Super Heroes

in super •  6 years ago  (edited)

Super Heroes

When our super heroes become reality
Which one will you choose?
For I like Batman and Spider-Man
But can they really save us from the evil lurking in our paths?
They can be hot on their trail
They can slow them down
But even if they catch one perpetrator
Will it ever be enough?
For only Jesus can protect us completely from the evils in this world
Many die due to the love they have for Him
But the love for our other beloved super heroes will bring us no harm
So my hypothesis would be that there is something extra special about this Jesus person…
For He parted the Red Sea
Turned water into wine
Fed the five-thousand
Saved our beloved Peter from drowning
So check yourself today and see who your true super hero is
Mine doesn’t wear a cape
In fact, He wore a crown of thorns and died for me
For someone to give Their life like that for me
I could not ask for more
So, do I still like Batman and Spider-Man?
You better believe I do
But I give praises and thanks to my Lord daily for all that He has done for me
This is your food for thought today
You do not have to believe like me
But I pray you will at least give this a read
From one crazy Kid to another
I recommend considering being adopted by the Lord today
He created you and would love to have you near
God Bless you always!

By, Tiffany Simar

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