on in perpetuity... but should it? Should there be a way to memorialize a steemit account? I think the upvotes from her bot would be comforting, myself- although I often felt haunted by Johnny in the year after his death, especially when he would pop up in my facebook memories or one of his favorite songs would play on the radio just as I turned it on. Hopefully Laura's bot creates more comfort than pain, eventually.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

What a good write-up, both of you. It's interesting to have a virtual you an avatar. I think everybody is going to have a virtual me to protect ourselves against bullying maybe but also for our privacy. I hope we can truly heal people in the future, maybe it is possible even now. Times are harsh, let's grab and hold each other and go into the night together. Soon the sun will rise.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Laura and I had talks about a few things and she asked my opinion on some of them and for assistance on others.

Personally when I saw her bot running immediately still after her leaving us, I was humbled and stunned --- but had seen it running for a long time on my posts. I thought that was nice of her, I still do.

One thing was the behaviour of people on here, and how it affected things and people and I feel the same as her, to this day, as to how some people are affected.

I could say a lot more but I just won't. For lots of reasons.

I think Laura gave a lot of herself, with what she had to give, just like many of us do who get maligned and tossed to the side many times, no matter what we are dealing with or how good our intentions are.

Some of what we discussed and the rest has been discussed a lot on this platform.

The behaviour of people at times, has really changed how I view people and motives and generosity and transparency and a lot of other things now.

I always felt I was going to meet Laura one day, and looked forward to that, despite both of our health issues, oddly --- neither of our faults. We consoled each other in that regard also.

I also knew she was a ticking time bomb that suffered greatly.

And I will miss her and our conversations ring ever so loudly in my ears and mind as she impacted many of us.

I have always tried to be kind to people but like I said, some of the behaviour of people towards one another is really quite cruel and cold and that is something else many of us share and have a burden to deal with, in the reality of this life we are here for.

Our days are numbered, clearly. It would be nice to show a little more kindness to one another.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Kindness is sometimes hard to come by, until a tragedy shakes us up. I'm glad that you and Laura connected.


I am still bothered by all of this. I wonder if her passing will lead to any substantive changes.

I think she would like that.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

In the end everybody dies.
I can't say I'd like the idea of a random Bot wandering the cosmos, making decisions on my behalf, after I leave it.
When I go. I'd just like the people that knew me to remember me.
For good or bad. Hopefully for the good.
There is an old saying,
"You will live on, until the last person that remembers you passes away"
Just my opinion.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Laura's suicide is a shocking news. It's a huge loss not only to Steem community but the whole society. May her soul rest in peace.

Sudden unexpected incidents like these may shock anyone. Since you knew her personally, and the manner she chose to put an end to her life has triggered a lot of past painful incidents in your heart. I feel it's not just Laura who was responsible to take this extreme step but the whole of human society is responsible for directly or indirectly making her life miserable to such an extent.

Your ramblings here has raised an interesting scenario of whether this artificial machine borne consciousness of a human being should continue after his / her death or not. We certainly need to think upon various aspects related to it. A good issue for deliberation!

This is very intriguing, a part of you will live on the blockchain. I didn't know Laura, but her death is saddening, depression is a hard thing to deal with. However it's very cool how steemit supports her after death and people coming together to put some light in this dark subject. This kind of bonding of people coming together over a terrible event, empowers the faith in people and humanity. This community is strong and loving and it's nice to have a break from all the trolls and assholes out there.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

@stellabelle - I did not know Laura but after reading your account of her sad demise, I have a hollow feeling. Did not know I was capable of feeling this way.

I am amazed to think of the 'consciousness' left behind in the form of a bot. What a unique concept - never thought of the block-chain as a 'consciousness transference medium'!!

I hope you come to terms with the loss and your mood improves. I can feel the pain in your blog.



Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Thanks for this post, I learned a whole bunch of stuff - I was pretty confused each time Laura's bot upvoted my posts.

Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for your insights.

I didn't know voting bots was seen as ok.
I would had thought any form of automation would be frowned upon. I learnt something today...

My first interaction with Laura was through my post and photos about the meet up that you arranged in KC. She had commented how she would love to do something interactive in real life with her fellow steemians, but felt that her illness(es) prevented her from doing so. From there, we had discussions through each other's posts for just a few brief months, but her willingness to participate and contribute despite her problems, really spoke to me about her as an individual.

