In a Nut Shell by Lucia Natalia Aguilar


The former definition of a “seed” in most standard dictionaries states:
A seed is the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows.

Our commitment to living organisms is so dismal, that our own dictionaries reflect the impoverished view of their intellectuals’ sons and daughters of a careless society, that after two thousand years still want to use the same definitions as the ancient Greeks. Perhaps the starvation and exploitation is so prevalent that most people, haven’t the strength or time to understand why living being needs to breath or eat?

So what is inside a seed, that makes it so special?

We are not going review the botanical aspect here, but I would like to point out that seeds are everywhere. We produce and carry our own seeds, the most important relationships are those related to procreation. The terms of endearment not always flows as we would like to imagine, in general the natural affection for the children and offspring is universal. Over deluded expectations might give way to poor judgement, the unbelievable horrors stuns us, as we stumble upon the discovery of cruelty, neglect and shear torture inflicted to humans of all ages.

The study of human behavior was the focus of psychology, yet after a hundred of applied psychological notions, not much has changed the exploitation and savagery has not diminished. The compunction derived from willful ignorance, or as Hans Christian Andersen wrote in as the inner dialog of each member of the court; “Am I stupid?" he thought. "I can't believe it, but if it is so, it is best no one finds out about it. But maybe I am not fit for my office. No, that is worse, I'd better not admit that I can't see what they are weaving." Most of the people do not notice how easily it is to fall into the habit of lying to one self.
This behavior has invaded the relationships with the living world and inverted it to the adoration of symbols, gadgets, toys and expensive stuff. Many omit the manipulation, the “power of suggestion” is what the story of the Emperor’s new clothes is really about, most miss that Mr. might wanted ridicule the king, but the story is about the dress maker’s scam:

“One day two swindlers came. They told everybody that they were weavers and that they could weave the most marvelous cloth. Not only were the colors and the patterns of their material extraordinarily beautiful, but the cloth had the strange quality of being invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office or unforgivably stupid”

*Excerpt from The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen

Over and over the scam take new shapes, but it is still a scam! These are the seeds of deception, toxic poison emanating from parasitic beings, skillful as they have become invisible to many cultures throughout the centuries. And by reading the compass of our senses we can determine if something is healthy or it makes us sick. These sense making elements are part of every seed. [The word compass means as a verb: accomplish, achieve, bring off, carry off, carry out, commit, do, execute, follow through (with), fulfill (or fulfill), make, negotiate, perform, perpetrate, prosecute, pull off, and put through] This too is what we have inside a seed.

There are all those elements waiting to be born, and become a process.

A creature and or a plant (plants are people too) depends that all the elements (humidity, temperature, darkness and light) in the environment are just right, to trigger the process of exchanging energy, producing nonstop re-birthing and reproducing itself takes place, and until depolarization occurs and stops a part or the whole process.

This why anything at any time can cease to exist. We are not a figment of some imaginary construct. Why is it that some trees live over a thousand years? we should study; what are the conditions that allow this process to succeed?

Instead we seem to be in a haze under “the spell” of a magical potion that makes us feel so well, so blissful, that we truly find it unnecessary to learn anything different, curiosity has been beating out of us.
In the city noise, motors, artificial smells, mask and constrain our every thought and action. Little dogmas distilled, trick people into thinking that if it is “very expensive” it has to work, must be fantastic!
Another misconstrued notion “profit making” or “Bottom-line” no one sees the problem, even if they end up in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer. The family will sigh and say he or she is a workaholic… As if that, was some kind of virtue.
To be continued...

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