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Well first off - a different color please! For people like me who like using the "night mode" theme it is nearly impossible to see! I had to turn up my brightness nearly all the way. So keep in mind my opinion might be different than what a person using the standard theme might see.

As for which I like most: I'd take the fourth one. The first one is also good though. What I liked about the fourth font is that it is still large enough to be legible, but it is somewhat different than what I think I see most of the time.

#1 Was easiest to read for me. Definitely agree about a different color for night mode

I prefer bigger line spacing, as done in example 1 and 4. The word spacing in example 5 is too much imho.
On a computer I prefer reading sans-serif fonts, so out of all of these I like example 1 the most, even though, in printed text I think example 4 would be better.

Keep the SBD btw. 0.02 SBD is … well … I see what you're trying. This way you can limit the payout to 101 answers :-)

I prefer the last three fonts, but font 4 is more preferred as it would make it easier for readers to easily go through your content as opposed to others.
This is just my candid comment.

i think 1 is the best, but personally i like 4 more

Personally, I'd go with Font 4. It looks simple and clean, yet elegant. Easy to read, line and word spacing are perfect. I think it'll look good on a book.😊

I like font 1 better cause it has more spacing and it's bigger and better to read

i like the font 4 a lot

I feel like most people here have the right idea. I think most of us are saying that number four is the best. It's pretty easy to read, but it is also unique enough to be interesting.

Font n.3 it reads the most like a novel.

I think font 1 is good. It's pretty typical, and big enough to be easy to read.

Font 1 reads easier, is cleaner on a digital display too. The others tend towards almost blurring letters together and making for a "smudged" read.

Font #5 is the easiest to read because of the spacing. The text is very small though so it would have to be blown up.

Number 2 jumps out at me, it is balanced and neutral and could fit to both traditional fantasy as well as to more modern spins such as steampunk universes, it would be the ideal font for a game that includes timetravel and visiting different periods while keeping a single font throughout the game.

Number three would be my preferred one were you to go into more traditional ancient fantasy worlds. I do like the readability of number four slightly better, but number three vibes more with lore-ridden storytelling of a fairy- and elf- fantasy setting.

I forfeit any SBD prizes <3

I actually came here to build a bridge to you to this recent post where Kenny is looking for some input, and I had to think of ya instantly. EDIT: I confused you with someone ahahaha, still maybe it would be your thing ahahaha

Much love dude

Font 1 is the easiest to read but Font 4 is the most pleasing to look at.

Font 4 for sure. Clean and slick!

font 3 is the best

Font 1. It's the easiest to read.

Would need to know more to be 100% sure, but I personally am a fan of #2, but perhaps with more line spacing as in example #1. I'd also see #4 as a good alternative, depending on the style of the work.

I think # 5 is too far spread out; generous spacing is good, but it'd evoke high-school essays for me, and # 3 feels too tight. #1 would be okay, but I just prefer the font of #2 a little more in terms of size.

I like, in order: 1, 4, 3, 2, 5. Font 1 wins overall because of size and clarity, otherwise, I find fonts 4 and 3 neater and more stylish.

Hello friend, i recommended para 3 on 1st position and para 2 on 2nd position

I find Font3 the best !

Font 4 has nice spacing and the font itself is good

I work in communications/marketing in RL and my choice would be Font 2 because it is the most sleek and professional looking. Font 1 is more clear to read, but the size is simply too big.

I like font 3 the most, it feels the most professional and I find it the easiest to read. In that aspect I find font 1 a bit difficult to read because the spacing between letters and words is very similar making it a bit confusing.

Nonetheless I would make font 3 slightly bigger to make reading easier.

I like the first paragraph. It is much easier to read.

Font 3 will develop a better professional impact on the reader/audience.

I prefer example 1 - basic font is just fitting for everything. If you want to use it for a mysterical story I'd use either 3 or 5, imo they fit best in this case.

I think Font 1 reads easier and clearer

Font one looks the best.

I found font #1 the easiest to read. But to say which one is best would depend on the context, I suppose.

In my opinion the most comfortable option to read is number 4. I like the space between lines and the typography used.

I prefer the formatting in paragraph 4, personally. I think it is the most visually pleasing.

i like font 4, it feels like reading on my kindle. the others are good, but font 2 is a big no!

Number one is easiest to read :-)

Number 1