Would you buy this life-saving solar device for $45 in STEEM?

in survival-archive •  5 years ago  (edited)

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After coming up with the idea for a @survival-archive account from which you can download PDF books & films to save them on small devices like a phone or tablet which can be powered by solar, I realised there was an opportunity here beyond simply wanting to help people gain access to important information at times of emergency when there may be no power/phone/access to internet.

I don't want to tell you I am expecting this kind of future but I do want to tell you it would be prudent to prepare. What is it they say? Prepare for the worst, expect for the best.

Once you have all these potentially life saving books on your phone or table, all you need is a solar device, just to give you that extra security of mind knowing there is NOTHING which is going to stop you getting to that information.

Thanks to a great suggestion by @dmwh I believe we now have a perfect blockchain based solution for hosting all these books & films. Update on this coming soon.

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The need for a reliable, portable & versatile solar device

If you're gonna have a solar device you might as well have a multi purpose one, right?
There are many options on Amazon and yeah, they look cool some of them. They are cheap too, but I wonder how they will perform ten years from now?

The only company I can REALLY vouch for is Sundaya not only because I use their products but also because feel a deeper connection to this company and the mission behind it.

The deeper connection

While living in an eco community in Bali two years ago by 'chance' one morning I met a man named Maurice Adema (MD of Sundaya) who was making a cup of tea in my kitchen.

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Not at all annoyed by his presence I sat and chatted with him. It turned out he had been friends with the recently deceased father of my best friend and we went on to chat about all manner of conspiracies. I felt instantly connected with him.

The point is that he is an exceptionally talented designer and forward minded individual who has been been in this business a long time, albeit thwarted for the most part by the diesel loving government of Indonesia who like all governments of the world, don't enjoy the idea of people creating their own decentralised power.

A few weeks after meeting Maurice, I edited this film because I felt his message to be an important one. And it felt like a great premiere for @steemtv

His Sundaya products are made in Java, yet they are durable and have a long life span.

How do I know this for sure?

The proof is in the pudding!

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I came across a woman on Kepa Island who had been using Sundaya solar at her diving resort for over 30 years because there is no electricity here. We stayed for a week and wow, it was special. You can see the panels on some of the roofs.

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We didn't want to leave, as I'm sure you can imagine.

The point here is that the lady who ran the resort told me the Sundaya panels still worked great after all this time so be in no doubt, these products are designed to last, unlike lots of the fancy looking 'made in china' rubbish you will find on Amazon.

To give you an idea of how amazing his products are, please watch this time-lapse film I made, demonstrating the JouleBox.

Notice how the JouleStick can be charged from the JouleBox.

You can clearly see how these kits are perfect for anyone looking to minimise their connection to the electricity grid. Or, in the case of many Indonesians, this represents freedom from diesel generators and kerosene lamps.

The money bit

Unlike my dad I have never been much good at making money the 'business' way. I make money of course, as we all must, but I do it a different way, manifesting it through finding stuff which makes me tick creatively... and don't give much thought to the actual numbers. I leave that to Sabrina!

On this occasion however, I must consider some numbers.

As a Sundaya rep and re-seller, this is what I am looking at.
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The JouleStick 50PK is the one we need because it has a USB adaptor and fits the JouleBox if you ever feel like expanding your kit.

In order for me to sell you the JouleStick 50PK for STEEM I must buy a bunch of them. As you can see, 250 units will cost me $28 per unit. Total cost, $7000. Yikes!

I am perhaps being a bit optimistic to imagine that 250 of you will buy one of these from me???!!!!

A more realistic 20 units would be $39 each and a total of $780 for me.

This I can just about afford, however the question remains...

Can I sell 20 JouleSticks?

My father would turn in his grave (if he had one) knowing I want to sell them to you at cost.

Realistically I must add something because I still have to get them here from Indonesia.

So, let's say I sell them for $45 in STEEM. Plus packaging & postage.

  • How does that sound?

  • Would you buy one?

  • Is this too much, not enough?

Answers on a postcard please!

I would appreciate a resteem so that I may get some semblance of an idea as to whether or not I'm going to end up with 20 JouleSticks I cannot sell.

Have a great weekend everyone!

...and don't forget to follow the @survival-archive account.

This is the view from that Bali kitchen I mentioned ;)

Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

He is travelling with his partner & two children and with no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over two years.

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Sam supports @naturalmedicine because they are seeking to help us in ways which go far beyond money. Please come and join us on Discord


All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.


All non original photo sources can be found by clicking on the image

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Solar is definitely the way forward, I hope you get lots of interest it is a great little piece of equipment. I am very happy with my Solar set up, do need to replace my batteries soon though.
Love the timelapse video you made and the clip for your Documentary, the energy deception, is that still available anywhere to watch? xxx

Am thinking I will have to advertise it in a different way to get the interest I am looking for.

Without wanting to be spammy, I would have to repeat the post many times.

Or attack everyone in the Discord groups????!!!!

It was just an idea. Let's see how it plays out... I am still 100% GO on getting those books made available to everyone.

Thanks for watching the films btw! I feel such a connection with what I love to do most and I really enjoy knowing that you of all people watch them 🙏🏻

I completed part 1 for The Energy Deception, which can be seen here. It's 10mins long.

During the editing of part 2 I realised that @steemtv simply could not be sustained without funding. I still think it is a great idea and perhaps will come back to it one day. What could be better than steem powered decentralised documentaries! Once crypto moons ;)

Part 4 of Fountains Abbey is done now. Uploading today...

There has been lots of rain recently so Sammy has been catching up with his vlogs!

Sunday hugz x

I would have to do some more research but yes we would probably buy one. When you believe in what you are selling it is a game changer.

Thank you for showing some interest. I will get back in touch if I decide to go ahead and buy them.

I understand how hard it is for everyone right now making ends meet, let alone buying stuff that doesn't seem essential.

Fingers crossed, something good will come from this...

These do look interesting. Does the 50PK have some sort of hanging light?

I am looking for something to give me a bit of extra light in the greenhouse when I am checking it for slugs in the evening. There is no electricity there so this looks like it could do the job...?

With our low winter sun would the panel charge at all if I bring it inside while I have the electric lights on?

Will there be any issue with custom duties to bring them into the country? Will you be shipping them to the UK or to France?

I imagine there will be some custom duties and was intending to ship them to France.

I see no reason why you couldn't hang up the torch using the strap, but you would have to detach it each time you need to re-charge. Can't say for sure how they will fare with an English winter, but I have found mine to perform great on a windowsill. Doesn't seem to need direct sunlight, just daylight.

This shot shows the 200PK which has a slightly wider lamp attachment than the 50PK.
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If you are intending to use it as a torch, this would be perfect but as a more ambient hanging light it's probably not the right thing.

Thank you for these little interactions.

I realise now that most of us cannot conceive of the day when power no longer comes out of the hole in the wall. So there is no sense of urgency to get one. And maybe everyone is right? And I am just peddling fear here?

Or maybe not???

I just found this film I had forgotten about. Man, I've made so many!

The Ulitium looks more like what are after.

Ah... and here is the 'what's in the box' time-lapse version!

Like I said, so many films...

good job

it will be if anyone buys these kits ;)