Exploring the Observed : Art and Architecture of Surveillance

in surveillance •  7 years ago 

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"I think we all have a personal experience of being under surveillance. But the character of surveillance is that you only see one side of the story." - Ai Weiwei

These images are from the exhibition "HANSEL & GRETEL" at the Park Avenue Armory in New York City. The show opens today, June 7th and on display for most of the summer. I'm excited to check it out. From what I can tell, the huge showroom floor has been outfitted with infrared cameras that record visitors as they explore the exhibition.

It's a commentary on surveillance and a division of space between the observed and the observer. This showcase puts both in the same room. You can look at the people being recorded while also being recorded yourself. It's an interesting experiment and visually, it looks pretty stunning. Cameras track you in real time. Neon red boxes project onto the floor, highlighting unique features of the subjects beneath them...


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All show images sourced from photographer © James Ewing.

Hacking Surveillance with Art

This exhibition reminded me of a post I did a while back about surveillance and artful attempts to mitigate it. We are being surveyed more and more everyday. For me (in New York City) that's a norm and reality that I accept. It's largely out of my control, but there are growing movements that seek to take back anonymity through things like haircuts and makeup designed to throw off an untrained digital eyeball.

One big digital eyeball belongs to Janus a new government sponsored program with a huge reach. It's an experimental research initiative organized by the U.S. Director of National Intelligence. The program uses powerful biometric facial-recognition software to sweep social media networks with the intention of compiling a digital library of faces.

"Radically expanding the scenarios in which automated face recognition can establish identity.... The goal of the Janus program is to enable dramatic improvements in unconstrained face recognition…to develop novel representations to encode the shape, texture, and dynamics of a face for the purpose of improving face recognition performance from video and still images, and then allowing higher performance search and retrieval based upon these more efficient representations.” Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). (Sourced from the Janus website)

A Dazzling Resistance

In light of this exhibition, I thought I might reshare the example of "CV Dazzle" by artist Adam Harvey... pictured above.

"CV Dazzle uses avant-garde hairstyling and makeup designs to break apart the continuity of a face. Since facial-recognition algorithms rely on the identification and spatial relationship of key facial features, like symmetry and tonal contours, one can block detection by creating an “anti-face”." (CVD website.)

If you're in NYC this summer make sure to check out the show! And a step further, maybe test out some new makeup when you visit ;)

follow me @voronoi | design collective @hitheryon

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As soon as I saw the anti-face, it clicked right away for me... I guess the only problem would have to be the fact that I don't have much hair, for the moment.

Thanks for the heads-up on this mad technology. The article is clear and well documented too. Namaste :)

And if anyone says "I have nothing to fear because I have nothing to hide" then kick them between the legs and if they ask why then answer:
Because I don't know if you have nothing to hide and must be sure.

Lol now THAT would make for some great performance art.

yeah check their "private" policy :D I'm seriously thinking on going on a camera spree, they aren't alive and vandalism shouldn't be "taxed" it's an expression of free will and should be respected. Buuut fuck me right, judged in front of peers :D (like any two humans are equal ever, everyone is different, if not the time is.)

I like the "anti-face" resistance idea, but I am actually wondering how effective it is at the end of the day. At some point, humans enter into the surveillance game, don't they?

Humans totally do play that game, culturally most of all. We crave surveillance-like entertainment in the form of reality tv, youtube, snapchat. We love it and we hate it. But I don't know if we can truly have it both ways...

In any case, one has humans on both sides: watched and watchers. We just need to try to make (a little bit) the life of the computer harder :)

Good article. I've been interested in CV Dazzle for a while now, it's a fascinating idea in this modern world of constant surveillance. That exhibition looks interesting as well.

Yeah, it's been interesting to watch unfold in recent years. I'll be curious to see how augmented reality or VR might combat this. Might be easier to wear a digital haircut!

I think a digital haircut would be easier to wear than some of those CV Dazzle ones, haha. I like how they look but I can't see myself walking around like that, it looks like too much effort.

find some scap plastic, cut it up, stitch it together, done you've saved the planet and made a fashionable haircut :) and the fishes will love you

This is my first exposure to this idea--It's beautiful. As a style that has a functional relationship to technology, I can see this sort of thing evolving extremely fast.

Great article!

This post received a 43% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @voronoi! For more information, click here!

I love love love this topic. The architecture of crime was a topic when I studied at USC and I chose Casino surveillance as my 5th year thesis. It led to other unrelated conclusions, but it was fascinating. Excellent article, thanks for sharing.

person of interes up vote

yeah I'm wondering why we are building such great things and leaving somebody to "secure" them for us, like they've been doing so well over the past few decades(....)

in china, there was "face-off" term, can be applied in your "anti-face" art....

nice post...

wow.. this post is more ART then anything. Very Neveux . Very differen then anything I have seen. Nice pictures thanks.

I knew it was you :) basically we are very close to a deus exy world, the music is nice the settings would be cyberpunk :D but eah I've heard of Janus, I'm sure there are other versions and types of AI's already aggregating information, Goo was running a chat ai that was almost human in a few years, now we have speech recognition, facial .. robots everywhere :D

As much as I wish I could look that cyberpunk, as a guy I'd look a bit odd with blond, black, and blue hair with airbrushed shading on my face. Solutions for us doods that wont get me arrested?

that was interesting to read :)