"Pope Francis has urged participants at the World Economic Forum meeting to take bold steps to build a sustainable, human-centered future ... The Pope echoed the theme of the meeting, Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World, calling on participants to build inclusive, just and supportive societies."
This is the United Nations 2020 'sustainable development' agenda, which is no doubt driven by the Vatican. And what is the Pope, that man of sin preaching? Is he preaching Christ? Is he telling the world that we need a CHRIST-CENTERED future? No! The pope is preaching a HUMAN centered future, which is from Satan. The reason mankind fell in the first place was because Eve became 'human-centered', rather than God centered. And Satan has been driving this agenda ever since.
This is the goal of the UN 2020 agenda. To make the world all-inclusive. TO BUILD ANOTHER 'TOWER OF BABEL', another Babylon, whereby mankind is united, no matter what your beliefs are.
And what does this do? It removes Jesus Christ as the only way to life (John 14:6). It replaces God's Word with human reason, and man becomes god! Friends, do you think you are safe because you are 'part of a church'? Well, believe it or not, your church is also probably supporting this and part of the ecumenical movement, to unite the world under Babylon (Rev.17). So it's no longer safe even to be 'church-centered'. We MUST be CHRIST-CENTERED and abide in Him every day, as WE ARE COMPLETE ONLY IN CHRIST.
God is calling - Come out of her My people!