in survivalist •  9 years ago 

Here are some of my favorite survivalist file downloads and i store the information off line if the internet ever goes down.

  1. POLE SHIFT SURVIVAL (This one has 14 gigabytes of pdf files for download).

  2. This is a great program for downloading entire websites of survivalist information on to your
    hard drive.

  3. This is a good program for downloading all of Wikipedia onto your computer for off line viewing. you can even save it to a thumb drive.

  4. This one - CD3WD contains many gigabyes of survival information for third world countries. It is still available on the torrents. If you don't know how to torrent information, find out. It is very useful for downloading gigabytes of information.
    (6) third world survival cds
    -one of many torrenting programs

  5. This guy has dvds of survivalist information on blue rays or usb for a reasonable price. I ordered it on 32 dvds, but i don't see it on the site. Check it out. It is a lot of information.

Did you know if you can't get gas for cars, many can be converted to run on wood? Check this out. It is called woodgas and there are many pdfs and videos on how to do it. (You can download the entire video and save it on your hard drive. )

Do you know how to pump water out of a stream, uphill with no electricity? You can build this and pump water to your house.

Another ram pump

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Thank you for that list of links... it will be a big help.