One of the most awaited figures for his presence at the South East Asia Summit Blockchain 2018 in Jakarta is Bobby Lee. The man was one of the founders of BTCC, previously named BTCChina, which was the first bitcoin exchange in China and became the world's leading bitcoin financial platform.
Bobby Lee was the CEO and co-founder of BTCC (formerly BTCChina), the first bitcoin exchange in China and the leading bitcoin financial platform worldwide.
Before BTCC, Mr. Lee was Vice President of Technology for Walmart's e-commerce business in China. Previously he was the CTO of SMG BesTV New Media, the largest IPTV operator in China with the most subscribers globally. He moved to Shanghai in 2007 and started off at EMC’s China Center of Excellence, as Director of Software Engineering, with responsibilities for Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage.
Mr. Lee started his career in Silicon Valley as a software engineer at Yahoo!, and led the development of the earliest online communities. He graduated from Stanford University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science, and was a member of the Mayfield Fellows Program. He earned an EMBA degree from CEIBS in China.
Mr. Lee currently serves on the board of Bitcoin Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters the adoption of bitcoin globally. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling, photography, watching movies, and playing poker.
With this note, it's only natural that @anarcotech calls it the Legend in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Since the VIP dinner at the Pullman Hotel, Lee has attracted the attention of many visitors.
Previously, I have summarized several parts of Lee's presentation on the South Asia Summit Blockchain 2018 in the post below:
here I just want to show some documentation of Bobby Lee ranging from Pullman Hotels to the Jakarta Convention Center.[]
Jejak Bobby Lee di South Asia Summit Blockchain 2018
Salah satu tokoh yang sangat ditunggu kehadirannya pada South East Asia Summit Blockchain 2018 di Jakarta adalah Bobby Lee. Lelaki itu adalah salah satu pendiri BTCC yang sebelumnya bernama BTCChina yang merupakan bitcoin exchange pertama di China dan menjadi platform keuangan bitcoin terkemuka di dunia.
Berdasarkan catatan yang dibagikan panitia South East Asian Summit Blockchain 2018, disebutkan Sebelum di BTCC, Mr. Lee adalah Wakil Presiden Teknologi untuk bisnis e-commerce Walmart di Cina. Sebelumnya ia adalah CTO SMG BesTV New Media, operator IPTV terbesar di China dengan pelanggan terbanyak di dunia. Dia pindah ke Shanghai pada tahun 2007 dan memulai di EMC’s China Centre of Excellence, sebagai Direktur Teknik Perangkat Lunak, dengan tanggung jawab untuk Cloud Computing dan Cloud Storage.
Lee memulai karirnya di Silicon Valley sebagai insinyur perangkat lunak di Yahoo!, dan memimpin pengembangan komunitas daring paling awal. Dia lulus dari Stanford University dengan B.S. dan M.S. gelar dalam Ilmu Komputer, dan merupakan anggota Program Fellows Mayfield. Ia meraih gelar EMBA dari CEIBS di Cina.
Lee saat ini menjabat di dewan Bitcoin Foundation, sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang mendorong penerapan bitcoin secara global. Di waktu luangnya, ia suka bepergian, fotografi, menonton film, dan bermain poker.
Dengan catatan demikian, wajar saja bila @anarcotech menyebutnya sebagai The Legend di dunia blockchain dan cryptocurrency. Sejak VIP dinner di Hotel Pullman, Lee sudah menarik perhatian banyak pengunjung.
Sebelumnya, saya sudah merangkum beberapa bagian presentasi Lee di South Asia Summit Blockchain 2018 dalam postingan di bawah ini:
Di sini saya hanya ingin menampilkan beberapa foto dokumentasi Bobby Lee mulai dari Hotel Pullman sampai Jakarta Convention Center. Semoga bisa lebih kenal dengan sosok ini dan mengikuti jalan suksesnya.[]