aceh green earth

in sun •  7 years ago  (edited)


    I was on the day of this way the way in the edge of Rice, so I see the Sun shine Rice we hear Rays very beautiful. so I am very interested pemandagang in this afternoon. so I membawah camera, then I took photography so that can make one postingang (Rice farmers) because I am one of farmers Rice fields, yields we will be sold to all countries


     on the edge of my rice field there is also a palm tree, because the palm can increase pengasilan every month there are two results, if the rice just once harvested in four months.benginilah our work as farmers of rice fields / plantations.


follow my blog @amat67

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Wow...amazing this photography..i like this post..all the best...

Such a great picture keep up the good work 👏

Karap panen lom hy

Very nice and captivating picture

excelentes imagenes

Keindahan yang bagus dari sebuah seni dalam sebuah foto di alam terbuka . Foto ter baik . Semoga sukses selalu

Que paisajes tan hermosos, espectaculares!

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