Men don't fail, they give up trying. (The largest and purest diamond ever found)

in surpassinggoogle •  6 years ago  (edited)

Image source: Daily

In 1942, there were three men who had spent three months looking for diamonds in the Venezuelan water coast. One of them name Solano Rafael, woke up one morning feeling discouraged and physically exhausted. He then announced to his two other friends, " I am through here, there is no use going on any longer", I have picked up 999,999 stones (pebbles) so far, and there is no trace of a diamond! If I pick up another, it will be a million, so what's the use, I am quitting.

Almost immediately, one of the two other men screamed back at Solano " pick up another and make it a million". "All right", said Solano and stopped, put his hands on a pile of grizzy stones and pulled out one.

"Here it is", he said "the last one" but was unusual, almost the size of an egg and was heavier than the remaining 999,999 stones! He looked closer and screamed: Boys, "it is a diamond ".

Image source:

Harry wilson, a New York jewel dealer paid Solano $200,000 for that million pebble. Name, the liberator, "it was the largest and purest diamond ever found".

Take the last step forward, then put all your strength, your life might change forever.

If you think you are too small to be effective you have never been in bed with a mosquito- by Betty Reese

In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win next time. By Collier Robert

Men don't fail, they give up trying.........@cisse56

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