Insanely Amasing SUper HIgh Zoom Cameras

in survalliance •  6 years ago  (edited)

this is like military level shit here... or really close....
although i guarattte u they have better stuff then this thats classifed cause i didnt even know u could see a mountain 50 + miles away till now thats publicly aviaible thats amasing!

not fun to be rich my asshole!

well if ur a stalking target n wonder why u cant ever seem 2 get away well yea its prety damm hard unless u got cloaking/teleporation tech....

course theres drones that can spy on like 4~5 square miles at once to the level of being able 2 see individual pepole and especially vechilces....

this level of stuff ur gunna have to shell out like probably $5~10,000 or more for so yea LOL

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