Q&A by Nathan and Michael Senn about Superior Coin , Kryptonia and the recent hard fork (Duration 1:40.56)

in superiorcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Nathan and Michael Senn talk about Kryptonia, Superior Coin and the Hard fork this past 15th of April, how the dynamic block reward works.

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Out of this world post! Thank You VERY much for sharing and all that You do for the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)

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Thank you sir!


Thanks for this post

ok thank of post

Amazing post

like your post!

Thanks for the info.

Kryptonia is fast growing

Nice post

Kryptonia is the best


Mjy buen vidro, bien explicad

cool kryptonia

thanks for sharing this

Thank you for this video

Most interesting video, very informative.

You dont let us down when it comes to giving information. Thanks for the encouragement

Nice video, keep it up

Very interesting broadcast.

Thanks for sharing

#Kryptonia is growing #fast