The evening edition of Sunnah Rosul.
Maybe some people already know the 4 cases of sunnah always always done by Rasulullah SAW before going to bed, hope that do not know to know.
Rasulullah SAW message to Aisha ra. :
"Aishah, do not you sleep before doing four things", namely:
- Before you recite Al-Qur'an,
- Before making the Prophets give you intercession in the last day,
- Before the Muslims and Muslims will bless you,
- Before you perform the pilgrimage and umroh.
Ask Aisha ra. "O Messenger of Allah. How can I do four things at once overnight? "
Rasulullah SAW smiled and said:
- "If you go to sleep read Al-Surah Surah Al-Ikhlas 3x as if you have the Holy Quran."
[Bismillahir rohmaanir rohiim, Qulhualloohu ahad 'Allahushshomad' lam yalid walam yuulad 'walam yakul lahuu kufuwan ahad'] (3x)
- "Read sholawat for me and the prophets before me, then we will all give intercession on the Day of Judgment."
[Bismillaahir rohmaanir rohiim, Allahumma shollii 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammad wa'alaa alii Sayyidina Muhammad] (3x)
- "Beristighfarlah for the Muslims and Muslims then they will bless you."
[Astaghfirullah al 'azhiim alladzii laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qoyyum wa atuubu ilaih] (3x)
- "Be multiplied, bertahmid, bertahlil, bertakbir, then as if you have performed the pilgrimage and umroh."
[Subhanallahi Walhamdulillaahi walaailaaha illallahu allahu akbar] (3x)
Rasulullah SAW. Said: useful science is one of eternal charity for those who teach it, even if it is only 1 verse, and even though we are dead.
Let us Berfastabiqul Khairat