Full Metal Ox Day 987
Renaissance Year Episode 1052
Sunday Melánge 96
Nearly thirty years later I watched, Stephen King's The Stand. My 2023 version watched a 1995 miniseries, so there was a generation gap. What I noticed is that after a calamity humans go back to the same behavior that led to the calamity. That was TV back in the mid-1990s, but I see the same happening now.
In the waning era of C-19, which the bad guys are trying desperately to ressurect, the survivors are anxious to get back to their habits. They are doing their busy-ness influencing lesser humans to become greater humans by purchasing the products said influencers are representing.
This is why humanity will never be free. Most of us are gears in a socio-economic machine that is so embedded in the psyche that the only escape is death, (for them) because they don't have the wherewithal to simply withdraw.
Even those on the periphery depend on the cogs generating wealth in hopes of moments of charitable generosity.
Today's episode is most enlightening. You cannot escape the machine but you can slow yourself down.
We aren't the architects of our own enslavement, but we are willing and often exuberant participants and perpetrators of it.
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Amazing Results
Episode 142
Monkey Bars Business Session 33
There's A Party Goin On
Body Vengeance Episode 141
Super Power Workout Episode 140
Lessons Relearned: Park Session 19
100% Badass !
Episode 139
Monkey Bars Business Session 32
Rep'mageddon Episode 138
Super Power Workout
Episode 137
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