Shine it
So I woke up this morning and was challenged.
This was because the first thing I saw when I jumped into whatsapp was @surpassinggoogle's message on some whatsapp groups.
After reading and re-reading, it got me thinking...
Here is a young man out there touching lives in every possible way he can. In my own little way what have I done?
Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men that they might see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
@surpassinggoogle is out there fulfilling that call in his own way. The question we should all ask ourselves today is... Where have you pointed your torchlight?
The Bible advises us to let it shine. Have you let it shine? Or you are hoarding it using it for just yourself.
It should be our daily responsibility to always look for ways to shed our light.
There's always someone in need around us. It could be as little as giving a neighbour fare to get to church, it could be cooking and inviting someone to join in, it could be distributing some SBDs for a noble cause or whatever you are capable of doing. It does not have to be massive. It just has to touch a soul and be backed with a touch of love.
Some of us live our lives content to be in the 'help-receiving' state all the time.

They spend so much time praying for helpers to locate them without trying to be a helper themselves.
This should not be so. We ought to learn to be a helper ourselves.
We seriously need to learn how to shine our light to others.
You might be thinking, what do I have to shine?
That scripture says, 'Let' your light shine
It did not say, for those that have light, let them shine it.
This means, everyone has a light to shine. Someone needs that little light you have that you think is not bright enough to shed.
Shine it and keep shining it.
Do not keep hindering people from glorifying God as a result of you hiding your good works.
Make a decision today. Help a soul. Hand over something. Trust me, it does not have to be food or money or other gifts. Sometimes, all people need is your time, your attention, your concern to show you love and care for them.
Your torchlight could be you extending your knowledge on making it on steemit to a newbie. It could be cheering someone up or giving them a shoulder to lean on.
Your light could even be as little as a hug or a smile.
If given to the right person, it would definitely make their day.
Put on that torchlight everyone. Point it to someone in need today.
Thanks for reading.