I can't begin to imagine how her death has affected you, but as always, you have expressed yourself beautifully through your words. I can empathize, as I have lost too many loved ones far too soon, before their time. I can't form an appropriate feeling on her ghost living on through her bots, as I have mixed feelings. But in the grand scheme of things, she has truly left her mark on the block chain and I would like to think that she would be proud of her imprint, and maybe even find the situation "funny" in the sense of her uncommon brand of humor ;)

Take care of yourself, Stella.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

This is a masterpiece @stellabelle , thank you very much sharing this. I look forward to more of this.
A wise man once said "Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it."

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

I'm sorry for your loss. :(

It's interesting to think that in the future at some point there will probably be many "lost soul" bots roaming around the blockchain universe. It's reminding me of a story or movie (can't quite grasp the memory) where humans have largely disappeared, and the world is populated with bots of various levels of technological advancement, and they just keep plodding on doing their thing until perhaps they fail or their sun goes supernova. In fact, now that I think of it, it was a story about robots that are programmed by their human owners to carry them into the future in suspended animation until the day comes that they can be reanimated and cured of their debilitation/terminal illnesses. In a way lauralemons' bot is like these other bots and is carrying a part of her inside of it. I wonder if in the future, if and when machines become conscious, whether it will be possible to bring bots like hers up to a level of consciousness such that part of that consciousness is like a part of the original lauralemons..

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Thanks for writing this, @stellabelle. I think a lot of us here on Steem struggle with depression, and I think that that is likely indicative of intelligence, compassion, empathy, and the desire for the world to be a better place (if I may brag about us so freely).

I appreciate you writing this, and the questions you raise are poignant and profound. Hope Laura is in a peaceful place now. These things are such mysteries. Wishing you the best and sending happy, unicorn fart-imbued thoughts of positivity and love your way.


condolences to her, i love the memory of the art that u posted of hers as well as her quote that she falls in love with the soul of each that she draws , that was so deep and it feels like a next level of understanding that only she can and will understand, as well as for her bot, i think it was her wish to continue supporting those in a way that she could therefore she kept it still functioning, to let her memory live and support those she wished to, its like it will stay there for as much of time to let her memories live within the platform.

Rip to Laura, but seriously how do you know she's the only one?

This is still crazy to me... i got a 'i follow you u follow me' comment a few days after she passed and she (her bot) had flagged that comment and it thew me for a loop!! Then i found out about her bot and just thought it was insane that she would live on in the blockchain!!! I hope she had someone out there to keep redeeming her rewards to keep the people she loved blessed with her up votes from the other side!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Like I said before, I was surprised to see her account as one of those that upvoted me six days ago. I didn't know what to feel when I saw it. But I think it would somehow keep her memories alive since that's one of the last thing she did while here. If steemit could add a sort of Facebook's legacy feature, in which users can choose to appoint a friend or family member to take control of some aspects of the account after their death. These features were among the most requested by users who gave feedback on its memorial page policies.

She left a lasting impression on a lot of steemians. Sad that I didn't get to know her while here. I didn't know you have this close brush with suicide. I'm glad it all ended well. I think a time off is good at the moment to clear your head. We all have some of days when things don't work or come out right. Thanks a lot.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

This is a deep article.. thanks for your sensitiveness @stellabelle and for having gifted us with a moment to stop and think about our life. Upvoted and followed you.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Oh @stellabelle

No one should have to go through a depression

This is just sad

it's just part of life. The opposite side of my exuberance shows itself....and then it will go away. This is just the reality of a life, one life.

Okay I wasn't crying til you said you were crying. Jesus!!! I was wondering when you would write this post. I reacted & wrote straight away, that's when Laura upvoted me, it was on the post about her death that she had upvoted me, I was the person that was confused about it, not fully knowing about bots. It gave me a shock that's for sure, but it was also a nice feeling. I can see you have been brewing for some time since her passing, god I am sitting here crying reading your post Stellebelle. I always think at times of going through hell it's because we are renewing, shedding old skin is painful & it's part of life's ebbs and flow's. I know you already know this. We love you through hellish moods & glitter farts. And daughters are the best when you're feeling like crap aye? Bug hugs!!!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Sometimes it just takes awhile for all the shock to set in. She will be missed by a lot of people, I myself never got a chance to meet her, or message her, or leave a comment, but because of her I have learned a lot about some people on steemit. Those that have true hearts, like yourself. It is okay to miss people. Those that we miss would want our lives to go on no matter the pain of our missing them. Maybe by leaving her bot running she was somehow trying to say, "I miss you all too".

