"For the first and only time in 2017, a visible supermoon will illuminate the sky starting Sunday night.The moon will appear largest overnight after 12:45 a.m. ET, but those who might not be up to view it overnight can also take a look from sunset Sunday until sunrise Monday."
"This lunar event looks like it'll take a backseat compared to more hyped-up lunar events that occurred in the last year, like the supermoon in November 2016 and the total solar eclipse in August. Unlike the eclipse, however, this lunar event is safe to view with the naked eye and doesn't require special glasses or eye protection."
"Last year's supermoon was the closest the moon has gotten to Earth's orbit since 1948, NASA says, and it won't get that close again until 2034."
"The supermoon, given its name by Astrologer Richard Nolle, is a new or full moon that appears bigger to the human eye because it’s the closest distance it could get to Earth during a given orbit."
"Supermoons typically appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than the average moon seen in the sky each night, Petro told Fox News."
"Tonight is the beautiful 2017 supermoon. But if you can’t get outside and see a clear view of it, or if it’s too cloudy where you are to see this beautiful sight, then you can watch it on the live stream above. A video to watch the beautiful supermoon is above. It starts tonight, December 3, at around 9 p.m. Eastern, provided by Slooh.com. This super moon is also called the “Cold Moon” and it is the largest moon of 2017."
"The largest recent supermoon occurred in last year. It was the closest approach to Earth since 1948. The moon won’t come that close to Earth again until November 24, 2034. This next stream, below, shows the moon rising over Barcelona. This one has also just ended, but it will give you an idea of what to expect later tonight."
Thank you.