"Geospatial intelligence is the tracking of every moving thing in a society, including people and the Internet of Everything. That UN-GGIM is teaming up to enforce [the] 2030 Agenda ... Senior officials and executives from national geospatial information and statistical authorities within Member States and international geospatial experts from across the globe welcomed the alignment of GGIM's Strategic Framework with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and discussed ways to support the alignment."
The leaders of 193 countries have agreed to adopt this 2030 agenda, which covers every aspect of our lives, INLCUDING OUR FAITH. And now they are merging this Geospatial Intelligence into the 2030 agenda, which tracks EVERYTHING THAT MOVES and the internet. This is all part of the plan, as Revelation 13 reveals to "cause ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.". That 'mark', being the mark of the Papal Church of Rome, which is the Sunday law they are seeking to enforce, in honor of their false trinity god.
Who do you think the leaders of the world are looking to for 'moral guidance', with regards to this 2030 agenda? They are looking to the pope, that man of sin, and the Vatican for 'moral leadership'. And just as prophecy stated, the leaders of the world will give their power and authority to the Papal beast power (Revelation 17:12-13), and Rome's Sunday law will be enforced to 'appease' God, due to all these disasters that are occuring. It's coming friends, and we need to be ready in Jesus Christ.