Suicide and the dimensions of the self: A first hand experience

in suicideprevention •  8 years ago 

Since I have joined the steemit community, I have undoubtedly noticed the pride that people take in sharing their ideas, conflicts, talents, photos, controversies, views, opinions, and much more. Myself, being a 25 year old female, who has a lot of opinion on various standpoints in the world, finds it somewhat difficult to share my mindfulness in overbearing social communities without having fear of judgement. Today, I wanted to step out of my shell and, instead of sharing an idea, i wanted to share a story of mine that i often do not share without feeling extremely vulnerable. So, here it is.

Just over a month ago, I went through a tragedy that i am still overcoming today. My best friend commit suicide, and it changed my life forever. And changed the lives of every single person she had touched. She was the most beautiful human I had ever had the pleasure to share my life with, and every single day I am grateful to have had her friendship for as long as I did. She was so full of love and energy and light, on the surface that it. To the common eye, not a soul would understand the internal struggles that she was facing due to her mental health. A whirlwind of struggle every single day just to wake up and live in this cruel universe. Today, I want to spread awareness of suicide caused by mental health, and how important it is that we all, as a whole community, support mental illness and the people who are struggling.

My personal story of struggling with mental illness has lead me to be exceptionally engulfed in suicide prevention and mental health awareness, and today, I hope that sharing some of my story will lead you all to lift your heads up, open your eyes, and be mindful of this very serious tragedy in society today. My best friend was not someone who, to the public eye, seemed as if they would take their own life at such an early age. A mere 24 years young. She was exuberant, a world traveller, a dancer, a singer, a musician, and a friend to so many. She truly encompassed what it meant to love. She loved so many people, but the world became to much for her heart. A heart that held so much emotion, so much memory, so much strength. That it broke.

I would like to start a suicide prevention thread within the steemit community where we can create a safe space to share our stories, our struggles, our hardships, our darkness, our love, and our light. This is only the start of something I hope this community can share and support with me. When I am ready, I will be sharing more about my struggle with mental health, the story of my best friend, and he stories of many others in my life. Please show your support by commenting or upvoting this post. I truly think if we all work together we can raise awareness in a bright and beautiful way and give a face to those struggling with mental health every single day. Thank you. !

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Hi @nfeinste, nice idea. Too much negativity in this world today due to its complexities. If the supportive community in here can save lives by helping people erase the suicide thought in them, then its a fantastic idea. Giving is receiving. Looking forward to your posts.

Thank you for your support! I hope to be posting regularly about this.

This is a great and important idea.
Thank you.

I think it is incredibly important. Looking forward to spreading the information and gaining support.

It always seems so far away until it hits home, then you begin to understand the severity of the situation behind persons with mental health problems. From what I have experienced myself, a safe place is ideally what everyone needs, and some people simply don't have that. In a world that can often be cruel, having four walls around you and a roof over your head can sometimes be worse than homelessness.

<3 Thanks

excellent idea. I hope it takes off.