Sunday Scent Experience "Beautiful Roses" by Sunscape

in sundayscentexperience •  6 years ago 

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Two years ago I decided to add a rosebush to one of my gardens next to the house. It had a couple roses last year that surprised me, but this year, oh my!, it is loaded down. The interesting thing is that they bud out in groups unlike my other two rose bushes that do single stems. I am growing fond of the type of flowering habit as it looks like it is holding onto a bouquet. Now, for the #sundayscentexperience - it "Smells" Divine! Could one ask for anymore from such a beautiful Rose? I am very happy with my decision to purchase this unusual shade to add into my garden-scape. Happy Sunday everyone.

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Thank you @dutchess for initiating the 'Sunday Scent Experience' So come and join us everyone and let your imagination run wild and enter into the magic of the moment.

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Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Website - Sunscapes Soap Shop

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Lovely big roses in very interesting colour! I could not have roses on my garden! Those bugs keep eating them all up!

I have little bugs on my yellow Peace rose and I think I have to see what organic way I can rid them.

wow, so beautiful flowers.

Beauties but Smell will attract bugs...