Daily price of Bitcoin, SBD, STEEM and SuperiorCoin for 15th April 2018

in superiorcoin •  7 years ago 


Today's Coin Prices

BTC USD (CoinMarketCap) = $8099.07 (+$107.96)
SUP BTC (BTC Alpha) = 0.00000020 (-0.00000001)
SUP BTC/USD (BTC Alpha) = $0.0016 (-$0.0001)
SUP BTC (SouthXchange) = 0.00000019 (-0.00000005)
SUP BTC/USD (SouthXchange) = $0.0015 (-$0.0004)
SUP BTC (Stocks.exchange) = 0.00000021 (0.00000000)
SUP BTC/USD (Stocks.exchange) = $0.0017 (+$0.0000)
SBD USD (CoinMarketCap) = $2.44 (+$0.05)
STEEM USD (CoinMarketCap) = $2.67 (-$0.02)

SydesJokes Blog

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Thank for the new!!

Ive been hearimg alot about superior coinf recently! I think ill take a look at the info on kryptonia.

Your btc update is great

Thank you for this update

bitcoin should just keep moving upward

I like your perseverance ;-)

Price is going up..

Thank you!

love your news

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Starting to look better:)

thanks my friend @sydesjokes

gracias amigo por la información.

Thank you!

Gracias por actualizar los precios del día!

Nice jump for Bitcoin

Steem and sbd will rise

SBD and Steem holding strong

Love it so much when the chart goes up in green. Really need the money now.

Thanks for the data.

Thank you for the post...
A very useful info...

Thanks for your regular review. This +/- improvement is great ;-)

Nice update keep it up

Steem and Sbd is now bouncing up! Such a great thing


I hope this is the beginning

Nice to see that it's bouncing up now

Happy Dia Colin, thanks for the updates

Thanks for the post

Learning a lot about crypto. Thanks for the help.

Thanks for your updates !!

Steem is all set to rise again.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the update