"President Trump on Friday told conservative Christians that he would defend religious organizations, promising a return to traditional American values ... pledging to turn back the clock in a nation that he said had drifted away from its religious roots ... I pledged that in a Trump administration, our nation's religious heritage would be cherished, protected and defended like you have never seen before."
Sounds good right? But if you know Bible prophecy, then you will know that this kind of move is a fulfillment of Revelation 13, where America creates an 'image' to the Papacy, which is a uniting of church and state, in which the church dictates to the state. And the outcome of this will be the enforcement of the mark of the beast, which will be the national Sunday law, in honor of the false trinity god which the fallen churches of Babylon worship with their 'mother', the Roman Catholic Church.
Trump may or may not be the actual President who oversees the enforcement of the mark. But the pieces are certainly being put in place ready for it. The Protestant churches have already made their unholy alliance with the Roman Catholic Church and with government. And all Satan now needs is to throw in a few more disasters and so called 'terrorist' attacks, to pursuade the people to submit to the rule of church and state, for the sake of 'peace and safety'.
Revelation 13:15 ...'And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.'
Friends, you cannot put your trust in your church denominations any longer, as the majority of them have become part of fallen Babylon. God is calling His people out of Babylon. It's time to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, and HIM ALONE. He is our only safety in these end times. Please study God's Word for yourself, as great deception is coming from the world's churches.