Full Metal Ox Day 903
Renaissance Year Episode 968
Sunday Melánge 84
"I'm an introvert. I have a channel. Please support it."
Something to this effect was posted and identified as "the best ad ever." It's expected that introverts would get it.
Today we start a three part series that outlines how we expect to reach the subscription, support and sponsorship goals we have for this channel without descending into hype, fear, (we've already done click bait, ha ha), merch or false promises. All the elements my spirit detests about the material economic system we accept, (because we don't have or know of a better one.) Everything that every successful channel does to be successful and keep the revenue rolling in.
It's widely posted that if the people allow the government extraordinary power during times of crisis, the government will assure that there's always a crisis. This is exactly what we've lived through for the duration of this century.
Likewise, if a channel is based on exposing chaos and conspiracy, it will eventually conjure up both to keep its audience. Same with any topic.
We're more clever. Our series is based on observation and commentary and there's plenty of that. Plus, it's only scheduled for twelve years and three are almost gone.
Just realized, I'm writing something no one will read. Ha ha. At least it's not artificial intelligence.
This rantcast miniseries will run three consecutive Sundays. Our marketing department will be analyzing the results.
Watch. Just because. Anything else is a bonus.
Enjoy. Subscribe. Share. Like. Don't freak out! You can now support the channel via Venmo @noxsoma Thank you.
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives
Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Truth Social truthsocial.com/@noxsoma
YouTube channel:
Million dollar Crypto fund raiser.
YouTube: The Fitness Journey: Fortnight Fitness, Summer Sculpting. Follow me and decide if it's working. We're keeping the 14 (a fortnight) latest workout sessions linked for You! Witness the process & the progress.
Park Session 9
Monkey Bars Business Session 23
Leg bomb in the Park Session 8
Tuesday Special Monkey Bars Business 22
Runday Monday: Park Session 7
Healing Field Work: Park Session 6
Monkey Bars Session 21
Leg Bomb Thursday slow deadlifts
Episode 107
Thick Back Tuesday: Gymmy Jamm Episode 106
100% Vanity Day Gymmy Jamm Episode 105
Legs & Shoulders Gymmy Jamm Season 5 Episode 104
Park Sessions 5:23 Third Runner Up
SDL Game: Gymmy Jamm Episode 103
Tough Top Tuesday: Gymmy Jamm Episode 102
Be inspired. Share this episode with seven friends. Seven is a sacred number..
Contact: [email protected]
Telegram t.me/noxsoma
Living is the best part of life.