Taking Sunday Seriously - Poland Leads the way 'PROVIDING AN EXAMPLE TO AMERICA'

in sundaylaws •  6 years ago 

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"The European nation's new law sharply restricting Sunday shopping provides an opportunity to take a closer look at American habits ... And Poland's move, which bucks the prevailing trend in secularized countries toward an ever-more commercialized Sunday, could provide a constructive example for the United States, where the network of state 'blue laws' that once restricted Sunday business activities has been substantially reduced."

So Poland's Sunday law is to 'provide an example to America'. Interesting! We know from Revelation 13 that it will be America (the earth beast) who 'causes the world' to take the mark of the beast (Sunday law), through the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. And we can really see that influence in America today. There are a number of movements in America, like the movement to unite church and state, and to change or even do away with the constitution. But there is one particular movement which I find very interesting and deceptive. And that is the 'Religious Liberty' movement that the various churches, including our SDA church are uniting on.

Sam Brownback (A Catholic), who is the new U.S. Ambassador for International Religious Freedom said ... "This is the big one ... The administration has made clear this is a foreign policy and NATIONAL SECURITY OBJECTIVE." (source)... So 'religious freedom' is going to be made a national (and international) SECURITY objective. Which means what? That LAWS will be put in place 'for the COMMON GOOD of all'. Now what does the Vatican believe 'religious liberty' to be, and what the 'common good of all' is? Take a look at the following from their Catechism:

"In respecting RELIGIOUS LIBERTY and the COMMON GOOD OF ALL, Christians should seek recognition of SUNDAYS and the Church's holy days as LEGAL HOLIDAYS." (Catholic Catechism, #2188 - source)

So what is the plan of the Vatican through this 'religious libery' movement? To get Sunday law enforced! It is a big trap that the world's churches are falling for. All the churches are uniting together for the 'common good', and the conditions are ripe for the world to accept a Sunday law for the 'common good of all', and to 'help the planet' (climate change agenda).

The question is, are you ready? Persecution is coming to all of us who stand firm on the truth. And if we have anything that ties us to this world, whether it be home, money, cars, job, family, whatever. We will not be able to let go when the Sunday law is enforced and we are threatened with having everything taken from us. So NOW is the time to cut loose. Make sure you are not attached to anything in this world. We must all be firmly established upon the Rock, which is our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

"If any man will come after me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS, and FOLLOW ME." (Matthew 16:24)

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