💎 Steemit Vision Quest - Week 7: “Lucky”

in svq •  7 years ago  (edited)


I like to create women's circles.
To bring together women of all ages and from different walks of life.
To share our stories, to share our knowledge, to learn from one another.
To heal, to sing and to dance.
To be creative, to inspire, to play.
To celebrate our differences.

We always sit together in a circle, to symbolise our unity and our support for one another and also because we come together as equals.
Sometimes I like to start with a circle of gratitude, were each women says what she is grateful for.


Today I am grateful for my children who bring such joy and learning into my life.
I am grateful for the sun, that warmed me today and kissed my skin.
I am grateful for my health, that I am able to be fully present for my family.
I am grateful to be part of steemit,in that it has allowed be to become creative again.

But something that deserves our gratitude everyday is what I want to share with you in a poem.
Because for me being lucky is something that is more to do with your life choices.
Where as what this is something that we are all so LUCKY to have and be a part of.



You keep us alive
You allow us to breathe
Your Trees comfort and shelter us
You provide us with all that we need.
The soil so fertile,
so full of life.
Bringing forth so many plants
to nourish us and
keep us alive.
The water that flows
that connects us all.
The mushrooms that transform
and are our life force.
The cycle of life
that keeps us all in balance,
The seasons that bring
so much wisdom and knowledge .
The sun that feeds
and warms to the core
The moon that transforms
and cleanses us all.
How lucky we are,
to call you our home


All photos are my own

The Steemit Vision Quest has been created by @cabelindsay. If you wish to know more about this great quest and to get involved please check it out here https://steemit.com/svq/@cabelindsay/steemit-vision-quest-week-7-lucky

Thank you @cabelindsay @eaglespirit, @rensoul17, and @girlbeforemirror for bringing us all together and inspiring us to be more creative.

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers.

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quite Lovely! my favourite bit is:

The moon that transforms
and cleanses us all.

Thank you @eco-alex, I'm really enjoying getting to express myself in poetry, it had been left at the sidelines since I became a mother, but being on here brought it back to me.


Great poem darling, so beautiful written!

thank you Niina for all your support and lovely words of encouragement.

This is beautiful. Expressing deep gratitude is one of the most grounding things I can think of. Thanks for writing this!

thank you @lilycampbell, it is a really important practice to do.

A sweet poem, and a lovely meditation on the bounty of nature—well done!

thank you @tessaragabrielle.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Truly an inspiring piece.

How lucky we are,
to call you our home

Goes to show we should be stewards of our own planet, its the only one we have.

thank you @cmbugua

I love it!! So great to have gratitude for nature and all the gifts she gives us. We really are lucky :)

Thank you @sagescrub, yes that is how I consider myself to be the luckiest x

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

thank you @cabelindsay x

Yes, lucky we are.

Thank you @clara-andriessen x

I learned about doing things in circles at the one World Rainbow gathering in Costa Rica ( 2004 ) I have applied it to many difficult situations since with Great success. 💕 Pure Magic. Are you a Rainbow? I just made a post about the Rainbow Gathering I just attended in Panama. But barely scratched the surface, but will continue soon I hope....
Love Always 💗