That was very touching. I must admit I shared some tears.

Laura is following my votes with 50% of my VP through streemian. That is her only bot. She had been following my vote for quite a long time.

It's incredibly sad that she is gone and we all wished we had done more.

And now I wish you to take good care of yourself. Let's do another video chat later today or tomorrow.

I'm so sorry to learn about all of this. I didn't get a chance to know Laura, but her artwork is beautiful. I find it comforting to know that her ghost lives on in the machine. x

This actually made me even more sad because seeing her name will make me sad . I may not have knew her like others , but I care for every human . She is in a better place watching down on all of us

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

This is really heart touching and makes one to think, about legacies that will live long after ones demise. Its saddens to know we cant do much about this life choices.
The times we live should really be impactful to people and the world at large.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I'm so sad to hear about Laura's death. I remember when she first came to Steemit. She had so many health and people issues and shared them. She was raw and real and very talented. I hope she's at peace now. I alsos hope her bot continues on. Notheing can be deleted in the blockchain. She'll live on forever there too. But it's not the same without having her here with us. We never know if we befriend someone or share a kind word, that we may have saved their life. Rest in peace, Laura.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I was @lauralemons follower for a brief time and I think she's lovely. I was so sad when I heard the news of her death.

Well its a good thing her bot is still functioning.

@stellabelle you take care of yourself...we all love you in Steemit .. your posts are part of all of us now. I enjoyed reading this and know you will see brighter days. When I met you in Kansas City it was great to be around such a creative mind as yours.

Wow this is a very touching post @stellabelle...

I think we have all known people who died on other platforms like Facebook, but it is really interesting to think that your past life can continue to physically affect others even after your death.

I never knew Laura but her artwork, and most definitely her soul, seems to have touched many people here, and she is most certainly in a better place!

I hope that all people who are considering suicide take the time to talk to friends and see that this life is a beautiful opportunity to share with others. I wish everybody who is grieving the best during this difficult time, and I hope that we Steemians can prevent future suicides from happening!
šŸ ā¤ļøšŸ¬ā¤ļøšŸ³

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)


Am going to cry
This is like a reminder that someday we will be no more
What are we leaving behind?
Will our legacy still live on like @lauralemons bots and lovely art work or would there be no reason to remember us?

May her soul rest in perfect peace

It's hard to put into words what I felt at numerous points reading through this. Goosebumps at some and almost tears at others. I did not know her but thankyou for sharing this legendary story. This unfortunately will not be the first. It's definitely impossible not to question the future after something like that especially involving family . I'm just thankful to be here and learn all of these things. Imagine if we didn't get the chance to be here ! Cray...Anyway, as tragically awful as her death was..The fact that this penetrated your numbness into feeling these emotions shows serious change... grateful for yah ham and cheese!!!let's get some uni-farts soon šŸ˜‰

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Hard... Great from you to keep her memory

So sad! It's most painful when one gets to know about a friend's extent of depression after he/she is gone, and we wish we could have done more. I don't know what happens after life, but I hope she has found rest.

I read in one of her posts that she had to power down due to her medical expenses. No one was there to help her financially, this part was sad. She had to do everything alone. I wish people who are in need would get help before they reach to such decision. Amen

A sudden death especially a violent one always leaves a mark for those who stay behind. When my youngest brother was killed a few years ago I would -at random times during the day- find myself picturing how he was murdered for months after the event. Eventually those images stopped popping into my head.

Lately I have been pondering about my inevitable demise and one of my sons has instructions on what to do with my digital asset.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Sorry mate. Sorry about your little brother.
Mine just helped with my fan belt yesterday.
I'd be stuck without him.
He actually just posted an introduction which is pretty cool.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Let us know if you need help finding the unicorn.

I'm so sorry for your loss, @stellabelle. @lauralemons' legacy will be cherished.

I received her upvote too. And I called @ghulammujtaba right away. He didn't know about Laura's death by that time. It was still early hours after the incident. We sitting oceans away, were touched by the event. We talked about her over a cup of tea at work. I kept looking at her photo that day again and again. This post has revised the emotions of that day. I haven't seen such a deep and emotional post from you, ever. Human for a human!

Lets just let her Bot live forever and keep her alive on the platform. Lets just let her light spread, even if it is in form of her own self-created bot.

