ow confused did they feel They searched for their mother in the crowd of people their dad as they were abandoned by their parents what emotional trace left in them This story is emphasized by a fictional story very Thin face when a person starts to think of something a bad brain begins to create a dominant in the study of Ukhtomsky we we know that the dominant pulls together the excitement to themselves, in simple terms, to accrete with such details and details that maybe there was not at all in real life, and thus the conclusion is simple. The more we remember a bad event in an unpleasant conversation a break close to a person dismissal from work some loss that we have experienced The more we remember it the more not the details Perhaps not related to reality is growing This is the story and the more it hurts Dr. Elizabeth Loftus from the University of California research Memories of victims of violence against people attacked caused them suffering and this doctor wanted to kill her at al
How confused did they feel They searched for their
7 years ago by sapogg (39)
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