I just found out that there will be a series of three super moons, A.K.A. Supermoon Trilogy. They will happen tonight, December 3rd, 2017 and then January 1st and 31st, 2018. Below are some links that teachers like me will find useful:
From NASA: What’s a Supermoon and Just How Super Is It?
NASA Video: A Supermoon Trilogy [A Supermoon Trilogy] (https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/news-articles/a-supermoon-trilogy) - this link has an [amazing video that explains the Supermoon] (
Other Moon Terms What is a Blood Moon and why it is usually colored red.. This also expllored red and not blue. Lastly, what is a Blue Moon?
Meanwhile, if you want to commemorate this supermoon triology, I found a shirt at Amazon that does just that: Happy moon watching! Your virtual co-teacher, @go2sheila.