Love and good wishes for Laura.

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed :]

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

About setting the bot intentionally... It seems to me that in such statement as Laura was people really don't think about such things. But may be I'm wrong, this also may look like kind of a spiritual idea in modern world.
I knew found out about the disaster only yesterday, and most part of the night I was reading her blog. So much suffer, and such an unexpected end - exactly when things seemed to become at least a little bit better.

This is so emotional. Please don't let me cry. I don't know what to say about her demise, I'm really speechless.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Personally i view bots in this respect as ā€˜legacies' to carry on good works, though at the early stage of the owners demise they may be seen as ā€˜the reincarnate of the dead'. But in the long run it will serve the owner's wish like a ā€˜will'. On the other hand bots may be nuisance at some point, and at this point i believe they need to be stopped it, if one could. Thanks for this piece ma
May her soul rest in perfect peace.

I see her bot as a legacy, Either it slipped off her mind setting it or she did it on purpose before her untimely death.. Then I believe her wishes should be respected!

Such Idea are still welcomed for our kids, this isn't to creep them out but to tell them we are with them even dead!

I hope your mood improves and I believe it is called the situational depression! Hurry and bounce back up, you're a strong woman!!

Such a sad story but I wonder why we would take the easy way out of difficult situations. Some people drink themselves down just to forget their problems while the reality sets back in, some take drugs and some do what just happened to end everything. I believe everyone has a down time and problems, the way we handle it shows our capability towards life. I believe all problems have a solution and suicide isn't one of them. I believe her bot is keeping the community moving.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I can understand now why suicide is such a heavy topic for you @stellabelle. Thanks for sharing this.

I guess in a sense, Laura lives in all of us. After my dad died, my mom told me, "You are him."

I didn't think much of it. I was just like "Oh okay."

But then I realized that in that sense, he continues to live in me; you; us. I understand that part of my mom's love for me now is that she sees him when I am around.

I am sorry to hear about what you're going through now. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you need a listening ear.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

This got me thinking, first thing first I have started using @steemvoter and secondly it always a good way to backing up our online details. I have started backup some already. Writing my login details on a dairy.

Rip to her, I've seen some of her work and they are awesome

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

It looks like somone is managing her account...

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Good story!

What is good about the story? Smh.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

We learn about each other. "Most of problems are inside my or your mine".

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

i never believed in the word suicide as i think no one will ever try to take their own life. i used to think its their killers that try to cover their tracks. But i changed that orientation when someone i know drank insecticide because she was often scolded by her mum.

Not enough reason for me. No reason should even be enough but who am i to judge them. I never witnessed what it felt like to be in their shoes.

Nobody should ever be sad in their lives but that is just the way this wicked world is .

if you are presently in any situation, suicide is not the best option. I might not have a solution to your problems but you have my prayers.

awesome-voted it up

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Homerun right here. Beautiful way to eulogize @lauralemons and also explore this new world of quasi AI/ghost in the machine type stuff. I've read a few of your posts and have to say you are a wonderful writer. I am a big Altucher fan myself and have to tell you great job for choosing yourself and putting it all out there on paper. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Get well but don't stay down for too long.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I was just getting to know her when she left us. But knowing she is still alive in the blockchain makes me think about a new kind of immortality...

Stellabelle, many cyber hugs and love... At 67, this has been a year full of friends dying... but I knew many of them were on their way out. Didn't really make it better.

I think I will set a bot for my account and live in the Steemit machine...

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Hi @stellabelle i do sympathize with you over the death of your close friend and acquaintance on steemit blockchain network indeed it's a sad occasion to have lost such a young and creative mind like the one @lauralemons ,perhaps i will personally say that nobody should interfere with her account in anyway like begging for steem power or steem dollars because it's not an ethical in any way at all when someone dies and as a result you are busy infringing his or her account,lastly on the issue of her bot still upvoting her favorite authors indeed thats a cool idea because it will keep her memory still lingering here on steemit for a long time as much as it appears to be a ghost in form of steem machine,even me i will definitely start my own bot inorder to keep my memory cherish in case i pass away,thank you @stellabelle for your post.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Laura has been on my mind since her suicide. A few days before I heard about her death, I had a disturbing dream. I dreamt that my ribs hurt and there was blood and puss oozing from them. Then the dream switched to a completely different scene and in it one of my teeth fell out. I've never had the oozing, bleeding ribs dream before but my teeth dreams mean grave illness or death -- and they have been 100% accurate.

