We're going to be talking about suku but really quick though before we get into anything just remember whatever i say this is not legal invest in advice so you should always always be doing your
own research anyways cool without further ado let's begin okay so currently trading just below one dollar we're up almost 200 for the day look at the trading volume it's up 23 000 in other words the value of transactions
has gone up almost 200 times or over 200 times during this 24-hour cycle relative to the previous one which is completely insane and look at this crazy price fluctuation so 24 hour lows 36 cents the high 98 cents it's almost a three extra
inspection 24 hours literally lost for words and we're actually not not at the all-time high yet all-time highs around 1.60 right now we're down like 40 from that so even though we're up a lot
technically it's still a discount let's quickly look at the all-time chart okay so this thing has been trained live since pretty much right the beginning of the pandemic or actually summer of 2020 about a year and a half roughly and
there's a there's been multiple uptrends first one happened early 2021 rose to over a dollar then again rose to 85 cents went down a little bit and then that's when we hit the all-time high went up to 1.25 actually went up higher
than that i'm sure but since we're doing the all-time charts a little bit less accurate and then we plummet it all the way down to 36 cents look boom so i always tell people the best best time
to buy is whenever we're at a huge discount like i said if you would have bought in even a couple days ago right now you'd be up more than double for sure and if you want to buy in like
during the summer dude right now you'd be up six times on your investment which is pretty insane and if you didn't get in early like that just remember impossible to be 100 efficient there's just way too many investments and
sometimes it's just a little bit hard to keep track of you know what's at a huge huge discount right now and i mean honestly this is a beautiful setup i mean just the fact that it drops so much clearly got oversold and there's no
reason for these huge drops so what should he do right now well not a legal investment advice like i said but i don't think i'd buy right now this exact moment just because pretty much gambling it's extremely volatile right now we
really don't know what direction we're moving in i'd wait till at least more stable prices me personally though i would wait till um hopefully there's another drop i'd love to buy this at
under 50 cents i'm not saying that's gonna happen but i'm just gonna monitor it and it'll be on my watch list and we'll see maybe if there is a significant dip even though even if it drops like 60 cents i'll consider buying
a little bit so where do you even buy this well currently these are the most popular ways to buy it pretty much most of the training volumes coming in from coinbase biggest crypto exchange in
north america no surprise there it's also available coin so another couple minute here crypto exchanges but hey it's not on binance yet and if it does get listed on there of course it's going to be another huge investment.