About the working principle of SuperSwap (build a revenue pool)

in superswap •  2 years ago 

SuperSwap is an AMM protocol for NFTs, which means users buy or sell from liquidity pools instead of directly transacting between them. If you are familiar with Uniswap, this is a similar concept, but applicable to NFTs.


SuperSwap works as follows:
(1) Liquidity providers deposit NFT and/or BNB (or ERC20 tokens) into the liquidity pool. They choose whether they want to buy or sell the NFT (or both) and specify the starting price and bonding curve parameters.
(2) Users can then buy NFTs from these pools or sell NFTs into these pools. Every time an item is bought or sold, the price at which another item is bought or sold changes across the pool according to its bonding curve.
The main feature of SuperSwap is to buy or sell from existing NFT liquidity pools. You can trade nfts like trading tokens in SuperSwap, find the most circulating and best nfts, and then create a trading pool. After setting the parameters, you can buy and sell at the set price to gain income, which is more convenient and free. Goes to a lot of time cost for the average player.
Create a buy pool: set the initial price (buy price), purchase quantity (the number of NFTs purchased in the pool), curve type (exponential curve: increase as a percentage of price; linear curve: increase by a fixed value of price), Delta (when When the curve type selects an exponential curve, the suffix of Delta is %; when the curve type is selected as a linear curve, the suffix of Delta is BNB), total amount (the number of coins that need to be pledged to purchase NFT in the pool);
Create sell pool: set initial price (sell price), curve type (exponential curve: decrease as a percentage of price; linear curve: decrease by a fixed value of price), Delta (when exponential curve is selected as the curve type, the suffix of Delta It is %; when the curve type is linear curve, the suffix of Delta is BNB), the NFT to be sold (select the NFT that needs to be sold in the pool, it will only be displayed as unsold, and the selected NFT will be displayed in the list of selected NFTs below. middle)
Create buy and sell pool: set initial price (buy/ask price), purchase quantity (the number of purchased NFTs in the pool), curve type (exponential curve: increase as a percentage of price; linear curve: increase by a fixed value of price), Delta (When the curve type selects the exponential curve, the suffix of Delta is %; when the curve type selects the linear curve, the suffix of Delta is BNB. The lower limit of the Delta value is 0, the total amount (the number of coins that need to be pledged to purchase NFT in the pool), procedures The fee (0–80% can be set) will be optimized and adjusted according to the actual situation, and the NFT to be sold is selected (select the NFT that needs to be sold in the pool, it will only be displayed as unsold, and the selected NFT will be displayed in the list of selected NFTs below) .
SuperSwap Trade NFT As FT, makes NFT trading easier and NFT profit easier; more incentives for market trading, selling at the price you want, buying at the desired price.
DApp URL:https://m.superswap.cool/?source=swsteemit

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