Seeing the beauty of Sunset in the Greater China Complex [Billingual]

in sunset •  7 years ago 


Me: dek, jak meuen jak. (deck, let's we go)

Saumi: Hoe tajak bang. (where we go bang)

Me: kaek ju keuno, keudeh ujong batee siat. (Fast ride to car, we go to ujong batee for a while)

Saumi: Siat bang kujep kupi dile. (briefly bang, drink coffee first)

Me: kaek ju, ideh tajeb kupi di Cot Paya Tajeb kupi. (Fast ride, in Cot Paya we drink Tubruk coffee)

Saumi: ooo pah that tajeb kupi tubroek in Cot Paya (oooo, yes we fit to drink dicot paya coffee)

This brief conversation took place around 3.20 at a stall in Lamreh village, Darussalam District, Aceh Besar. Go on @suhaimiaceh together with Saumi's friend his nickname.

Saumi does not know what my purpose is to take him to ujong batee, ujong batee is a busy recreation place visited by the public on holiday, beautiful beach location with its aru tree that line along the beach.

We arrived dicot paya at 4.30, langung ordered a cup of ulekareng coffee typical of Aceh, our 30 minute time we spent dicot paya and continue the journey to the destination. While chatting in the car, we reached the village of Neuheun, I turned the car right into a complex Tongkok housing that was built about 14 years ago when Aceh was shaken by the terrible wave Tsunami magnitude 9.0 scalarighter.


We got there exactly at 5 pm. Saumi asked me:

Saumi: Bang, how keno tanyo, but ujong u ujong batee. (why we come here bang instead of going to ujong batee)

Me: Sebenarjih purpose kon u ujong batee, but tidal invitation taxes eyed on the eye of uro atuh glee nyo. (realy go not to ujong batee, but to this mountain to see the beautiful sunset)

Saumi: Oooo pakon hana neupeupegah dari buno, meudeh tame camera, hehehe .. (ooo why brother does not say want to come here, we should bring the camera)

Me: Tapoto ngon hp mantong. (We photo with mobile only)

Time indicates 5.30 wib. The sun has begun to look like going to the place of his bedhead there will be a nice sunset as I want.
The photo of the sun began to set

It did not take long for me and Saumi to witness the beautiful sunset of the sacred Buddhist compound, a wonderful natural phenomenon that can not be created by man. I capture some photos of the sunset as if entering into the ocean far away.


Teks photo : 6.00 menjelang terbenam


Teks photo : sunset muncul indah


Teks photo : matahari akan tenggelam

The sun is already lost in the ocean, a sign of night will come. We came home with interesting stories about the afternoon sunset in sacred Buddhist compound, Saumi told me tomorrow we will come here again but with a good camera.

For all steemians, that is the short story of my journey and Saumi to witness a beautiful natural phenomenon disoreed on the day of the sacred Tiongkok compound of Aceh Besar.

Hopefully interesting and beautiful to the eye.




Saya : dek, jak tajak meuen jak. ( dek, ayo kita main-main)

Saumi :Hoe tajak bang. ( kemana bang)

Saya : kaek ju keuno, tajak keudeh ujong batee siat. (Naik cepat ke mobil, kita ke ujong batee sebentar)

Saumi : Siat bang kujep kupi dile. ( sebentar bang, minum kopi dulu)

Saya : kaek ju, ide Cot Paya Tajeb kupi. ( Naik cepat, di Cot Paya kita minum kopi Tubruk)

Saumi : ooo pah that tajeb kupi tubroek di Cot Paya ( oooo, iya cocok kita minum kopi dicot paya)

Percakapan singkat ini terjadi sekitar jam 3,20 di sebuah warung didesa Lamreh Kecamatan Darussalam Aceh Besar. Berangkatlah @suhaimiaceh berdua dengan teman Saumi panggilan akrabnya.

