My love for life makes me wish to be able to converse in many languages. However, as a linguist it's not my best subject. Due to lack of education and zero friends I speak with very few to date. In 2015 I would reenter music by way of comment made by my belated grandmother. Her advice was always great and she helped me mix the ideas of multiples of languages with music. I like the idea of studying languages with music. I wanted to create music that would provide a purpose to those that wish to study a foreign language with sufficient content for the task. My grandmother passed away and my time consideration for music was dissolved with a need to clean her home to prepare it's sale. Of all the things I've lost, the loss of this album doesn't bring me to tears. I would give anything to go back to the moment my grandmother passed away to take more things from the home rather than see them swept away in the yard sale. It was my goal to have my companies not only furnish my education. But, my home. I wanted the home in Paramus because I grew up in there for many years. The recall in memories on the property are endless. I still want to buy it back one day and provided I'm rich in the future I'll pay too much for it if I have too.
"LIT? I am LIT! Predate this!"
Disclaimer : The posts on @Sutter sharing slideshare are not seeking investment or investors in their placement in Steemit articles. The LLC's owned by Suisse Ombrelle L.L.C. were hacked into default by terrorists and limited liability corporation owner is openly acknowledging that the corporation Suisse Ombrelle is a defaulted company. These shares are made to reference previous ideas and experience in business planning. If there are any additional questions please contact Christian Thomas Sutter at [email protected]
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