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Luckily it was just stones blocking my liver's common bile duct. Still. Nastiest feeling ever.

I had that about eight years ago, and you're right -- nastiest feeling ever. Only I also had a stone lodged in my bile duct and that had gotten infected. Took 12 days in the hospital to get that little crisis straightened out.

The fact that I was also glow-in-the-dark yellow when I arrived at the emergency room meant I got some attention straight away rather than just sitting there in a chair for eight hours wishing I were dead.

They wouldn't let me see mine, though. (Yes, I asked, and fussed when they said no.)

I haven't had a moment's problem since, although I understand high-fat foods can still be a problem.

Taking lecithin capsules, magnesium tablets (Be careful. "In excess" these can cause diarrhea. You don't need that on top of everything else.) and drinking a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a bit of water or apple juice helps keep things cleared out.

Just keep that in mind. (Yes, apple cider vinegar tastes awful. Especially since the best kind is the stuff with the junk floating in it. But when you hurt bad enough, you'll drink anything. Been there. Done that. Believe me.)

Stay well. Srsly. Don't do this again.

Been wondering how you were doing. Glad the surgery went well and you seem to be healing well.

Good thing it's your liver, it can still function fully with part of it missing and does have the ability for some regrowth. Not that it make any of this better, still horrible you had to go through it :(

I know a few Steemians that are vegan, I'll what I can do to direct them your way.

If you really want to look into a diet change @delishtreats is vegan, I told her about what you had said. She's a neat person and can give you some ideas.

Yo, there is a little acorn in your bulgogi. You need to get rid of that and then throw it on the grill! In all seriousnes, i am glad that you are doing well. I started a new diet and i am looking forward to our workout plans. Gonna try and whip the platfrom into shape Dlive style. Keep us updated and get some rest.

Nooooo!!! Was just plannig to go Daegu as you promised to cook and the nice BBQ!!! Anyway, glad you're recovering. Chinese fellas like to give red packets as good luck. 3, in Cantonese as same as "life". @tipu tip! 0.3 SBD for my friend as little red packet for more blessing in terms of health, happiness and wealth please.

Glad you made it. Wish you best of luck and good health!

Whoooppp!!! I was born in Fatima Hospital
but not in Daegu. In Ipoh, Malaysia. Hahaha

I wish I had heard about your problem sooner. Organic apple cider vinegar in 2oz shots taken daily dissolves liver stones and gallstones. It has been scientifically proved even! It has many other beneficial effects andI would urge you to look into it and start using on a daily basis to maintain top health. ❤️

👍👍 Glad your doing better.
speedy recovery buddy. take your time with healing don't over do anything.

If its been buried in the ground for a year leave it their. Don't eat it. LOL

Man, WTF! I'm so speechless.. I think I would have to have a full check up just to know if I have those freaky green thing, man.
Welcome back and happy for your successful operation! :D

I'm glad you made it, buddy. Scares like that are... well, scary!

Psst—If you really want to go vegan, my wife is vegan and I have been living that way more or less since meeting her, so I got tips.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

have a speedy recovery man. I had to ignore the NSFW part as i can't withstand the blood in the pictures.
Lots of Love and Support

Espero te recuperes pronto @kaliju de esa operación. Saludos y mucho animo

congratulations for successful operation :')

Hope you will be fine soon.

thanks god for successful operation, You'll get better soon

espero por su pronta mejoria y lamento tener que estar pasando por este desagradable momento amigo,voto por su salud,cuidese mucho,feliz noche

Ugh those photos xD But, I don't mind them! The important thing is that you're fine!

Welcome back bro! <3

Looks a little like an off color french burnt peanut. :) Get well and take care!

Omg is that your liver? 🤤
Thats scary af..

You got a 32.20% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @kaliju!

First of all congrats! Take care about your health and don't think that veganism is the best way. The best way is the good balanced feeding!

hopefully the pain quickly heal friend,@kaliju

I wish you quick recovery. Be strong!

Hi @kaliju! You have received 0.3 SBD tip from @davidke20!

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Clever boy

Wish you all the best my friend, GWS.. we pray for you

Thank God you are fine brother. Rest well.

Oh, those pictures are painful to watch but great to hear that everything went out successfully and no matter what it is, i want to wish you great health and life ahead and soon we want to see our Big Bro.

And we are waiting for your usual posts and hangouts. So, fighter come back soon.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed.

Is this the picture of your liver? I pray fast.

Glad you're up and around a bit.
I've learned a little about gallstones after a friend of mine was suffering from them. I don't think "fat" is the main issue here - sounded like it was more to do with oxalic acid in foods.

Here are a couple of articles from Mark's Daily Apple.
(Of particular note was the fact that vegan diets might actually increase the chance of stones!)

Anyway, I would strongly suggest checking out the alternative communities to see what their advice is.
Regardless of your chosen path, I wish you all the health you can have!

Oh myy... ohh bloody.... oh poor buddy!!!
That redd meattt is brain damager.... uhh can't think and organise well now....
Ok... wish you recover soon. Take care!!

lol I'm sorry I tried to warn with the NSFW and big text :D Sorry and thank you for your support!!! :)

No worries!! Just joking with my damaged brain.
NSFW is Not So Friendly Woman....?

Ah, I see haha no, it stands for Not Safe For Work :D

Hahahaha... alright.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is super gnarly. Happy it's out of you. I stopped eating meat because my mental health doctor pointed out that there are bugs crawling in certain meats that that can travel to and harm the brain.