SEC S20W6 || Hematología [Glóbulos Blancos - Módulo 6] - Summary

in summary •  4 months ago  (edited)


Imagen creada en Canva para el Curso Básico de Hematología.

We are here to present our summary for the last week of SEC20.

Firstly, we are very thankful to the Steemit Team, who honored us with this opportunity. Secondly, we are thankful to our students who attended our class enthusiastically. I'm sure they have learned a lot in the hematology course. The good thing is that we received 21 entries this week. This shows the enthusiasm of Steemians.

We hope you enjoyed a lot Season 20.

Let me share you the brief summary of Season 20.


Image my property

Week 120 enteries
Week 229 entries
Week 327 entries
Week 418 entries
Week 524 entries
Week 621 entries
Total139 entries

In the next report, there will be our Certificate Ceremony 🎑 stay with us.

Our last class was about [SEC S20W6 || Hematología Glóbulos Blancos - Módulo 6. In this course, students learned about White Blood Cells in detail.

In this way, they did a good job of defining the concept of White Blood Cells in a very simple and easy to understand way and also the variations in each of them. They learned the general characteristics and functions of each of the involved cells.

We really like that we see that done students also added the classification of granulocytes and agranulocytes. They even not forgetting to mention the types that fall into the subgroups of these cells, good job.

In the second task, students were supposed to show their own creativity. They did a very good job of drawing a diagram, showing us all in a creative way and with theirown hands, the progenitors of each of them and the white blood cells that are generated from them.

It was our views for our one student. Excellent, We really liked how you used your creativity to make the diagram, you have a lot of inspiration and also, you use it to explain to others what you learned at university. That is a very good way to stimulate learning!

The students tried to learn identifying the different ones in an easy to understand and detailed way, however we were hoping they could make a comparison chart in a learning way for everything, but we still appreciate their effort! They learned that Amazingly how chemotherapy and autoimmune diseases can lower peripheral blood neutrophil levels!

They correctly identified the differences between both concepts, and they also added that a neutrophilia is identified with a value greater than 7,000 cells per microliter.

Most of the students have described both concepts and their differences well, especially by highlighting the causes, symptoms and medical terminology. Good job, although we were hoping they could use a comparison chart to better present both health conditions.

In the last, they were supposed to share with us a case. One of our student explained the case in a very precise and dynamic way so that everyone could understand. With a neutrophilia of at least 75% and white blood cells above 20 thousand. After surgery the patient was stabilized and returned to his daily life!

There was another very interesting case, An excellent case of pyelonephritis explained in detail, thank you very much for this incredible contribution, he also added the reference values obtained for neutrophilia.

Statistic for Week 6


There were a total of 21 participants. All entries were valid. We feel strongly that Steemians must be active and post regularly to be winners. There are almost same students who are participating. As you all know we preferred quality content. If Some users are winner in the last week, they can be winner in the week after week. But don't forget quality is always appreciated.


Winners 🏆

Congratulations to all of you 21 gems. You all did your task very well. The good news is that you all can qualify for Certificate except one who secured 4 grades only, At the end of the course, but don't forget, you all should complete our maximum tasks (At least 4 classes out of 6). A lot of appreciation for all of you 21 students. Wish you good luck for Season 21.

Here is the list of top 5 winners.


Thank you all of you! Here is the week 6 🩸👉 [SEC S20W6 || Hematología Glóbulos Blancos - Módulo 6.

There are other interesting entries that you can read just by searching for this tag #hematology-s20w6. Don't discourage yourself. You noticed we prefer quality content. Thank you all! Happy learning Ahead!


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Thank you for the mention. Am really glad to participate in this seasons learning. Thanks for a good job well done. I learnt a lot

@dexsyluz - just wondering why @stef1 didn't feature in your top 5 winners as she had a grade of 9.7 which would put her in 3rd place ?

Buenas noches Señor, durante toda la temporada 20 hemos intentado hacer el esfuerzo por no repetir ganadores de forma consecutiva, si podra notar @stef1 hizo un gran trabajo también la semana 5 y fue ganadora de esa semana, como lo puede ver:

Nuestra selección se trataba de la siguiente forma:

  • Siempre tomar en cuenta la calificación
  • Los ganadores no pueden ser los mismos entre una semana y la siguiente.
  • Aún así el usuario podia quedar seleccionado en las siguientes semanas.

En otras palabras, los ganadores de la semana 1 no podrían ser seleccionados para ser ganadores en la semana 2, pero podrían ser seleccionados para la semana 3 (si realizaba una excelente entrada para la clase de dicha semana)

Nuestra idea fue implementada para reducir la selección por preferencias y que mayor número de participantes tengan apoyo en sus publicaciones, espero lo entienda

Si considera que hay un error en nuestra selección, podremos adaptarnos a sus directrices Señor, esperamos sus indicaciones

I have something in my mind and I would like to share my opinion.

Let suppose you are a professor and there is a monthly reward by the institution for the professor of the month. And as a reward there is the bonus of 10% of your salary. Just imagine you do your best and after all the evaluation you are selected as a bear teacher of the month.

And after getting your bonus reward you do more than the previous month and you qualify for the best teacher award again. So will you allow anyone else to get the reward of yours hard work, obviously not. Because you will be demotivated and you will not focus on your work as you were focusing earlier.

Similarly if we take an example of the students, let say student A top the class one month and the next month again that student top the class but you do not value that student because he was the top one last month. I think no because every student works hard for himself/herself . And if you do it with students then you will discourage the student to work hard and to complete the work in an efficient way.

And in other words if we implement this strategy here it will lead to centralization but Steemit is a decentralized platform.

It is just my opinion and my thinking.

Creo que no me entendiste.
Ahora imagina el escenario donde un usuario se destaca de forma muy excelente en todos los 6 cursos... Por supuesto si el usuario es destacado merece un premio (porque al otorgar premios pasaríamos a verlo como un concurso)

Si yo en lo personal, veo que un usuario es considerado ganador las 6 semanas de duración, inmediatamente comenzaría a pensar que hay centralización, no descentralización :)

Pensaría ademas que hay preferencias, favoritismo y los demás participantes se quejarán de la selección... :o ha creo que ya he escuchado esto antes.... ya ha sido un motivo de queja hacía mí con los usuarios que son seleccionados para ser ganadores..

En mi última participación del reto de interacción, ocurrió una queja similar donde según "hubo preferencia" en la selección. Tengo experiencia en eso e intento cuidar mis espaldas.

Recuerde que el MAYOR VALOR de este curso no es el ser considerado ganador, si no el aprendizaje que queda para el estudiante...

Ser ganador es solo un premio adicional, ya que los votos no estan garantizados... recuerde siempre eso

Además, es un curso gratuito y estamos próximos a la entrega de los certificados a los participantes con el 80% del curso culminado. Esa diría yo, es la recompensa ♥

I agree with you at this point

since votes are not guaranteed

But votes are guaranteed for the winners by the Steemit Team.

I just gave my opinion and let see if Steemit team gives us any update regarding this with an official announcement.

I hope there will be something for this as a solution. And nice to know about the distribution of the certificates to the participants.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Thank you so much for this detailed report. I'm glad to see my name in winners list. Congratulations all winners partners. Now I'm waiting the certificate ceremony report.

Congratulations to all winners 🥰🥰

Felicidades a todos los ganadores y participantes por culminar todas las clases de estas 6 semanas :D
