Half way there

in summer •  7 years ago 

I'm pretty sure not many walks around waiting for the first autumn days! I'm kinda one of them... I love summer and the weather this summer has just been phenomenal but for me that means a LOT of pressure in the harbor and café and a lot of people. This is a really good thing, don't get me wrong, BUT it also means I have close to 0 time to enjoy the beautiful archipelago.. and that's why I look forward to September when everything gets more quiet and peaceful. The time to gather yourself and your strength and land on your feet. And when the holiday season ends here in Finland the weather is still in summer mode so that's the time relaxation :D

Here is a throwback to this Saturday when we celebrated Brännskär-day!


The amount of goodies going through our café is crazy which means a lot of bringing supplies to the island


A tradition from many years back is the Moomins who visit us every Brännskär-day

A lot of people, sunshine, dance, music, good feelings and summer :D It's short and we need to enjoy every bit of it!

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That's Åland?

I also love autumn. For me it's always the beginning of something new. :)

It's the Åboland archipelago, close to Åland but closer to Åbo (Turku) :) yeah you're so right! That time of year brings different kinds of hope for me.