And then on Sept. 8 I got a Skype message that my youngest aunt was on her death bed. She died the next day. Strangely, I was more affected by Laura's death. I got to know her briefly through her stories and FB messages. I was never privy to my aunt's stories and so, more than my own flesh and blood, I cried for Laura. I still do.

Now that I'm back at home and things are back to normal, I've been immersing myself in work because the emotional stress of the last few f--king months are manifesting themselves into physical ailments as I try to keep my own dark demons at bay. Maybe I just need to let it out before I implode.

Talk soon

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

@stellabelle I really sympathize with you about this and your enlightenment about leaving an economic bot for our children really touch me.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ (edited)

Hi @stellabelle, this is a really vulnerable post. Thank you for being brave and opening your heart to us. That's kind of what I am here for (heart-to-heart). These openings of our souls to connect with each other have a lot of power of healing and I hope that you are able to get what you need from the relationships you have made here, knowing you are in no way alone in how you feel.

I feel you when you speak of being one extreme or the other and I think many of us are facing this and thinking we're alone but it's important to know we're not, it's a demanding world especially managing real life and our online world we're creating.

Personally, I didn't know Laura but it's tragic to hear of her death. I've had friends who have succumbed to overwhelming thoughts and have left us as well, so I am familiar with the loss and pain involved. Let's hope she's in a better place wherever she is now!

As far as bots and all that are concerned, it might sound dramatic but I was giving this a lot of thought myself as we are under a serious volcano warning.. it's set to erupt any time and while I am supposed to be out of the impact zone, they can't promise anything and I wanted my upvotes to live on and was wanting to make sure all of my account was in order to continue on should anything happen to me.

What a morbid/odd thought, I thought. After reading this, it's just some sort of futuristic reality we are coming to and brings up a lot to think about.

I hope your daughter is able to comfort you in this time and that the Steemit community can pick up anything that's left over.


Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Such a shame... I really can't comment on the situation other than Laura, RIP. Young bright minds find their self in that dark minute and the damage is done. Our community lost a sweet charm, hopefully, these kinds of things will not happen again... My mom had some issues as a young girl in her 20s, a few years after my birth. Our whole family suffered for years, and I relate to the pain of her family, well somehow I guess. Losing someone 4ever is heartbreaking... I feel bad for all the people who knew her and felt a connection with her!

@stellabelle I support the Laura BOT, if the Steem Power goes down, I think would be a great idea if we could delegate some its way, as a reminder the BOT should stay! Hope it will...

Take care dear #realsupport

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Peace be on all. Hope your mood improves. Life is strange indeed. When people have food and shelter and almost all comforts, some tend to become egoistic and start abusing those who are vulnerable. Like me, who has suffered abuse under my inlaws and extended relatives. I too contemplated ending my life but my late mother and my Guru adviced to hold on. Karma works and now I am the only one to look after my mil who is succumbing slowly to dementia. I hope her suffering ends though. Ego works as long as thebrain works. If the brain strikes,that is the actual end. Thanks for sharing with us all.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

Hi Stella. I want to praise how emotionally and soulfully this was written, but instead I feel sad knowing that we've lost such a beautiful person. It made me shed a tear. RiP Laura :(

thanks for share

Thank you for sharing this with us. This is a subject that is very close to my heart. RIP laura.

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

I think your personal update extends beyond you at the moment. I have noticed a lot of people (myself included) over come with a lot of emotions as of late. I've been trying to shake them off lately but it's been nagging at me. I've been trying to focus on what is important.

I only had one interaction with laura and it was when I read a post about her childhood abuse. I told her how sorry I was for what happened to her. I wanted to give her a hug or something. I'm not sure if she remembered me after that. It's sad and goes to show how much of an impact we can have on each other via social media...

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ 

awesome post friend.please follow me and vote my post.all time I with you. @shiqder

The transient and sick nature of life. A moment of hyper mania and another of clinical depression.

It is so sad really, because myself have experience first hand what a depressed mind is all about.

It is a good thing you choose to take a break. And for the love of your little girl, you need it.

Never knew laura until her death, it is quite sad. We just have to find that reason to keep on keeping on amidst the obvious confront of a depressing soul.

so sad!

Ā  Ā· Ā 7 years agoĀ Reveal Comment