Saumi tidak tau apa tujuan saya mengajaknya ke ujong batee, ujong batee adalah sebuah tempat rekreasi yang ramai dikunjungi oleh masyarakat pada hari libur, lokasi pantai yang indah dengan pohon aru nya yang berjejeran disepanjang pantainya.

Kami tiba dicot paya jam 4,30, langung memesan secangkir kopi ulekareng khas Aceh, 30 menit kami waktu yang kami habiskan dicot paya dan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju ketempat tujuan. Sambil berbincang-bincang didalam mobi, sampailah kami ke Desa Neuheun, saya membelokkan arah mobil kekanan menuju ke sebuah komplek Tiongkok, perumahan yang dibangun sekitar 14 tahun yang lalu disaat Aceh digoyang oleh dasyatnya gelombang Tsunami berkekuatan 9,0 skalarighter.


Kami sampai disana tepat jam 5 sore. Dekgam bertanya kepada saya :

Saumi :Bang, kok tajak keno tanyo, tapi meujak u ujong batee. ( kenapa kita kesini bang, bukannya tadi mau ke ujong batee)

Saya : Sebenarjih tujuan kon u ujong batee, tapi tajak keuno tajak kalon dilop mata uro di ateuh glee nyo. ( sebanarnya tujuannya bukan ke ujong batee, tapi ke gunung ini melihat indahnya matahari terbenam)

Saumi : Oooo pakon hana neupeupegah dari buno, meudeh tame kamera, hehehe.. (ooo kenapa abang tidak bilang mau kesini, harusnya kita bawa kamera)

Saya : Taphoto pakek hp mantong. ( Kita photo dengan handphone saja)

Waktu menunjukkan jam 5,30 wib. Matahari sudah mulai terlihat seperti akan menuju ketempat peraduannya pertanda akan ada sunset bagus seperti yang saya inginkan.

Tidak lama menunggu saya dan Saumi menyaksikan sunset yang indah di komplek budha suci, sebuah fenomena alam yang sangat indah yang tidak bisa diciptakan oleh manusia. Saya mengabadikan beberapa foto matahari terbenam seolah masuk kedalam lautan yang jauh disana.


We got there exactly at 5 pm. Saumi asked me:

Saumi: Bang, how keno tanyo, but ujong u ujong batee. (why we come here bang instead of going to ujong batee)

Me: Sebenarjih purpose kon u ujong batee, but tidal invitation taxes eyed on the eye of uro atuh glee nyo. (realy go not to ujong batee, but to this mountain to see the beautiful sunset)

Saumi: Oooo pakon hana neupeupegah dari buno, meudeh tame camera, hehehe .. (ooo why brother does not say want to come here, we should bring the camera)

Me: Tapoto ngon hp mantong. (We photo with mobile only)

Time indicates 5.30 wib. The sun has begun to look like going to the place of his bedhead there will be a nice

It did not take long for me and Saumi to witness the beautiful sunset of the sacred Buddhist compound, a wonderful natural phenomenon that can not be created by man. I capture some photos of the sunset as if entering into the ocean far away.


Teks photo : 6.00 menjelang terbenam


Teks photo : sunset muncul indah


Teks photo : matahari akan tenggelam

Matahari sudah hilang didalam lautan, pertanda malam akan tiba. Kamipun pulang dengan berbagai cerita menarik tentang sunset sore hari dikomplek budha suci, Saumi mengatakan kepada saya besok kita akan kesini lagi tapi dengan mwmbawa kamera yang bagus.

For all steemians, itulah cerita singkat perjalanan saya dan Saumi untuk menyaksikan sebuah fenomena alam yang indah disore hari dikomplek Tiongkok Aceh Besar.

Semoga menarik dan indah dipandang mata.





By: @suhaimiaceh


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Hi, your post has been very nice. I am ready to vote and comment on all of them and hope you vote and comment.My steem id link

Ok i visit ur bloq.. Thanks to visit my bloq..

Beautiful sunset, i am very glad to your photography thank you for sharing this post

Thanks brother..

Thanks brother

mantap bang, semoga semakin sukses